God of War

Yeah I'm thinking he's back

Attached: KratosPunishesToddlerForShitposting.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

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whats that movie quote from. i see it everywhere on Sup Forums

Show the part before this where he's just slowly walking around hiding behind his shield


pure kino

is this UFC 3?

shill thread

sony cucks pulling in overdrive near release as usual

So instead of mashing square, I mash R1? Yes, this game is clearly an improvement.


Barlog explaining combat

Attached: GOW2.webm (640x480, 2.86M)

Holy fuck, how did they make gameplay this advanced?

It's like it's straight out of a movie.

Jesus fucking christ kill yourself.

>Sony wins again

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Keanu translates into kino in ancient phoenician

No user, it's press R1 for awesome, see? It's much deeper than just pressing X.

April can't come soon enough

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Dude, you don't get it, this is not about the gameplay, its about the story and emotions you feel while playing it. Also, we want you to cry while playing a God of War game for some reason.


Kratos: Sonybro
Witch: soytendo man child

>no blood
>only orange fanta and japanese black goo of unoriginality

Attached: 1506976734919.jpg (618x597, 144K)

>no blood
Go to the doctor you're having a stroke

>le john wicked
I can smell the fuck reddit from here.

Guess you missed the bloodstains all over the floor during Kratos attacks, what I'd expect from a frogposter.

how is it that i always see the Nintendo name being related to soy, when Soy is literally part of the name Sony?

>frogposters are retarded
more news at 11.

what is wrong with people nowadays

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>no way fag, we todaly not copying dark souls (our favourite fucking game btw)
>proceeds to copy dark souls

>mooks just stand by while their fellows are slaughtered
>attack one by one
>huur duur time to make a faint swing at the protags back but not really

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Dark Souls wishes it had combat as smooth as that.

>we don't want to make open-world and we don't want to mimic DaS
based Cory

welcome to God of War games bitch enjoy your stay.

Can a white person explain why they (and their pet spics, niggers, and chinks) love these shitty cinematic movie games so much?

this looks like dark souls if it were actually good.

>Square, square, square, square

Truly the successor to the series!

Good lord, it looks fucking awful and boring as fuck.

>>Square, square, square, square
>Truly the successor to the series!
yes, the originals were like that.

Good, you got my joke.

its not that bad
i mean he`s one pink hair dye and piercings away from that pic of an sjw guy that gets posted around
but at least he didnt go there

This doesn't play like a god of war game at all. It seems like it's trying to be like all those other boring over the shoulder hack n roll games.

Attached: squareqte.jpg (652x325, 147K)

It's like they want to keep the violence but don't want to commit to Kratos actually going rip and tear on anything remotely human, so they opt to make the blood a funky colour and shit.

Imagine being this daft

because cinema /hollywod is dying so theyre migrating into our vidya

Better than your flashy jao button mashers

Whites don't actually like games and niggers, chinks, and spics just want to impress whites by emulating their stupidity.

This isn't fair. Sometimes you get to mash triangle or circle a bunch of times for a useless C I N E M A T I C

The people who love these games never beat a good platformer or FPS.

Ok this looks pretty good. Gonna make some webms of this

I love how the enemies are just there to be killed, also that enemy floating mid combo, no aerial combat, god this """devs""" are so fucking incompetent, shame its going to sell only for the games name and normal fags are going to be all overit

One tiny detail I liked about the previous GoW games was that sub-interactions like controlling the wounded Hecadontaries was referred to as a "Minigame" for whatever reason.

I saw the "Press R1 or R2 to attack" and that reminded me of it. Either way it brought a smile to my face. That's what that Revenant gets for saying Soylent tastes bad!



Yeah ninja gaidan is like that but what can you do

Ignore the kikes for a second, I'm asking WHY white people love this trash so much.
The only people I ever see praising these shitty games are white people, SJW niggers, spics, and whitewashed Asians (usually Korean-Americans and SEAmonkeys).

