Pay 60 dollars (half of 100 dollars)

>pay 60 dollars (half of 100 dollars)
>Commit wrong think
>Get perma banned with no chance at appealing it

Why the fuck is this ok Sup Forums?

Attached: report_le_toxi2c_0_0.png (560x217, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1521475913902.jpg (507x261, 32K)

>(half of 100 dollars)
60 is more than half of a hundred user

Attached: 26124634.jpg (1224x1445, 158K)

>60 is half of 100



Attached: 1521469186346.png (560x217, 35K)

OP is a retarded americant user

You just have to not be a dumb autist and understand how not to be a little shit

I guess you didn't get enough (You)s the first time then, huh?

YO is this the same guy posting these threads because he can't get any people on Sup Forums to agree with his thoughts so he shitposts in the vain hope of getting someone, anyone to side with him?


Attached: 1519951777804.png (748x392, 452K)


Attached: AHAHAHAAA.png (436x120, 7K)

>break terms of service
>get banned
Wow. What the fuck happened to modern gaming. This never happened before!

Reminder that this is OP

Attached: pol_frog_faces_reality.png (1080x7426, 2.7M)

>Third party tool to enhance graphics
>Approved by devs
>Suddenly it isn't anymore
>Everyone who used it got banned
>Third party tool for scripts
>Approved by devs
>Suddenly it isn't anymore
>Everyone who used it got banned

Attached: 1518919741101.jpg (580x722, 198K)

Same thing with scripts happened to PUBG

Best fucking thing they ever added to this game. I spend my games baiting racist/homophobic comments and reporting for them, it's amazing

Attached: 1521476871402.png (679x769, 68K)

>commit a crime
>get jailed

Needs more screens

>But my (You)s
Will soyposters EVER stop stumbling over themselves and proving to be newfags at every turn? Good fucking lord.

Attached: 1425238911502.gif (320x240, 180K)

back to r/The_Donald with you

Attached: smoogie.jpg (390x377, 21K)

>back to r/The_Donald with you
>TFW T_D HAS FUCKING BOOMERS flooding to the chan

Attached: 1510139286587.png (944x4013, 662K)

Attached: 1521308671415.jpg (1280x720, 237K)

>be retarded by buying shitty $60 game
>be retarded by being a 12 year old in the game
>wonder where everything went wrong

>doing something that falls under the first amendment is a crime
ok buddy :)

>Console wars are now cardboard vs lego
>That person calling you a cuckold might actually not be 12 and be some 50 year old redneck out in Alabama
>We had a phase where we fucking loved Chad's and accuse random posters of secretly being women
This place sure has gotten weird

Attached: SHOOPstika.png (969x982, 123K)

your own damn fault for buying multiplayer AAA bullshit

Attached: 1520837051898.png (711x1091, 116K)

Why did they remove the Report Hacker button? I don't want to report somebody who's clearly hacking that they're toxic when they haven't said anything in chat. It's like the only way to report a murder is by reporting it as a robbery.

fuck off to gaiafag nobody actually says toxic unironically

Attached: lazor opener.png (808x706, 682K)

Not in a privately owned server it's not. Deal with it amerimutt. You paid for the game, they own you now. Talk shit, get hit, end of story. Or try getting a refund since you're obviously that pathetic.

I never said what a crime was. The point I was making is that some rights are taken away through a punishment


Attached: 1521418161034.jpg (851x761, 100K)

>it's the "calling everyone niggers and being a piece of shit is totally acceptable because free speech" episode

This is bait. Ignore and report the thread.

Attached: 1521403327366.jpg (1440x810, 222K)

Why can't Trumpets get a rise out of people without saying "nigger"? Edgy 14 year olds who can't trash talk.

Based, leftist meme game is 10000% greater than Sup Forums's too.

Attached: 2cd.png (600x621, 38K)

kek, OP tried to make this thread earlier and it got deleted on sight

Keep trying man, it'll stick eventually.

It's only been a month after all.

Attached: 1519287811204.png (1267x536, 97K)

it's not

>shoop is blackface

why is it ok to post the same retarded thread multiple times a day Sup Forums?

It has been for years you idiot.

Attached: 1519501769091.gif (240x178, 98K)

The game isn't owned by the government retard, so if you call someone a stupid nigger the devs have every right to ban you. Technically they have every right to ban you just because they don't like you. Maybe next time don't buy shit games produced by garbage studios.

