Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1 million

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1 million


>Nier Automata, an extremely niche JRPG sold 2.5 million and beyond

How come a literally unknown IP sold more than a series with 3 games?

Attached: xenoblade chronicles 2 pyra.jpg (1158x811, 138K)

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Why does Sup Forums have shit taste in girl's and games?

How do I come to terms with the fact that 3D women will never be as beautiful or interesting as 2D

Attached: 1492379492921.jpg (224x225, 7K)

Sup Forums will be their meat to anything that looks like pic related

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>Multiplatform game with lifetime sales data outsold the first month of an exclusive
One would fucking hope so.

Bigger userbase.
Also XC wasn't really that big and non-niche before XC2.
>3 games
It was 1 and 1 spin-off before 2

I bought both, couldn't stomach Automata because I had to redo the whole campaign with 9S.


Nier is for ironic weebs A.K.A normalfags while Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is for real god honest virgin weebs.

PC only has 770k sales

>more than a series with 3 games?

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Install base doesn't mean anything tho

Look at Bloodborne, sold over 2.5 million with an install base of 76 million, meanwhile that shitty game for kids and manchild Splatoon sold over q4 million with an install base of 13 million.


Take away 700k still like 1.8 mill m8

You mean Sony install base doesn't mean anything.

Because yes, out of those 76 millions, 70 million are probably just people who only play CoD, FIFA and use Netflix. These clearly wasn't the case with those 13 million Wii U owners.

>These clearly wasn't the case with those 13 million Wii U owners.

Because Pee Poo owners didn't have other games to play besides Bing bing and tr4sh

Okay...? They bought it to play Nintendo games because they knew about those, most PS4 owners don't know anything about videogames and just play FIFA and CoD.

Uncharted 4 sold over 9 million, Horizon over 7.6, Bloodborne over 2.5 million

Sony fans actually buy sony games

15 million or so sales
70 million or so sales

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Which is about the same sales as Xenoblade currently, on a much larger install base, with a much larger time frame to reach those sales.

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Uncharted 4 came free with the system.

Attached: uncharted 4 bundle.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

>retroactively classifying XCX as spin-off because you don't like it

Where else will they find games with females uglier, than in real life?

None of those even reach 10 percent of the install base, moron. To compare, the best selling games on the Wii were exceeding 30 million sales.

>Which is about the same sales as Xenoblade currently
So you think 700k is a big number than when there's a 600k difference or so between X2 sales and Nier you go pretend they're close? Make up your mind m8.

Also Xenobalde 2 had much bigger advertising campaign than Nier and actually had western TV ads

go play your souls game retard

just call Overwatch a jrpg so every jrpg sales discussion can end with lmao rektd by overwatch

I played both, I like XC 2 more.

>A year after launch still a top seller
>Now sold out
It might be because of a price drop but it's still doing well.

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Who the fuck buys D3 or asscreed rogue in this day and age?

>no character customisation
>linear choices
>not turnbased
Might as well call every shounen shit a rpg too

i liked xc2 but it has so many flaws
it could be a 10/10 game
but they didnt put much effort in it

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That's the problem with Xenoblade, it's a type of game that should go cheaper over time to keep constant sales, nintendo fans only buy full priced established nintendo games like mario or zelda, they're not gonna pay full price for xenoblade 2 a year later

Why should anyone take you serious when you aren't even hiding your consolewarfaggotry

>every rpg is turn based
u wot

You're right, they should release XBC2 for PC, I'd buy it again

Stop implying so much user (You) might hurt yourself.

This. I'm happy that Xenoblade 2 sold well enough for the franchise to keep going. Don't care much about Automata sales because I didn't much care for the game.

>cult like group of slavering man babies
>worshiping the sales numbers of their exclusive
wowzers no one could have seen that coming!

>It's another "RPGs need to be turn-based" retard

Attached: [increasingly nervous artificial maid].png (1661x948, 2.57M)

That applies to both really. Although Automata annoys me a lot more because it had more squandered potential.

imagine shit posting for an entire year about how XB2 would be a gigantic flop ever since its reveal last January.

>try to nofap
>reading Sup Forums

Xenoblade sold 1 million -in the first month-. It did not sell 1 million total. We don't know what the sales are right now but you have to assume it will get past 2 million eventually.

Why the fuck isn't there a Hana JC?
DLC maybe?

what i didnt like about automata was only the ending to be honest
and the fights felt shit because you had to constantly hold r1 to shoot and still fight with swords

imagine the smell

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Not him but it is a spinoff to Blade which is already a sub-series.

>Being concerned for sales of a game you don't like on a system you don't care for
Jesus Christ that's sad

>1m sales in one month
>2.5m sales in one - two years

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Nier has four games in its franchise though

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>so you think 700k is a big number than when there's a 600k difference or so between X2 sales and Nier you go pretend they're close?

