>If I want a story, I'll read a book.
If I want a story, I'll read a book
>anime poster
>he is retarded
>story doesn't matter in video games
Rin a cute.
Do you read books?
I agree but only because video game stories tend to fucking suck.
every time
>I play games for the story
Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.
It's important to note that no one who says this actually reads books, they're just admitting to you they're a fucking troglodyte that can't follow a plot, ever.
>not wanting a game with great gameplay and a decent story
That's funny cuz is true. I do read plenty boss, yet I pay vidya because their stories and mediums are inherently different. There's no way you can get something like Golden Sun, the MegaMan Zero series in a book, or something like Murakami or Prattchets.
>inb4 discworlds & overlord games
>I will make myself enjoy the shittiest gameplay possible for the sake of a """""story""""" written by a hack who couldn't become a real writer
>t. brainlet
People who act like story in games is a great thing generally play linear shit like JRPGs.
I mean, your lack of reasons shows clearly you are, but why wouldn't you try to discuss first before shooting yourself in the foot?
Abso fucking lutely, but they are still fun and interesting. I was taken aback by COD infinite warfare campaign. Man was that a ride. Vista stories are clearly different in their qualities, but they are generally good and entertaining. You won't get existential reads out of them, but vidya is an entertainment medium first and everything else, second
wtf i love carmhack now
>a real writer
What is a """""real writer""""" to a brainlet like you? If someone was offered a chance to write for a video game for a promised amount of money, it would almost always be the infinitely smarter choice than spending from a few months to possibly years in creating something like a novel and then hoping it sells
But JRPGs generally have absolutely fucking awful stories. The only saving grace is the gameplay.
>I was taken aback by COD infinite warfare campaign.
What the hell happened to Sup Forums
Implying the nigger can read.
What fucking bizzarro world are you from?
>want to tell a story
>choose a medium for it
>don't use the core element of that medium which is essential for it
And this is why 99% of vidya stories are fucking garbage. If you are not going to use gameplay as a storytelling tool, then what's the point? Just use any other medium.
The only games that wouldn't lend themselves to books are gameplay focused. There's nothing to discuss, you're retarded for thinking games like Golden Sun or Mega Man Zero couldn't be lifted 1:1 to books, story-wise. The problem is that the stories aren't that great, Golden Sun is infamous for its amount of text.
But what do I expect? You're taken aback by CoD's campaign.
> implying
Been here since 09 and infinite warfare was fun
But jrpgs have trash gameplay, the only saving grace is following the fun anime story and characters
>COD infinite warfare
Which one is that? I lost track.
>want to read a book
>most of it has already been made into movie anyway
>if I want music, I'll listen to music artists
>if I want art, I'll go to art museum
You never see anyone say it. Yet for some reason brainlets still consider "if I want a story I'll read a book" to be a valid argument
The one with a gay rapist
>movie skips half the dialogue and story telling trough internal monologue or narration
Don't forget the
>all video game stories are shit because no argument
>movie turn the protagonist into a black guy
this will never stop trigger me
It's because music and art don't detract from gameplay. Story doesn't always detract from gameplay but it sometimes does. There's no choice between "oh you can have good music or good gameplay but not both" but with story you often do. It depends on genre more than anything of course, Fallout 1 and 2 wouldn't be nearly as good without their story because the story and gameplay are intertwined, while if you tried shoving cutscenes into DOOM 1 or 2 it would kill the flow of the game.
>the game is bad because it has no story
I love this moviegame argument because when you think about its not even an insult. I like both movies and games. People literally complain that it breaks the mold then set arbitrary distinctions on what good stories are allowed to do everytime.
Name 5
>I want good story with CHOICES
>oh but I won't touch VNs, they has too much text
> If I wanted to press buttons, I'd get one of these fuckers
>You want fanservice in your game? Why not just watch porn?
Here, the image didn't upload for some reason.
This is silly. There very much are musical choices/ arrangements that CAN detract from a game. While you are right about Doom, that doesn't't make it a valid blanket statement.
> I like both movies and games.
If you like both you would see that "movie games" have so bare bones gameplay that literally can not defend them as games.
>I want good story
>but I won't touch VNs
What's the problem?
>WANTING fanservice
I can understand enjoying it when you don't expect it but actively looking forward to it? C'mon.
>multi-billion dollar company who pours tens of millions into a project
>makes excuses when an aspect of the game fails
>people who pay 60+$ for a project that took over a year and millions of dollars to make think its acceptable for story, graphics OR gameplay to be shit
They don't have to be the second coming of christ but come on people, demand SOME quality from these cunts. There is no reason a modern game, AAA or no, should have a broken story, eyegouging graphics or bad gameplay.
>you don't want fanservice in your game? What are you, gay?
>video games have good stories
>but VNs don't
Why on Earth not? It's just a nice little treat for me.
>draw a boy
>call it a girl
I don't see where is the problem with that
Videogames are for PLAYING with it
Is that some kind of controller?
>games have too much filler in the story
>books drag the story out
>movies are always too long or too short
>tv shows i dont even need to tell you
is manga/comics the ultimate storytelling medium?
>it's another "stories don't belong in games" meme
>cutscenes = story
brainlet detected
Literally yes, they have all the benefits of film with the right artist/writer combo.
