Ni No Kuni 2 has a novel take on politics. In an era of bad faith politicians and screaming pundits...

>Ni No Kuni 2 has a novel take on politics. In an era of bad faith politicians and screaming pundits, Ni No Kuni offers a story in which things can get done if you simply ask nicely. It takes a strikingly optimistic view on racism and global cooperation in an era of rising nationalism

This is the reason why western society is dead and buried

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Other urls found in this thread:

>In an era of bad faith politicians and screaming pundits
It's been this way since JFK and RFK died, but (and let me take a wild guess here) this reviewer is talking about DRUMPF right?

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Wow, what do you know. A Japanese game isn't about American politics.

why do these people see politics everywhere

Oh nooo

Not nationalism!!

*drinks soy*

>fails to meet the high bar set by other big-budget JRPGs
But I don't care about the high bar set by big-budget JRPG's because they're all running in the wrong direction.

They were tricked into thinking political activism is the only way to give one's life meaning.

they are fucked in the head and are unable to not see everything through this lens, they are fanatics who have to push their bullshit constantly, they convince themselves they have to do this to defend against some imaginary oncoming right wing tide, but they really do it to constantly convince themselves of their own bullshit, when the the doubt (read: ideal-conflicting reality) creeps in during lonely nights, not realizing that their constant faggot preaching is a major cause of the imaginary right wing tide becoming not so imaginary anymore.

Its a fucking children's game with a simplistic world view.

its clearly anti trump, pro blm you brainlet.

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p good


a lot of the reviews are saying the difficulty is trivial. its a shame.

The first was the same.

>>Ni No Kuni 2 has a novel take on politics.

>Lighthearted stories about a child hero coming of age are lighthearted. This is totally groundbreaking storytelling!

These imbeciles are so desperate to write another diatribe against Trump that their brain completely ceases to function.

If this in any way surprises you, you must have never played a jrpg before.

It is fine if you don't agree with her, but she is more knowledgeable and has played more JRPGs than most of Sup Forums combined. Listen to her on Retronauts.

What high bar would that be? Something like Persona 5 with literally 50+ hous of expository cutscenes and horrifically clunky dialogue and completely mindless combat that is essentially an insta-win by simply targeting enemy weakness?

>This is the reason why western society is dead and buried
It's a videogame review. Not global warming or world hunger

Ooooh this gets my jimmies rustled! Reeee!

>has played more JRPGs than most of Sup Forums combined
I doubt it, autists here go out of their way to play the first Megami Tensei, ffs.

>people draw analogies between works of fiction and real life

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>believing in your culture is bad
>being an adult that behave like an obedient toddler is good
Damn. really makes you think

Are you implying those two are the cause of western society's decline?

>leftists cry on nationalism
>but love black panther


Cant wait for this to reach bump limit. Why do you guys have to shit your pants every time a liberal says something stupid?

She has played the whole Megaten series, even shit like Force Gaiden. Fuck off back to Sup Forums if you want a safe space.

>Soyboy altright snowflake triggered when he wanders outside his safespace that is Sup Forums

You retards are so pathetic it's amazing.

These cretins can't put their ideology down for one second. Everything has to be about and through their marxist post modernist critical theory bullshit glasses and if it's not, then it's "tone deaf" as if the world cares and revolves around the west coast of the US.
That orange clown in the oval office wasn't a wake up call for them. Not enough cowbell yet.

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So I assume the game is good, because it seems that these idiots just focused on "MUH POLITICS" and not the actual game.

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>in the wrong direction
What’s “the right direction”?

Triggered Drumpflet detected. You're on the wrong side of history, kiddo.

Because liberals put themselves in positions of influence, and their stupid ramblings actually carry some weight when they should not.

>Ni No Kuni threads now have "DRUMPFFFF" shitposting

Gaming journalism was a mistake.

>Republicans control all branches
>Can barely pass funding bills
Really activates my almonds.

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>Fuck off back to Sup Forums if you want a safe space.

How ironic. So you can have your little safespace here? Fuck you and fuck you politics bullshit.

>It's been this way since JFK and RFK died
It has not. And the reviewer mentions nothing of Trump.


No one in Congress actually wants to do their jobs.

Throughout all this time, from the years after Waterloo to the years immediately succeeding the defeat of the French in 1870-71, the weight and position of the Jew in western civilization increased.. almost without attracting attention. They entered the Parliaments everywhere, the English Peerage as well, and the Universities in very large numbers

A Jew became Prime Minister of Great Britain, another a principal leader of the Italian insurrection; another led the opposition to Napoleon III. ... They began to take positions as fellows of every important Oxford and Cambridge college; they counted heavily in the national literatures; Browning and Arnold families, for instance, in England; Mazzini in Italy. They came for the first time into European diplomacy.

But this is one problem that is not discussed publicly, one that it is delicate even to mention: the Jewish question. It is taboo in our republic.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

This leftists journalist is not but promoting jewish values of globalism and ''one world cooperation xD". This is the result of jews controlling schools and university in the United States. They promote whatever the newest and fashionable agenda there is. They are the white middle class version of Hollywood. A bunch of white trash urbanites

>Board that can't stop whining about politics complains about review that whines about politics

>everything is political

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Rising nationalism my ass.

The cause of the appatent escilation of things like racism, nationalism, and etc, is totally reactionary.
Groups of morons ranting and raving about "evil white men" has caused a minor sub set of said white men to speak out. A minority, within the majority. All within forums where the minority nay appear very present and very not minor.

Most people have been over civil rights for decades, because all the real battles have been won already. All we're left with now is social media buzzwords and forced "diversity" in entertainment media.

