ITT: shitty annoying ugly motherfuckers who you wish would die violently already goddamn I hate this pink bitch holy...

ITT: shitty annoying ugly motherfuckers who you wish would die violently already goddamn I hate this pink bitch holy shit

Attached: kirby-star2.png (454x469, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>not liking kirby
But... but, Kirby is shaped like a friend...

Attached: 47C55EDA-FE29-428B-9659-2B03F9FDB6EB.png (570x529, 6K)

fuck you

t. Dedede

She's a retarded hoe not a friend I wanna stomp her and crush her to bits

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Attached: Angry Soyboy.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>not liking best mon

Attached: IMG_0027.png (682x453, 52K)

>High pitched voice
>Tight pink pussy according to a wet dream I had a few years ago
>Annoying, stuck up slutty personality
No shit Kirby's a girl

Kirby has no ge-wait what?

I have some bad news about your waifu user

>Tight pink pussy according to a wet dream I had a few years ago

You know, I want to say dreams don't count, but Kirby DOES live in Dream Land...

Attached: you.png (1000x767, 689K)

Also, , no that doesn't actually change anything.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 3.00.45 PM.png (424x325, 134K)

Attached: 538.jpg (680x680, 44K)

Canonically she's actually a girl or at least a hermaphrodite, which is yet another reason to hate her

I love the smell of bait threads in he afternoon.

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brb going to complain about assuming kirby's gender on xir wikipedia page

Not even baiting. I unironically wish Kirby would die a violent death and being the series to a close.

Attached: 1.png (314x68, 10K)

Hmmm! Baiting with a dash of autism. Dammit, and I JUST had lunch.
Keep it up my man.

>she's a girl or at least a hermaphrodite
>which is yet another reason to hate her
why are people like you allowed to use the internet


Attached: 1511581834402.png (680x390, 89K)

kirby anime is fucking BASED

Attached: fuckyou.png (228x223, 65K)

stay mad, sonybba

>just posts the soundtrack

also I never got the constant back and forth between 2D and 3D for Kirby, Dedede and Escargoon.

Girls are annoying. I'm not misogynistic or anything but God, they're fucking weak and do nothing but shop for shoes and Barbie dolls and shit. Why are white knights like you allowed here?

Attached: Little_boy_Kirby.png (1024x600, 345K)

>Still baiting
>And it gets worse with each post
my god this has been quite the experience

Attached: 73b.jpg (625x626, 28K)

Can't say I agree

Attached: khwoop.jpg (454x469, 118K)



Attached: ah needa roofie to dope up dat dere kerbeh.png (192x172, 129K)

i wonder who made this thread

Attached: ddd.jpg (227x222, 11K)

There's something about the second OP that gives me shivers and makes me teary eye.

Attached: kirby phone.jpg (628x1199, 40K)

Probably the most hardcore Sonybro what did ever post on the interwebs.

background story?
for me it's gamers.

Attached: beautiful dedede ponders the meaning of life.png (450x450, 173K)

stay out of this, user, we're busy laying into this fucker or hating kirby and insisting he's a girl.

goddamn it

Come on user, you can't expose the bait that fast.

Attached: 1515387702665.png (294x442, 219K)

Is there a clean rip of that remix of the DL credits theme?

please tell me you made that just for this

>Tight pink pussy according to a wet dream I had a few years ago
Go on...

>Annoying, stuck up slutty personality
fucking where

It's part of Macho-san's theme, so I doubt it.

Attached: 1521093142834.jpg (632x1024, 99K)

Body language, overall way the talks, she's fucking asking for it like the bitch she is. It's her fault I had a wet dream once that I pummeled her tight pussy with all three inches of my chode. She cried and begged for me to stop but I made her bleed and killed her like she deserved it.

I'm starting to wonder if OP just posted the wrong picture and has been talking about somebody else this entire time.

Attached: and he was all TOGETHER NOW.png (239x258, 41K)

>Tight pink pussy according to a wet dream I had a few years ago

Attached: heh.jpg (380x296, 10K)

Kirby is a real slut.

Attached: kirby's butt.png (204x179, 9K)


Attached: marty.png (500x507, 239K)

But he's the strongest nintendo character

looks good

Attached: 1521052110669.png (360x178, 34K)

what are your thoughts on that, kirby?

ITT: shitty annoying ugly motherfuckers who you wish would die violently already goddamn I hate this pink bitch holy shit

Attached: 1342735550308.png (332x332, 195K)

he's a real bubberborp

this tbqfwy

ironic weeb waifu #1

I love how you guys still think I'm baiting or being ironic.
It's fucking simple.
Kirby is a shitty annoying character, Kirby is pink, pink = girl.

T. NeoEra

Well, your asshole is pink, so that means you're a girl on that end, of course. Right?

Someone do the ol' suck-and-cuck on you a few too many times, buddy?

>I'm not misogynistic, but (says something incredibly misogynistic)

My asshole isn't pink, not sure why you'd assume that when it's pretty obvious I'm a guy. It's darker than obsidian (that's a video game reference you're not smart enough to get)

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Attached: Waaaah.jpg (365x394, 49K)

>a video game reference you're not smart enough to get
>when obsidian is a very real thing

Your argument becomes even more invalid with every post. And here I am arguing with you when I could be playing Star Allies right now.

Attached: 1520805649259.jpg (250x238, 8K)

Golf claps for you.

You can't say facts without being labeled by the left as a nazi/sexist/racist?

It's facts. There is a difference between intentionally being misogynistic and not approving of the current female consumer group trends.

Obsidian originally came from Minecraft, before scientists were inspired by its special qualities and decided to reverse engineer the code and help make it into a real compound. I have a 4.0 GPA and I'm studying geology in college soooooooo try again sweetie :)

>t. Whispy Woods

Okay, now I know you're fucking with us.

Now I know that you Nintendo soyboys refuse to accept basic geology in favor of your shitty games designed for incels and cucks


You just destroyed what little credibility you had.

Attached: shoop.png (454x129, 10K)

I'm sorry, no. After a post like that, it is very clear you're baiting. There is no going back. You've been busted.

I mean, how could someone be smart enough to understand reverse engineering, but also dumb enough to think that a real life compound was inspired by a video game in anyway other than name?

This man streaming is an autistic aspies sjw snowflake. please watch him, he needs help and views that are non snowflakes
.tv /arcolf

Attached: 1486272591867.jpg (474x444, 203K)

You're crying as you chug soy faster than your wife chugs Tyrone's cum soiboi heckin soiboi heckin smol doggo :D

I'm sorry, are you the one who studied this shit in Yale like I did? I think not. Sit down, underage baby boy. You just got served and swerved and also pwned.

Wow, you are really committed to this bait, aren't you?