>he isn't playing FFXV
Explain yourself.
He isn't playing FFXV
Other urls found in this thread:
I had a better time with Tales of Berseria than I did this embarrassment of a "Final Fantasy" game.
The game isn't good and I don't want to waste my time with it anymore
How come nobody is doing anything with the models?
looked a little convoluted
But I'm playing areana's game already.
Damn those are nice feet textures.
Shitgame in a shit franchise
im waiting for the game to be finished and have all the dlc out to even consider playing it
what nail polish color is that on the right?
I want areana to sit on my face.
Because I'm not going to waste my time playing an unfinished mess of a game that needed to be released a second time with a second season pass just to reach 15% done.
its this new color called black
I got a wife.
exploration is kinda cool but at the same time I'm feeling a bit disconnected with the experience. and I'm already hearing the boys repeating themselves
Im not retarded
What is it with modelers and giving women male feet? That's so lazy. Men and women do not have the same feet.
Going to buy it once it goes on sale.
when do you think it will reach less than €15 on g2jew?
>buying from key sites
Might as well just pirate it.
No best bro bare feet pics
Gladio confirmed nigger
played the demo and wasn't impressed. I actually managed to play XIII longer without getting bored, which is pretty sad
i'm, the game feels kinda empty and i getting a MGS V vibe from this where i can clearly see the potential only to get really disappointed at how it all is wasted.
You are coming into our thread screeching autistically though
Waiting for Iris mods.
and luna mods
>they made half a skirt to cover up her ass
>they made the skirt half to show her ass
Which one is it Sup Forums?
So, which one is faster?
The Regalia of the boat?
that's not actually aranea
Do you have the sass?
>t-this is OUR thread
>this place was made for US
>f-feet lovers unite amirite..!
Final "Fantasy"
already finished it. comrades is so boring though, without the story it's pretty much a generic single player mmo with boring fetch quests.
Noctis' hair is proof that anime hair doesn't work in real life.
It's so fucking ugly using a realistic style to do that anime hair.
>Explain yourself.
The game isn't complete yet. I don't want to waste my time with an inferior experience.
I'll probably play it when it's actually finally complete.
yes, it feels kinda empty because there are no systemic elements to the gameplay, except maybe for the point warp system and the magic. So, the only things that are left to do in the world, gameplay wise, is fighting, fishing and taking pictures, since all the other aspects converge into making these easier. That aside, the immersion aspect in it is top notch. When you are questing and travelling around, it feels very real, since you have to do everything with the characters, from waking up, to bed time as the days go by and they have surprising and interesting dialogue to go along. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Why would I play FFXV when I just want blender porn and images of the girls foot models. Any tumblrs with good porn up already?
if you see them doing regular girly things in game, the porn becomes even hotter later.
Well my attention is mainly the bitch in black. Does she play a prominent role in the game?
I love when you wake up and each character is busy doing something around the town.
Hair mods when.
Is it even possible?
not really
So then what are the "regular girly things" you speak of. I do like Cid
She never summons her lance during the main story, only during Prompto
It's probably an Ardyn doppelganger
I'm still baffled by how much Luna porn there is compared to the other girls. She's literally one of the worst heroines in the franchise and she clearly is the least sexy of all the XV girls. I'm so fucking salty.
I want Ignis porn
Give me one reason I should. And no I don't care about your waifu shit.
PC anons will never quite understand how utter GARBAGE this game was at launch.
>no monster encyclopedia
>no off-road Regalia
>no chapter select
>limited hunt capacity
>no character switch
>buggy as all hell
>Insomnia was a short as fuck, linear area
>none of the added cutscenes, or sequences like Chapter 13 Verse 2
>none of the recently patched-in combat mechanics, like Cross Chains or new Armiger
>none of the newer introduced quest lines
It's essentially been an early-access game with a season pass (and a promise of another), a PSN Store riddled with DLC, and a fucking paid expansion pack too. The audacity of SE.
Convince me to buy this animu shit.
Don't buy it
That's a good thing I guess.
I had no interest in the game before it was announced on PC so it was just released for me and I enjoyed it a lot.
>She never summons her lance during the main story,
She actually does you brainlet. It's just magitec.
Why would I ever want to play that steaming dumpster fire a second time? The first one destroyed my faith in a long-standing franchise and the studio that produces it. The only good thing that's going to come out of it is SFM porn.
ah yes, to sad he hides it behind patreon
>playing a turn based RPG that morphed into some skyrim clone to stay relevant
those plastic like tits lel.