Something that would have people who DIED during th actual civil rights movement rolling in their graves.

Think dr Martin Luthor King Jr. cared about how many black people are in super hero movies?

We are a sad joke of a society today. We are effectively the capitol from the hunger games, for fuck sakes.
A bunch of flamboyant asshats dictating what everyone else should believe, based on our wxtremwly shelteres and privilaged existance. And all "very important matters" are related to entertainment almost exclusively.

I can't take anyone seriously who claims the most important thing in their lives is politics.

>big review sites gave it a low score
>little reviewers gave it a high score

what does it mean

You can buy one too. its only 1300 dollars.

so can you get this game cheaper any where? I feel like its not worth $60

I'm too poor to afford it.

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what do you expect from the white trash who spend 5 years in college and leave there without having read a single line of Plato, Aristotle or Dante? They spend 5 years there and they can't even write a fucking protest banner. Do you think they have a functioning brain? do you even think they are better than an aboriginal who just learned how to use a smartphone?

Fuck off whiteknight retard, all because the cunt knows more than a dumbass like you doesn't mean she knows more than the hundreds of rpg autists here.

Good post.

cdkeys has it for 42eur.

Kike Luther King was the black media superstar(the Oprah Winfrey) of his time. He never cared about blacks. He wanted blacks to enjoy the superfluous lifestyle he lived; drugs, motel whores and living in some urban city full of dirt and destruction
He even supported that jewish abortion activist who funded Planned Parenthood who was calling out in the open for the extermination of blacks. He supported her because ''it's a current year issue and celebrities loved it''

Also fuck off with your political bullshit just go worship kike negros somewhere else

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Sup Forums doesn't have autists anymore, they moved to /vg/, /tg/, and reddit. Who wants to deal with shit gobbling posers like you, nazi mods that ban anime pictures, or literal nazis proselytizing from Sup Forums.

two sponges and a silicon glove bro

>they moved to /vg/
>muh lost pausers don't browse Sup Forums anymore
newfag begone

So the rape is... mandatory?

There are autists at /vg/, sure, but they sure as fuck don't discuss video games.

No you fuck off. You cant even fucking have a thread on Sup Forums these days without some faggot reeing over SJWs, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

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SJWs threads are scarce on Sup Forums. It's all thanks to hysterical snowflakes like you. I'd rather Sup Forums from 2013 and 2014 than people crying for more lost pausers and anime shitposting like you

Neither does fucking Sup Forums and the nich threads here that dont do have Sup Forums shit devolve into waifufaggotry and image dumps.

They come with a slight fee, though.

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I wanna scratch behind his... This is not a ni no kuni thread is it

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>You can have a 500 reply thread about some e-celeb
>but as soon as you say something slightly anti-semitic people go crazy and whine about nazis
That's why people keep posting anti-semitism. It's nice to see you freaks go crazy

You're hanging out in the wrong threads. Sup Forums gets plenty of decent vidya discussion.

No it doesn't.

>Caring about your country means you are racist

Even better, the moment you say something bad about Japan, /vpol/ will swarm in droves telling you how the west is evil until the thread gets deleted or reaches bump limit.

No isn't. You're just a piece of shit. Grats on killing Sup Forums.

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you don't browse Sup Forums then. Attacking weeb games is default here and ubisoft/ea threads often reach bump limit EVERY SINGLE DAY

Maybe because political themes have been in video games for decades and any fantasy politics aren't automatically an allegory for "REEEE DRUMPF".

It's not ironic. I'll keep posting about the role of jews and communists every time I see someone whining about Sup Forums. If you people stop crying I'll stop posting. Simple as that

Don't you be shitting on folk metal now, motherfucker.

What is with these people and projecting politics onto everything? It's similar to how they can't go five minutes with comparing political figures to harry potter villains or shit out of other shitty teen novels or marvel movies.

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>Attacking weeb games is default here
And they are obvious baits too. And every fucking time retards will fall for obvious bait. I mean look at the fucking Nier Automata threads.

the irony of this post on Sup Forums

It's delusion though. You are just using them as a convenient ennemy

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But it's true though. Triggering Sup Forumsermin is the most hilarious shit in this board and I dont really give a fuck about video games. You guys are just so easy to trigger


I'm an indie dev and one of my biggest fear is that some cuck journalist like this is going to review my game when it's released and misattribute stuff to left-wing politics when it has nothing to do with that

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>Kingdom quarrels was always a thing


Every Fucking time with these journalists

Bamco didnt pay off the big sites

Why the fuck do americans compare literally everything to their own politics? How fucking full of yourself can you be?

More like OH NO NO NO Kuni lmao

>kingdom quarrels are not political
Most brainlet post I've seen in a while.

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You know that what makes insults good is hitting out with something you know they're sensitive about, right? So calling somebody who goes to pol a triggered snowflake and soyboy isn't really going to upset anybody.
You need to think about these things more, call center cat poster.

>USgamers, right?

Reminder that pic related is the only unbiased review source that does not shove politics into its reviews. Vidya "journalism" is a huge joke, what did you expect?

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>It takes a strikingly optimistic view on racism and global cooperation in an era of rising nationalism
Yeah I'm sure those Japanese devs were really thinking about American politics.

American journalists tend to have massive, MASSIVE egos.

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>baby's first political story

At least it matches the aesthetic of the rest of the game

Likening Japanese fantasy game to political climate of modern United States is retarded, though.

Thanks for reminding me of them. I think I'll bookmark them, since I could use some more of Christ in my life anyway.

Who gives a shit what some pasty faggot says on the internet? Just make some good vidya.