Fighter > Mage or Fighter > Cleric?

Fighter > Mage or Fighter > Cleric?

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Instead of Fighter > Cleric, go Swashbuckler > Cleric and play an original build for once.

Berserker Mage.

Swashbuckler or fighter/thief. Those games severly lack a strong thief character. Vhailor helmet + time stop scrolls + whirlwinds/assassinate is hilarious, best playthrough I had.


What's with the daily BG threads lately? Something happened to cause a resurgence?

Also I enjoy Cleric.

Attached: cleric.png (772x1402, 290K)

kensai > mage
berserker > cleric

Beamdog needs fresh money

Except every thread is filled with people saying to not buy Beamdog and that you're better off torrenting the GOG versions of the original. Which is something that really can't be reiterated enough. There's absolutely no reason to play the Enhanced Edition, even pirated. The originals are superior in every way.

Attached: Enhanced Edition Writing.png (1458x288, 410K)

>that writing
Jesus christ there's nothing witty, interesting, or biting in that. Just some 20 year olds idea of what he heard and thinks arguments sound like.

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Dorn and his quests are worth pirating the EE version, especially since his quest in ToB offers one of the best fights in this game.
The writing is also excellent for someone that like playing as bard.

>tfw no 19 STR 16 CHA half-orc bf
Why even bother existing

Attached: Dorn2.jpg (707x1000, 306K)


Especially when compared against the original's party banter:

>GARRICK: Why do you stay with Eldoth, Skie? Can't you see he's just using you?
>SKIE: Eldoth is a kind man. He cares about me Garrick.

>SKIE: I love you Eldoth.
>ELDOTH: Skie, don't bother me right now.

>GARRICK: Perhaps you'd care to hear my music Skie, it's very different and somewhat better than Eldoth's.
>SKIE: I'd love to hear your music Garrick.
>ELDOTH: Be silent Skie, it's not like your opinion is worth anything.

>SKIE: Eldoth, why do you treat our companions so badly?
>ELDOTH: Skie, my little angel, a woman should know her place.

Attached: Based Eldoth.jpg (600x928, 65K)

Why do people shill so hard for this shitty character? Is it because he's LGBT? Is it because Beamdog gave him atrociously high attribute scores and OP gear? Is it because he's responsible for like half the dialogue that changes existing NPC personalities?

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You do get make fun of him a lot, even have some fun at the expense of his patron. As for him having a gay romance - he's a 19 strenght half orc blackguard he can fuck whatever he wants doubt there's many people that can stop him.

What else do you need to get the faggots going
> because Beamdog gave him atrociously high attribute scores and OP gea
lol, Imoen has better minmaxed stats than him.
Dorn has trash CON and unmaxed DEX

> OP gear
His sword is trash, especially compared to the unique gear many original bg2 characters get

Attached: dorn3.png (650x440, 216K)

stop playing bad RPGs

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>87 Attribute points
>no 19's
>comes with no magical weapons

>not Bhaalspawn
>90 Attribute points
>19 in Strength
>comes with a unique magical weapon

But there are no good rpgs

thats not true buddy theres like 4 of them

Nah, they're shit too

This. Kensage rapes everything.

Soyboys writing about smell of cheese. Figures.


Based Korgan

I wanna kiss Dorn

>Could have had a fully 3D version like NWN
>Could have had a version with better balance
>Could have had a version that came with a build-one-yourself game mode that lets players play their own D&D games online
>Instead we get Beamdog, who remove the original from shelves in order to force you to buy their lazy "enhanced edition" filled with terrible writing, shitty OCs and character sprites with unnecessarily prominent outlines

This industry is so unfair it isn't even funny.

>Aerie, asexual
>Haer'dDalis, Androromantic
>Jaheira, aroflux

This man is correct Kensai/Mage is technically stronger, but Berserker/Cleric is the more fun to play.

I prefer berserker over kensai with most duals rather than kensai because it's easy peasy no fuzz
Just use berserk ability and let em go

I like Berserker / Druid better, personally. Dual-wield scimitars for those crazy Belm attacks. Also, Berserker and Druid work for the whole barbarian shaman aesthetic.

