Why was it bombarded with negative steam reviews recently...

Why was it bombarded with negative steam reviews recently? Also is it a good alternative to cs:go and will it last a few more years? Thinkgen of buyin.

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Recent community standards change where they ban people for using slurs like nigger, faggot, etc.

Great game but prepare to grind until you are an old man.

Even with the standard edition?

At this point yes, unless you pay 4 times the price for the normal game to skip the grind.

Dont bother they are ruining it now. Global Abilities.
Ela Ferf
Removing all the good maps from ranked
Ela Nerf.
Newest map is shit.
Ela Nerf.
List goes on.
This plus cancerous monetization models.

say faggot and get banned

>mad about Ela nerf
>when the Scorpion Evo was one of the strongest weapons in the game

You'll gain the base operators for free now with the standard edition but all dlc ops (which im pretty sure is about half the cast now) will take about 10-15 hours to unlock a piece.
Been playing for a long time so I've just bought them as ive accumulated the in-game renown but just be aware I have roughly 200 hours and im still missing some of the ops.

I have 650 hours, all the ops including the two new ones with 100k renoun left. You can do the math to figure out how long it would take for you to buy the worthwhile dlc ops

It will definitely last a few more years and is a good alternative to CSGO but is far slower and more asymmetrical. I can only assume the Steam review bombing is due to the "toxicity" ban system which sounds like sissy shit on paper but globally announces most of the bans which is a fucking riot.

Could also be bitching about Finka and Lion, the new operators, being insanely strong.

The Standard Edition is hardly grindy at all. You can unlock new ops at about a rate of one per week if you play reliably but don't no-life, less if you're good and win a lot. Plus you get all the pre-DLC ops for free and that in itself is a reliable selection since it includes god tier fun ops like Mute, Ash,
and Fuze along with perma-meta ops like Thermite and Jager.

You're fucked if you buy the Starter Edition though.

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There was no reason to take away impacts or double her recoil AND reduce damage. If they wanted a minor nerf sure. But she wasn't as OP as shitters make her out to be I never had problems against her. Now she is flatout unusable when Ubi conveniently has a brand new season pass to shill. Im struggling to find an effective three speed roamer this season now.

it's just ubisoft being ubisoft again.

base game is incredibly fun and unique, but new updates keep adding unfun operators and insane power creep, especially with global effects that can't be countered
for example - base operator Ash gets a gadget to blow holes in walls from far away
Op from the expansion before last called Zofia gets the same gadget, plus four flash grenades and the ability to get back up from being downed unassisted.

I understand WHY you want to ban "toxic" stuff. Even though I am a nice guy and don't use racial slurs and shit, sometimes I jokingly talk over the mic and with these new community standards, something I say can be taken out of context and I can be banned for it, which results in me losing a game that I've supported and paid well over $60 for. This makes me afraid to talk over the mic and communicate with my team.
>$50 on release
>$20 for Year 1 Ops
>$30 for Year 2 Ops
>$30 for Year 3 Ops
>$30 for various over microtransaction bullshit
I've paid half a fucking console for this game and it can just be taken away from me in an instant because I made an off color joke.

pretty sure they only ban for text communication, desu
nobody's gonna sit through hundreds of hours of voice chat, or save it for that matter

>effective 3 speed roamer
Jager is as always one of the best roamers.

I use him. But I want muhh impacts and someone with a more roamercentric ability. IDK Ela was the only nonretarded op to come out in a while. Maybe Lession to.

>being this copper
Zofia's gadget is a fucking grenade launcher. She's also a two speed and her self revive leaves her with 5% health and takes a full 5 seconds. Ash blows her out of the fucking water because she's a three speed with tiny hitboxes and godly guns.

You don't actually think Zofia is better than Ash, do you?

Found the ela player

You ignore the fact Ash has a low pickrate in any tourney because she ISN'T that good. Ela and Hibana get picked almost every match. Hardly any original ops are picked as much as the later released ones. They have no idea how to balance them, they make them all too powerful and buff the older ones to compensate.

This is my problem with it as well. Especially when all games have mute features. It was never an issue to begin with either. I have found the Siege community to be pretty chill and well self policed. Granted in low ELO there are some cancerous teenagers but just git gud. I have fun fucking with them on my smurf too so its fine.
Not him, but I get the vibe Ubisoft tries to make every new OP sound ridiculous and OP too sell season passes even if it is not the case. But generally it is, because season pass sales.

Idk m8 a 50 bullet laser with one of the highest rpm on 3 speed is retarded. Her ability is hella good too which makes her good at literally everything from roaming to anchoring

haven't played in months but it was the goat

>caring about steam reviews in 2016+2

Hibana is picked so much because she's a hard breacher like Thermite. But she's squishier and the X-KAIROS doesn't work as well as Thermite's charges.
Also you're neglecting how a lot of the DLC operators are hot garbage. When was the last time anyone cared about Buck, Vigil, Ying, or Capitao?

You have to excessively talk shit every game for this to happen tho. You won't get banned for saying nigger once or twice in a game.

Lion and Finka are on some shit. They'll be nerfed when enough people buy them with real money, as is the status quo.

