It's a parrot

it's a parrot

Attached: 1508443516578.png (28x30, 2K)

That's an ant you faggot

It's a wrench

Attached: .webm (404x720, 1.66M)

It's not a talon?

looks like an axehead in swing with a green displacement trailing the endpoints of the axehead.

Attached: 1518914421628.png (126x176, 30K)

aw shieet i can see it now

>literally asking for it


Attached: 1496737580393.png (282x286, 84K)

wait a minute that nose...



always thought it was some guy doing instant transmission

Someone post the one with the football player in front of a volcano, I lost it

>handrubbing intensifies

Confirmed dwarf mages?!

that was confirmed in 2009 my man

Wait was this thread unironical?
Are there people who couldn't actually see just an axe swinging leaving a green trail?

I don't have it but in pretty sure flamestrike had that icon plus one of the mages fire talents (pre cata) also did, I think it was firestarter.


Attached: ability_shockwave[1].jpg (56x56, 2K)

>harmstring icon
Am I being memed here

A halberd striking the ground.

Attached: 1514326557477.jpg (563x725, 231K)


Attached: 1516002095526.jpg (451x604, 65K)

It's the icon for shockwave from WC3 you plib

The question is why it was used for hamstring which is completely unrelated to what the icon depicts

Attached: 1498758592422.png (834x868, 56K)


What the fuck did they mean by this?

Attached: 1508881393708.gif (64x64, 2K)

It's just this guy.

Attached: Antonidas3.jpg (180x178, 7K)

Attached: 1505248341573.png (821x783, 30K)

A ham being strung.

Attached: 1502592061400.jpg (58x56, 2K)

Attached: Warcraft 3 Icons.jpg (3264x2448, 536K)

Hey wait

Think this is where they got the idea for the axebeaks in WoD?

I never actually knew what it was, but I at least know it wasn't a parrot.


I thought it was a guy covering his mouth with his hand, like a "hush" spell or something.


I mean the sword and it's afterimages make sense I suppose. but the trail is too long for it and also there is a ring for some reason.

Severely underrated


Attached: latest[1].png (64x64, 8K)

i think the ring means the trajectory the sword is going to take while spining

Laughed in public.