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And anyway and Kensai, and Mage/Kensai especially is just more hassle, remember to sleep for your stoneskin every five steps.

Berserker/Druid in IWD:EE (the only good EE) with the new spells is pretty good, vanilla not so much. Like the aesthethicc too though.


I did a Berserker/Druid once. Fantastic playthrough, especially the Druid Grove quests. Faldorn's proper fucked in the 1v1 fight for control of the grove.

Attached: tfw she wants to duel for control.jpg (1920x1440, 328K)

Pick Archer and cheese through the game until you meet something you need +3 weapons to hit

are there any differences in the classes available between bg and bg2?
I only played bg and I don't remember much, plus I got bg2ee on steam but didn't touch it yet.

Hm, Are you pretty new to the series? There's lots of mages to pick up so i'd rather cleric. A fighter/cleric can get a lot of physical resistance, Defender of Easthaven + Hardiness + Armor of Faith will be 85% physical resistance once you get high enough level.

In vanilla Baldur's Gate, there aren't kits available. That said, when you import the character into BG2, they retroactively become available. So, if you were a Fighter in BG1 at the start of BG2 it'll give you the option to change him into a Berserker, Kensai or Wizard Slayer.

Classes get High Level Abilities as one difference, they're pretty interesting and you should check them out

So even though the name pretty much implies it, how does level draining work? Do you get your levels back after the one who drained you is killed or do you have to get all the exp back?

Cool, personally I prefer casters but might try a berserker seeing how people are hyping it ITT.

Oh casters are really good in 2 once you get high level. Mage/Sorcerer becomes unstoppable gods once you have the know how.
Berserker is nice and easy as their ability makes them immune to half of the things that make the game hard.

They put a negative level on you. If you receive as many negative levels as you have player levels, the character dies. Killing the creature that caused the negative levels doesn't remove the negative levels. That said, the low-level spell Lesser Restoration will return lost levels, so even if you lack a divine caster you can go to a temple and have them returned to you.

Oh okay that's not really as bad as I thought

Lesser Restoration/Restoration spells give them back (ask your local priest). Or just use a "Protection From Undead" scroll when fighting the Vampires.


All spells.
Unique triggers/contingency combinations
Insane AC.
Can also melee with Flail or Crom

>original cutscene restoration patch
>nearest neighbor scaling
>sprite outlines disabled
Best way to play, prove me wrong.

>Can also melee with Flail or Crom
>Base THAC0 10 at level 16/whatever
>ONE attack per round
>Unless you waste spells to compensate
Yes he's truly awesome in melee.

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not in my playthrough

>mfw Fighter/mage and casting Timestop

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They're a bit of a pain in the ass. If you don't have a restoration spell prepped, or the negative levels were on your divine caster and he lost so many levels that he can't even prepare the spell, it's a long trek back to the city to have an NPC cleric remove them. The best thing to do is if you know you're fighting things that use negative levels like Vampires or Wraiths, precast Negative Plane Protection on your people. It'll make them immune to level drain.

Well at least they had the decency to add at least one non mentally ill character, that's a step up for Tumblr

How could she EVER recover from this?

Attached: ss+(2018-03-05+at+11.26.55).jpg (1246x118, 76K)

With enough buffs like Tenser's Transformation, Draw Upon Holy Might, Improved Haste, Righteous Magic, etc. it becomes pretty respectable.

Men like him are pigs. He needs Shar-Teel in his life.

She just bullies Edwin in retaliation. Shit rolls downhill.

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Tip: thief.

Imoen is going to be a mage in BG2 and Yoshimo is a backstabbing Jew. So if you are going evil YOU WILL HAVE NO THIEF.

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either is fine
>original build
>one of the few builds suggested by literally everyone
user please, even gamebanshee has speficially mentioned that build, along with kensai/mage

Multiclassing>Dual classing.

It's a joke you moron.

no, he's really not.
the only reason for EE is if you want OP party members and even in that case, you're better off just making your own party in mp mode
you forgot his OP special (at least in bg1). i don't think any other character has a special as good as his

I got Aerie pregnant in the original release so no.

2 APR is still shit and no amount of strength will change that. Even a basic bitch Fighter is going to be better in melee.

