Fae has aggression problems

fae has aggression problems

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fae is a fat toddler

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then we fuck the crazy out of her

Fae is too young to sexualize, she should at least be as old as Nowi, since Nowi can birth children

>too young to sexualize
No such thing

she's also very cute

Nowi is a literal pedophile that prays on humans hundreds of times younger than her

yamete kudasai

you brought this on yourself

Attached: potato.png (186x134, 39K)

i want to bop her bobs

I want to foddler this toddler.

I got it

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Which Etrian Odyssey game is this?

It's Fae from Fire Emblem Heroes.

>/vg/ is a better place to discuss fire emblem than Sup Forums-

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Imagine my shock. To think something like this could happen.

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my daughter is very cute

Attached: 8f6.png (639x753, 566K)

Same artist, not from an EO game though.
Absolutely disgusting, though not at all surprising.

>People still believe this


Attached: fae.png (720x960, 559K)


Stop it's shit art and shit girl.

Sundresses are the only thing my daughteru should be wearing, not slutty bikinis.

>shit girl

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Sorry the Truth hurts

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What's she going to do with that octopus?


Attached: Fae.png (344x740, 210K)


wow le so cute

Cheesepizza aside here's this fellow i found in arena

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-16-21-36-03.png (720x1280, 1003K)

No wonder that place is such a shitshow.

Wtf Sup Forumsros is reddit laughing at us?

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