First time I've been excited for a Far Cry game, but my god those graphics, that setting, the lore, the open world, fucking flying with a plane, everything I can ask for.

Who here /hype/?

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a sage

So what's the consensus? Does it actually have the potential to be good for an ubishit game? Like Asscreed Origins wasn't god awful.

>its the same ubishill thread
no thanks im not buying your microtransaction ridden single player shooter

Ubi came out and said they learned from Origins that not rushing a game out and taking a little extra time to polish the game was a good idea, so chances are this one will be a slightly polished snoozefest.

I am certain that the folks at ubisoft learnt their lesson. Assassins Creed Origins was freaking epic, as soon as I finished the main story I bought the season pass. Now I am having tons of fun with the new expansion, and I can't wait for Far Cry 5.

I see this same post with this same file name every fucking day. NOBODY wants to play your drap Ubishit games.

>people fall for the meta shitpost bait every day

Why are people getting excited about this? What is so different about Far Cry 5 compared to the previous games or other Ubisoft open-world cancer?


>took the release week off
feels good

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Shooting cultists, defending FREEDOM from usurpers, fishing.

nothing, it is the same shit over and over and over again, I enjoyed Fc3 and blood dragon but this look like shit and will play the exact same as the other games, I guarantee it

>ironic shilling
what has this board become

Great, another sandbox where a fucking sniper with a silencer is equal too a goddamn nuke. But no, everyone LOVES explosions and not a good story or engaging gameplay that’s difficult and entertaining

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Oh boy a FC3 reskin. Can't wait!

Nice copypasta. Stop shilling ubishit

Why is Ubishill astroturfing so hard on Sup Forums?

Fuck off you fucking faggot ubishill.

I actually perfer that.

I for one can't wait to trigger the annoying alt-rightists that infest this board


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I'm gonna play Atelier Lydie and Suelle instead

I can't tell who's jewing who

I enjoyed both Far Cry 3 and 4, and 2 is one of the coolest games I've played. I'll definitely be downloadan day one, and if it goes on sale down the line I'll pick it up.

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Stop shilling, sage

map creator looks fun and they cut out the bullshit radio towers. ill probably pick it up on sale

Counter-sage. Unlike you KHVs I have a family to feed.

Its shills and trolls.

>I'll definitely be downloadan day one
>and if it goes on sale down the line I'll pick it up

Meaning it's a day one pirate and then I'll buy it when the price drops during a steam sale or humble bundle.

shill thread remember to sage

Not me, this series peaked with Vaas and everything afterwards was shit. Prove me wrong.

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I can't, it's an opinion. Silly user