Fighter 3 > Cleric/Thief for grand mastery in whatever weapon you chose at late game, even pure fighters can't reach grand mastery in BG1 otherwise

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What's the point of Cleric/Thief multiclass?
just to dump all the support roles into one character?

What? Bullshit, I've never seen anyone push Swashbuckler / Cleric. Link?

The reason why dual is better is because grandmastery
but you'll still be fine with multi

If he's dualwielding, it's 4APR. And guaranteed maximum critical damage off of 25 Str is still good. Granted, not as great as a Fighter can potentially reach, but more than enough for any fight you're going to have in this game.

The highest damage in the game ever was achieved on a cleric/thief
you can reach backstabs in the thousands
Though with the amount of cheese in the game it doesn't really matter too much
here you go user

My niggas. Starts out slow but sorcerer becomes a fucking god
>summon bunch of demon's angels whatever
>fill every pixel of the screen with magic bullshit

>highest damage ever achieved
What about 1500 literal skulltraps?

sarevok can also crit for thousands.

Neera is tumblr personification.

>when people says that mods writing is just fanfiction and they prefer "profesional" content

Pretty relaxing playstyle once you have timestop to those who aren't immune. You can do anything you want but just lowering their magic resistance and spamming magic missile is enough
I like it

Yeah but we're talking about cleric/thief not another character

Favorite moment in SoD was the 1v1 duel for me, girl got rekt

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Crit with staff of the ram?

Am I doing something wrong, or does SCS break the scripting for getting Viconia (in BG1) as a companion. The Flaming Fist soldier never shows up.

you said that the highest damage ever was done by a cleric/thief and sarevok could argue with that, seeing how he does at least roughly as much damage and is a pure fighter iirc

I'm interest in doing a pure caster playthrough of the trilogy, and I have read that sorceror is more powerful than mage, but I'm afraid I might not choose the right spells.... Should I not worry too much and simply choose mage to experiment with all the spells, as the difference with sorceror is really only noticeable in terms of powergaming?

4800 damage crit?

not him but you prolly can't really go all that wrong. besides, the game isn't that hard so if you're running a full party (or close to it), your spell choices won't make that much of a difference.
just as long as you have some spells to remove protections and some to buff yourself up.

honestly, i don't remember how much i critted but it was in the thousands.
i only had him once in my party so my best crit with him would most likely be a lot less than with someone who actually used him a lot or tried to get max damage crit

Honestly there's not that much to worry about. You won't be using the low level spells as much lategame so it's hard to fuck up totally.

Just avoid the touch spells and stuff you can do from scrolls like summon familiar, identify etc. Skull trap is pretty good and stuff that scales with levels or breaches spell defenses are nice to have. Also don't be afraid to pick up some defensive stuff, you can get pretty beefy and stuff like stone skin helps with spell interrupts.

I'm glad you brought up the word "fanfiction" because that's honestly what a ton of the Beamdog content feels like. An example from Siege of Dragonspear - Irenicus kills Skie with the Soultaker. Just felt like the most "hey! here's this thing from the original! Remember it?!" nonsense. Wasn't it destroyed when the demon was summoned in Ulgoth's Beard anyway? What the fuck?

>build relies on you being awful for 90% of the game
I really don't get the appeal.

Kensai > Mage

Also I kind of want to replay the EEs but are there mods to cut out all unnecessary bullshit that beamdog put in?

Ok, thank you... Is the dragon disciple kit worth something, or should I go without kit?

Its ok but i prefer base Sorcerer for extra spell

no clue, never tried it.
sorceror afaik is the strongest, but i usually run with the normal mage. that way i don't really have to choose spells but i do miss out on extra spell slots (at least when compared to specialst mage)

Dualing at either level 3 for BG1 and 7 at BG2 is good enough user, and you get should get your levels back in a couple quests
Or after scribing some scrolls like a bitch

Without, sorcerer gets more spells which is pretty fucking important

All you have to do is ignore some shitty NPCs. It's no different than the original.

Which mods?

dragon disciple is shit, maybe it's ok at high level since you don't need that many slots by then but you'll be crippled until then and it's bonus aren't that good anyway.
Find yourself a save editor incase you fuck up your spell choices badly or look online for tips on spell choices

I'm asking you guys.