FFXV killed my desire to play FF games.
And then I played XIV actually got some of my interest back. Finished V today. It was fun
>And then I played XIV actually got some of my interest back
Don't worry, that'll pass once you realise how lazy the XIV devs are.
thats some real fucking pathetic attempt to sound smart.
this not being real aranea kinda makes sense though since she says Noctis asked her to take care of prompto, but he never does that
>open world that is empty
>enemies are bullet sponges
>you need to be close enough to get a hit
>makes you feel you are in a RPG instead of a RNG
>uses the lore it already had to basically cash out people on its "deep story"
yea right, skyrim didnt took 10 years and like 7 downgrades to make...
This annoys me more than it should purely because it means instead of character development for an NPC that didn't get much time we got more of le rusemaster Ardyn trolling the characters.
At least I can safely say, without even playing this hot turd, that it's better than XIII. Because nothing can be worse than that explosive diarrhea.
i remember asking myself "when is this getting good?" and then the game ended. xiii was so boring.
I dunno. I feel like even if I eventually get burnt out of XIV, I'm still into the series again. Trying to figure out which version of VI to download right now. Planning on either playing Tactics or IX after that
As bad as XIII was I can't remember a point in the game where I hated it as much as I did with XV's launch Chapter 13, that was a truly awful experience.
I don't think it's Ardyn, FFXV honestly isn't smart enough for that
Oh man! That WEBM makes me actually want to try this game out. That chickabo is fucking GAR, I love that the car turns around for revenge and then pussies out.
Why does it feel like I'm playing XIV when playing this game? Does it use the same engine?
What sort of cuck do you have to be to give a fucking shit about feet?
Sauce? I don't think I've seen this one.
Is the mobile version ok too? Or do you miss a lot of stuff.
Yes. They both use Luminous
They have the same foundation but the games use different engines
Considering Prompto gets kidnapped again by the end, then put in storage at the Keep, it could be it was Ardyn all along, having his fun (or being the fucking bipolar he was in the game) with Prompto.
Cindy and Luna have tons
brb refunding
They removed a lot of things and made things more linear. Some prefer mobile over regular one, others loathe it.
Footfags need to have their feet and dicks chopped off. Worst degeneracy
>How come nobody is doing anything with the models?
Because they're shit.
After forcing myself to even finish a Final Fantasy game (XIII) and witnessing people screaming their lungs out to yet another trailer of versus XIII just because it changed its logo to XV at the end I thought this is it, I can't be a fan of this franchise anymore.
There was a high heels thread the other day and I literally spent the next hour after that thread jerking off to anime sluts in high heels sucking dick. That was a good evening.
Yes, but XIV looks much much worse.
I wonder what are the percentage of women buyers for this game. The impressions I've got from watching trailers and reviews is that it looks like some shitty yaoi fanfic.
XIII is shit for many reasons, but it's still far better than XV.
It's a complete game, it has better battle system, better art direction, far better post game content, characters are anime shit in boths game at least in XIII they get some character development and their character arcs aren't locked behind dlc that was blatantly removed from the main game on purpose.
The only thing XV does better than XV is that it has 2 towns while XIII has 1 where you couldn't do much more than just walk around and listen to npc's talking in that one Sahz chapter.
They both look like shitty MMOs.
Just a reminder that Nomura was actually depressed after having to abandon the Versus XIII project in 2014 and bought cats to help him cope with the situation. He's also said that KH3 is being fueled by his anger back in 2014
>-The reason he got these cats:
Our family really loved cats and dogs, so we always had them in the house. For this reason, when I got a little depressed I was recommended to get cats.
Isn't that pose a reference to king lear
You and everyone, but it's not actually like that.
They're bros and the writing (the english one at least) makes them more and more likable as the game goes on.
This is the best main line Final Fantasy in a LONG time. I hope that XVI expands this realism, freedom and immersion even further.
This guy gets it.
All I want from FF is to go back to the medieval/steam fantasy. The last FF I really enjoyed was XII.
I mean, this is kind of true, it's the best single player FF since XII which was 2006.
I actually did enjoy XV, fuck the haters.(Then again it doesn't take much to make me happy, just as long as the game isn't crashing every 30 minutes, looking at you Morrowind console version.)
got as far as the white trash hillbilly grill then I quit. can't stand that shit.
He left in 2013, not 2014.
They just announced it in 2014.