That space one with john snow as the villain
All of these are legit complaints except for gameplay
It makes one think
Your first three point can be applied to everything
See what I mean such a silly arbitrary false statement. But even if it was true 100% of the time. So what? I like visual novels. They are bad no because no gameplay? The Mona Lisa and Hamlet are weak in the gameplay section as well.
>yeah but this one was released on PS4 or steam so it sucks!
Then the weird thing is "moviegame" is often applied to shit like TLOU that is really just gameplay. And you cant deny shit like Life is Strange or even Danganronpa are enhanced by the interactivity.
It's a fidget cube.
It's got slightly more value than a fidget spinner, but not much.
It's a medium that does not have an aspect that it does better than some other medium. Written storytelling? Books do it better. Sound? Non-existent. Gameplay? Non-existent. Images/graphics/moving images? Movies/tv-shows/animation even games does it better.
Literally what does the medium have?
The problem isn't that stories don't belong, but that hacks and retards don't understand the difference between how to tell a story in a book or movie, and how to tell one in a game.
>Video games
>Video GAMES
>visual media which you PLAY
>the only visual medium which requires PLAYER INPUT
Hurr-Hurr prefer stories in games
If you are autistic. Fables and Watchmen are okay. But capeshit is written for literal retards.
>I like visual novels. They are bad no because no gameplay?
As a game? Yes. As their own medium? Depends on the VN. I read VNs as well but I'm not going to say they are good games.
If you are going to have bare bones gameplay that satisfies no one, why even have it at all?
>If you are going to have bare bones gameplay that satisfies no one
Well that's where you're wrong buddy
I don't really get it but allright.
>I like literal QTEs and choices that mean nothing
Well, your taste is just shit then
Yeah, but you can turn the music off, you cant turn the story off.
You'll see this kind of shit with /weg/ over on /aco/
There are a lot of fucking retards out there that can't respect any game that isn't their exact waifu being drawn 2/3d
I non-ironically play games almost exclusively for the story and environment. Gameplay is just a spoon to help me digest it
It wasn't always like this, but now I look at something like Fortnite, PUBG, Dota2, any fighting game, rts or any "gameplay-first" type of game and the first thing to trigger in my head is "I could sink 200h into this and at the end I'll be exactly where I am right now, so why bother?"
I can't really enjoy replaying any game either, once I've experience everything
Your opinion is irrelevant
>As a game? Yes. As their own medium? Depends on the VN. I read VNs as well but I'm not going to say they are good games.
Yes. I just dont give a fuck about your distinction though. Call it gayporn. If I like it I like it. I dont go "uhh as a game this blu ray sucks" or "wow as a movie mario sucks he didnt move for 3 hours when i stared at the screen"
>If you are going to have bare bones gameplay that satisfies no one, why even have it at all?
Because it satisfies me? What game are you talking about? The biggest "moviegames" IMO LiS and Heavy Rain actually effectively use gameplay.
I cant think of any game I played where I wished it was just a movie. Maybe Drakengard. But that even benefitted greatly from being a game and just needed better designed gameplay.
>if you want fan service, go look at porn
> "I could sink 200h into this and at the end I'll be exactly where I am right now, so why bother?"
>experiencing gameplay is not an experience
>"If I want a story, I'll read a book."
>doesn't read anything unless it's a light novel or licensed genre fiction
Nah its accurate. Why are you trying to play GAMES on a TELEVISION. Dumbass. Get a copy of monopoly and stop doing what you are doing.
As much of an experience as working on an assembly line is
>Play a story based game
>Finish it
>I'm still a fat loser
>Play multiplayer game
>Sink 200h into it
>Still a fat loser
>story game tells me a story which always plays out the same
>Multiplayer game gives me loads of unforgeable moments that could only happen because i was playing against real people
>I meet new friends to play with and to talk to
>i acquire skills which can be applied to other games
>depending on the game i can even get some money out of it
>I hate the one aspect that makes this medium unique
>lmao, still going to play vidya
You can tell that anyone who says "if I want a story I'll read a book" lacks the attention span to even appreciate a visual novel or chuuni manga.
>playing cards
if i want rng trash may as well play gatcha
My name is Kevin Pereira and I am a nigger.
Dont you have a fortnite general at /vg/ to post in normalfag?
Nobody is going to read your blog here.
>boss fights are too videogamey
Who the fuck play cards for the gameplay?, i play cards to shove it up my ass and then become CARDASS, the suneater, a creature able to destroy all the existence with his peenus weenus
Poker is actually an insanely math intense game centred around Bayes Theorem and game theory. While there is obvious variance. Any card game irons out rng with sample size. Unironically more complex and skilled than any videogame. Especially muhh esports.
A perfect example of good game with terrible story is basically any fighting game.
>I'm going to fight with this guy cause he looks cool
>(The lore says that he ate loli puxxy)
>If I wanted a story, I would have read a book
Music and art direction don't interrupt gameplay. In 99.999999999% of cases with how it's implemented story does.
I dunno, that sounds like a pretty good story to me.
There is a good fighting game?
And there's nothing you can do to stop me, stories in video games have been a thing forever and will always be
but user, wouldn't you agree that gameplay is the most important aspect of an engaging and interactive video game?
Nice ad hominem. but i prefer SWAT 4 and Battlefield 2, you know, multiplayer games which actually require you to cooperate. Battle royale games are garbage
Didn't say it was a bad story.
>battlefield 2
only hack vidya journalists say that
>these are the people you share this board with