Did you miss the part where I said that Nier was also out months earlier than Xenoblade and has a much larger install base? Xenoblade is selling at a much faster pace than Nier and could even potentially outsell it.

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I feel xeno is bought based on series IP while Nier saw success from the reputation of the developer.

Who even makes the Xeno games?
Also Nier, while waifu bait is far less generic uguu animu.

I like both games!!!

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>but they didnt put much effort in it
It was only 40 people and one of Takahashi's dream games.

SHHHHHUT UP user don't need your "logic" here

- Looks legal
- Is playable

- Looks jailbait
- Isn't playable, only supports the ugly shota protagonist

>Who even makes the Xeno games?

Attached: takahashi.jpg (194x345, 25K)

Here good user, have your reply

XB2 is the only entry with waifu b8, and that's because it's a boy meets girl story at it's core


Let me say this one more time: normie Nintendo fans only play Nintendo games.
I'm sorry of it's a hard pill to swallow but there it is.

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the fuck does that have to do with anything?

But user it sold 1 million copies in the first month, those numbers are wildly inaccurate.

This...cannot be possible.

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Xenoblade IS a Nintendo game you retard

>Looks jailbait
In which way? Is it her height?

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>the fuck does that have to do with anything?

2B is numale core for ironic weebs.

Console players. Rogue was never on PS4 until recently.

>1 million
Wow such a big number compared to Zelda/Mario/Pokemon

Normies don't care

Nier and Drakengard aren't the same. Both are distinctly different and focus on dragons

But 1 million in a month is pretty good. Just because you brush it off doesn't mean it's not a lot suddenly. Also you don't even know how much it sold to this day. ALSO it proves that you were pretty wrong about Nintendo fans only buying Nintendo games.

>2.5m sales in one - two years
Nier had 2 million in September you fucking retard.

By your logic, normies don't play Pokemon or Kirby. Kill yourself.

>Nier: Automata is a sequel to the 2010 video game Nier, a spin-off of the Drakengard series.
They are indeed the same series.

i dont care
nintendo should have invest in more chinks then
also those 40 people dont contain the artists and voice actors

NieR is directly based off ending E of DoD you retard.

Attached: killyourselves.jpg (800x450, 35K)

1 million is too small a figure to pretend Nintendo normies care about the franchise

Ok then, please show me a source that puts their sales above that now.

Height and face. Makes her look like a teenager.

>literally tells you its a spin off
It doesn't even use the same name either.

Are Persona and SMT in the same bracket? Fuck outta here.

Nintendo is the only reason they had 40 people.

Holy shit, you guys and your Nintendo hating.

>By March 2018, the game had shipped over 2.5 million copies worldwide.

Please, I welcome you to prove it's done more than 2.5 million sales. I'll be waiting.

until P4G, all the Persona games were released as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona [x] in the west

>Nier has four games in its franchise though

All of those games bombed and caused the studio to get defunct and had Taro be unemployed for a while.

Why are xenofags pretending anyone cared about Taros game before Automata? Xeno Gears and Xeno Saga were atleast million sellers and XC1 had great reception here despite how fucked the wester launch was made by NOA

>literally tells you its a spin off
Right, of the DRAKENGUARD SERIES. Which means it's part of the series, you literal brainlet.
>Are Persona and SMT in the same bracket? Fuck outta here.
Considering they use the same monsters, spells and SMT is used in the Persona titles, yes.

Attached: 133680-shin-megami-tensei-persona-4-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1127, 180K)

She has no nose.

I’m glad the Xeno series is doing well, as I really enjoyed all 3 Blade games. Can’t wait to see what MonolithSoft put out at full capacity and with likely more trust from Nintendo.

You fags try act like it needed 1/2 years to get to near 2.5 mill when it did 2 million in a couple months, fuck outta here

>All of those games bombed and caused the studio to get defunct and had Taro be unemployed for a while.
>Which somehow means they're not part of the same series even though they explicitly are

This, I'm highly optimistic to see what they can come up next. Meanwhile it's Fire Emblem turn and then SMT V.

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>He has LITERALLY no evidence that Nier Automatia has sold more than 2/5 million copies
So it sold 2 million by September... but it's only sold 2.5 million by March 2018. Wow, sales are really fucking slipping.

I wanna fuck that girl



>Which somehow means they're not part of the same series even though they explicitly are

It doesn't but why bring it up? They haven't established anything but be failures

>Wow, sales are really fucking slipping.
Just like Xenoblade will, its dissappeared from every chart already. Come back to me when Xenoblade even touches 2 million.

>It doesn't but why bring it up?
Uh, why not bring it up? Considering Nier Automatia sold the best in the series so far it didn't exactly hurt. And N:A is a financial success anyhow.

user, sometimes you post the stupidest shit.