>he's back because instead of some push one button to see gory shit you mash button to see how he just punches face
It's garbage, thank god atleast there'll be Yakuza 6

What ethnicity are you?

Man, this movie will be great.

I'm black.
I just want to know what whites see in this shit.
Is it because they're too stupid to understand even a basic Hollywood movie?
Or is it just Sony niggers praising everything that's on a Sony platform because they're fanboys?

Niggers can't understand

>The only people I ever see praising these shitty games are
>proceeds to list everyone

Not all blacks are SJW niggers, not all Hispanics are spics, not all Asians are whitewashed.
But they do, in fact the biggest Sony fans are all SJW niggers with sub-90 IQ.

It's just people. Like you're a person who is dumb, and happens to be black.

WTF are they doing to GoW?
Why does every new game have to be exactly like the last of us?
Why does it take 20 seconds to kill a single enemy while in the other games you were killing 20 enemies/second?
Unironically ruined.

this sequel to Ryse:Son of Rome looks pretty good.

It's a false dichotomy created by console warriors. Nintendo is genuinely the only console sonygros want to own but are too poor to, and vice versa for nintendies. Xbros need not apply I guess. The only true path is to be an idort.

Nah, it's something more, I've never met a non-whitewashed Asian who liked these shitty games.
Nor have I ever met a black person who's not a leftist (or a dumbfuck ghetto nigger) that likes this shit.
I'm convinced that the people who like these shitty movie games are the same people who pay to watch Transformers every other year.

This shit looks nothing like God of War, what the fuck

Well, if you've never seen it, it must not exist.

Attached: God of War Deconstructing Combat PS4.webm (1422x800, 2.47M)

Considering how horribly these games sell outside of majority white countries, it's safe to assume that it's mainly dumbfuck white normies, their pet niggers, dumbfuck mutts, and the occasional spic/chink that lives in a white country buying these shitty games.

>old GoW games had you mow through enemies
>new GoW is slow as fuck
looks amazing

Attached: sluttery.png (442x320, 99K)

Everything about this new title seems incredibly generic. How anyone can be hyped for this is beyond me.

Why is nobody attacking him, ever?

That's probably it.

Yea, probably.
Which leads back to my previous question of why whites like this garbage so much.

How far into the game will it be until you're given control of the kid and it's a forced stealth section?

Bonus points: it uses that white line stealth indicator that every other game has used for the past 10 years.

this is why sony won this gen

Go play a musou weeb

Attached: God of War Combat.webm (1422x800, 2.49M)

>MS Pajeets going this mental

"cerebral engagement" haha

yeah that's what I play God Of War for, it's because I ran out of Heidegger books to read


nice uncharted combat

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Considering how much whites like garbage like this game I'm sure you'd love your average shitty musou.

Oh I fucking know this will happen.

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Hi Shill

If I have an issue with the game so far, it's that the FPS looks really low. Could just be shitty webm's.

I do love DMC teehee

I wouldn't presume to know, but I'm sure you could put your above average deductive skills to the test and answer it.

2 hours for the first one. 30 minutes after that for the second.

I'm leaning on the "they're too stupid to understand a book/movie, so they turn to video games made for literal retards" answer.
It seems the most likely.

Where are his chains? Why does this look like a westerner's attempt to make Dark Souls more like a movie?

>enemies just stand there, waiting for you to attack them
did they forgot to program the AI?

Digital foundry did a first look


Why are wh*te people so gay?

Let me guess the twist:
Kratos is getting weaker because of his son, who is siphoning his powers. This is the death of Kratos, and his son will take over.

Go away MS Pajeet

I'm black, M$ is shit.
I'll ask again, why are wh*te people so gay?

ESRB leaked it

Attached: GOW ESRB.jpg (637x1199, 157K)

>m$ is shit

I'm black too you giant coon, you have terrible taste.

>this new to GoW
Enemy only gets aggressive on harder difficulty levels.



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>kratos isn't actually a god of war in mythology
>his son will be a true god of war