Hibana isnt OP, and Ela is now useless. Hibana has a high pick rate because of the utility of a hard breach. Its the same as twitch. Why does everyone think high pick rate =OP or "better"
It had moderate but controllable recoil after the first nerf. And Mines were already nerfed as well. She was never an anchor you silly shitter. She was OP day one because
Then they fixed her and people still complained. The huge clip is useless now because fighting two people at once is impossible with the damage and recoil.
Buck and Vigil are pretty good though...

Capitao got nerfed hard because he was in every game. Para was once a good weapon and 2 HE nades made him a must pick. His gadget had always been meh tier tho. Also thermite is not picked as much because you rarely need 2 full size breaches, his weapon is shit and he have to expoae himself much more than habanero on some maps

Caviera is literally made to be a roamer, not some polack in sweatpants

>game gets popular with normalfags thanks to reddit and Sup Forums faggots
>game is ruined forever
lmao at you losers you ruined another game you liked.

Ash has a low pickrate in tourneys because she has almost no team contribution compared to someone like Thatcher or Thermite/Hibana who is borderline fucking essential because both sides are perfectly coordinated. She's a god in soloq and casual (arguably the best Attacker in the game and easily top 5) because she can rush through an unprepared defense before the defenders can react, that's her entire shtick.

even tho new ops look fun they dont feel like they belong in siege at all
the base ops and first year were good anything after that has become too dumb and overpowered imo
also defenders just keep getting traps meanwhile attackers get even better stuff thats upgrades from older operators which is dumb and look like theyre just pushing that for season pass sales

>Why was it bombarded with negative steam reviews recently?
Why not read them yourself? A lot of them are complaining about Starter Edition. Some weren't happy with the new update.
>Also is it a good alternative to cs:go and will it last a few more years?
It's only growing right now so I don't see why it wouldn't.
>Thinkgen of buyin.
Don't buy the starter edition

>hating on traps
fuck off, lesion is one of the most fun ops in the game

Yes but Cav is shit. Im not trying to fuck around in Silver.

>Thermite is a required pick
>Give an alternative to pick instead
>Thatcher is a required pick
>Literally 9 DLC drops have gone by and he's STILL a required pick
What the fuck

She can play anchor because of her ability and strong weapon. Whether it's the most effective playstyle is irrelevant, some times you need to go back and ahe can set up shop quick. Compared to every other defender she has the most versatility

>muh traps
im not saying theyre not fun but it just feels lazy as fuck to keep shitting out trap operators instead of something else

This image is EXCELLENT!

Despite its flaws it's way better than csgo


*cough* Twitch *cough*

>big fard xdddd

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High pick rate in tournaments means they have strengths that warrant picking them over someone else. Hibana is almost always picked over thermite for obvious reasons

he's not absolutely necessary, except on certain sites like hereford first floor on secure area where you absolutely need the extra breach
on most sites you can get away with twitch, or iq and buck through a floor, or even fuze, sometimes
thatcher is just dedicated to making it much easier while sacrificing another op's gadget that might be useful

All those players seem like someone who would rage and teamkill after they do some dumbshit round 1 and everyone laughs at them.

What are the pick rates, anyway? I'd conjecture that more versatile/consistently useful operators are higher (IE more Thermite than Twitch), but I don't have a single fact to back that up.

There's no goddamn reason Twitch drones shouldn't be able to jump.

You can easily roll around as her in plat and diamond bub. Just don't expect getting interrogations off. Randoms rarely watch drones while dead for some reason

Yeah also the prominence of global abilities is annoying.
Attacking has become walking around looking for traps.
Defending, especially roaming has become complete cancer.
>phone rings
>scan incoming
>10 seconds of standing still later
>phone rings
>scan incoming
>Jackal is tracking you.
Its not even that its OP or anything it just takes the fun out of it. Add then you get the drop on someone and they randomly have 120 health no recoil and super speed... i wish companies would focus on polishing the game they have or rolling out occasional expansions instead of NEW OPS every couple of months.
But she isnt good at it. Its done as a rotste or necessity. Running traps on base is bad you will just stun your team. I put them on choke points a bit off base or places I will want a warning if someone enters by.
Yes but its just a utility that is the most versatile she is not OP or anything and Thatcher still has uses.
Cav is not viable in Plat at all...

>I use ela mines as early warning and never place them on site
why not just play lesion or some shit then

Fucking casualtrash.
I regret spending 8 bucks on this.


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Ela is a better roamer and with three speed I can still get there while they are stunned and kill them. Likewise putting it on stairs or a chokepoint teammates can get them while stunned. Putting them on site so my team can get stunned is cointerintuitive.

Is it a 1x1 closet you're defending?

Range is pretty decent and team mates might want to make aggressive moves on doors or windows. I see no reason not to use them more strategically anyway. I thought this was common practise.

the dlc chars get worse every season and the balance patches are just ridiculous
meanwhile ubi thinks its more important to ban "toxic" players while hackers still roam in ranked
combine all that with the new strong independent operator who dont need no authority and you get a bad review

>strong independent operator who dont need no authority
finka is literally just the stereotypical Russian woman aside from her shit haircut
if you want to shit on an operator for being tumblrshit look at ela or even doki, finka's lore is just fine and probably the most grounded and realistic of any female op in the game in regards to her military service

I meant all three of them but thanks for proving that

The game is a good alternative to CSGO. It replaced it for me but because this is an ubisoft game, you might run into some problems around the game.