Fortnite Battle Royale thread

Been playing nonstop, fun game. 225 matches in solo, still no win

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bad game, strangling the industry, neck yourself

I can understand people not winning after 50 games, but it always surprised me when people playing H1, PUBG or Fortnite don't have wins even after 100 games or even 100 hours. Fortnite top 10 has to be the most easy of the three games to accomplish

I got my first win after 4 games. Sounds like you're just bad OP.

fortnite is easier to win the less you hide. every kill is a shit ton of materials and mini potions and gun upgrades

Played about 5 matches. Top 40 every time. Came 4th once. Killed maybe 2 people in 1 match.

Game is literally a mish mash of early access title mechanics that became popular on steam to appeal to normal fags.

Fuck off with this shit newfag.

>"lol i hate popular things"
go back to your obscure Japanese hentai RPG's faggot

Indeed, gotten top 10 and 5 plenty of times. Guess i just do bad under pressure and choke everytime, cant really get the hang of building on console either

Honestly It's just a blatant a rip off of pubg for sonybros or toaster/xbox owners who can't stand the performance

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It seems like it would be a lot of fun if I had friends to play with. Playing alone or in a group with a bunch of Mexican kids who don't speak English is not fun.

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I play on pc and i usually get paired up with more english speaking players than hipanics. I speak both so it doesnt really matter to me but u get your point, i wish my actual friends would play it

>played fortnite with friends a few times one night
>shitty hit detection and ugly aesthetics
>uninstall it and never play it again
Fuck this game.

>strangling the industry


>strangling the industry
how is charging $20 for a skin strangling the industry? maybe the player but the skins are optional you cunt. its a free game quit being a bitch

I just don't see the appeal
>spend 10-15 minutes looting shit
>get sniped and die

isn't this literally why we have /vg/

I just installed it, this dumb fucking looking game better be decent

well tell that to the e-sports threads or e-speedrun threads

>makes a thread about a video game
the v in Sup Forums stands for video games, son

Much like zombie dayz clones and mobas before it, battle Royale is quickly becoming a genre where competitors only attempt to imitate the strongest IP in the genre, where nobody takes a chance to invent new mechanics. Not him but my read.

>go back to your obscure Japanese hentai RPG's faggot

Reddit is that way.

>tfw this game is here to stay because some streamer played with some rapper
Wake me when is over Sup Forums

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agree. thats not the devs fault though, its the market. there is no fault here actually, its just the way this scenario played out

Pretty sure the v stands for shitposting

just build lol

pretty sure youre the only one who said that
now let us discuss games

reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with fortnite and if you think it's a bad game you're just a contrarian who doesn't want to admit you like the same things as the people who bully you at school

Okay I started a game and got killed pretty quick also the fucking designs in this game scream "soy"

Who the fuck comes up with shit like pic related, fucking faggots that's who

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>play on console
>call others soy

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Has the playerbase gotten better since it became more poplar?

I played it right around when it came out, got 1st place on my second game. Getting to the final 10 at least was pretty easy then.

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your user. why did you even give a shit about getting insulted?

Players are more skilled now than even a few months ago if that’s what you mean. I remember in 2017 tards would just keep running instead of building when you shoot at them. I miss those times.


This is a discussion about Fortnite, not PUBG.

I honestly just want PUBG on PS4. I have it on PC but there is so much bullshit to worry about whether it be hacking frame drops etc. That and I enjoy the gunplay alot more. Fornite still fun tho.

They fix the weapon bloom yet?

>shoot someone
>They instantly build

Fun game

>stream it
>make 500k a month
white people

Battleroyal is the new MOBA for low skilled players.

Except MOBAs take skill and have been played for nearly 2 decades

I guess english isn't your first language.

I'm uninstalling the game now, H1Z1 may have been trash too but it at least it wasn't designed to appeal to soyboys.

Ah, fug me.

I'm tired...

the building mechanic ruins the game

Git gud

I can do it, doesn't mean it's fun

>can't aim
>blames it on the game

literally play a different battle royale game then
the building is the defining feature of this one

I do play different ones

it's just this is the one all my normie friends play because it's free

I just think it's a shame the one that took off is the one with this shitty mechanic

What makes you think I'm interested in this fucking game, anyways?

Gimme more Unreal Tournament instead, Epic.

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I uninstalled Fortnite and I'm downloading that now, I hope it's good