>pay for a ticket to go into a building privately owned
>scream NIGGER as loud as possible
>get kicked out
Fucking libtards... do u know what freedom of speech is?

Attached: 1515544777865.png (403x448, 53K)

Attached: 3.png (507x261, 81K)

Imagine being such a commie that you want privately owned servers to respect your free speech rights.


Attached: 1518851882066.png (780x717, 370K)

>I posted it again!

Initiating counter-shitposting procedures in 5....

We had this thread already. Stop spamming this shit.

Attached: 4.png (560x217, 51K)

>be blizzard
>ban players for one tricking
>ban other players for reporting one tricking

Attached: SHOOP.png (2650x1317, 550K)

what's that?

Attached: BWAHHHH.jpg (755x496, 146K)

Soyboys are sensitive.

>Soyposters triggering soymales again
based soyposters

Attached: 1521476915096.jpg (1110x586, 120K)

Dick down Dobson next

Attached: 1520710345813.jpg (1200x400, 129K)

u mad?

ahahaha holy shit what an autist


Tell me more about masculinity and soy, you kissless handholdless virgins.

Charge back the money.

>it's another Sup Forumsfags whine about being banned due to acting like jackasses thread

Attached: 1479992262812.png (400x381, 108K)

>pay to access the circus
>pee on the lions when they get on stage
>get perma banned from the circus with no chance at appealing it
Why is it so fucking unfair Sup Forumsros ?

>this shit again

Attached: CMl6hYBU8AAIHjm.jpg (272x192, 12K)

>shoop is back
>will probably get butchered like pepe and wojack
who are we digging up next

Remember to do your duty.

Attached: 5.png (1280x720, 980K)

>Tell me more about masculinity and soy, you kissless handholdless virgins.

Attached: 1514756029235.jpg (208x254, 17K)

Yeah lol FIRING MA LAZOR is amazing top comedy lol!

>the OP is a fag, that means its a good idea for game devs to thought police their customers

Attached: shrug.jpg (225x209, 19K)

Attached: 1521264036983.jpg (356x356, 43K)

what a faggot

Here's one more.

Attached: 6.png (969x982, 344K)

Fuck it, might as well just go for EFG or troll/coolface at this point.

Take note poltards, Sup Forums is a LEFTIST board ;)

Attached: sgsgdsdg.png (370x159, 17K)

Shoop poster is right, you fags can't even make a proper attempt at humor.

BASED cockposter

>be OP
>be a retarded faggot
>screech in chat constantly
>get banned
>cry like a little sissy

Attached: 88f[1].jpg (604x516, 59K)

Fucking kek, saved

Attached: 1518847875576.jpg (717x125, 45K)

If this was such a big problem then how cone I've never been banned over language in 20 odd years of multiplayer gaming.

>literally not a single argument
Didn't think so

Attached: 1521478044689.gif (200x200, 72K)


>Shoop poster is right, you fags can't even make a proper attempt at humor.

Attached: 1514756029235.jpg (208x253, 17K)

>Agree to terms of service
>Break them
>Surprised at repercussion

this guy lmao

Attached: 1514844972287.jpg (466x470, 38K)

Because this started last year

It's dangerous to go alone.

Use this.

Attached: clip.png (1300x1390, 314K)

Attached: IMMA_FIRIN_MA_LAZER_by_ToaJahli.jpg (1000x800, 100K)

>horse cum
wtf I love soylent now

Not a meme.

>soyposter gets BTFO hard and has to resort to falseflagging

Attached: 1521211611897.jpg (560x577, 49K)



Attached: 1.png (717x125, 50K)

what happened? Sup Forums used to love being politically correct. i thought we were all bros here but i guess i'm wrong now.

OP is correct but most of Sup Forums is now redditors (people who actually use They love corporations.

Attached: 1521432206055.jpg (1024x512, 73K)

>Because this started last year
It didn't, obnoxious retards would get kicked even back in the 90's, only now the devs control the servers, so you get permabanned instead.

Dude if someone pisses on you, you can move. Stupid lions.

There's also a seldom used skeltal offshoot of this meme

Attached: 1519110369089.jpg (500x345, 60K)