Yup, expect this to get 10 and 10s everywhere.
Journalists love these kind of games, expect this game to get AMAZING reviews despite the shallow combat and press X to climb
Yup, expect this to get 10 and 10s everywhere.
Journalists love these kind of games, expect this game to get AMAZING reviews despite the shallow combat and press X to climb
Other urls found in this thread:
They want to be movie reviewers, so they love any game that's more like a movie - it allows them to act like movie reviewers for a minute.
So the wife’s son dies
It finally happened. Sup Forums will defend cinematic games
Personally i love it when games/movies treat kids as adults and not as shorter dumber versions of humans.
You can see in this trailer that this kid is more mature and grown up that most adults (through hardship and survival)
Oops, forgot link.
Pretty much .
But seriously, OP: what the fuck is wrong with "press X to climb." I know you are probably trying to make a reference to how lame QTE's are, but climbing requires an entirely different and limited moveset compared to default movement. Anybody who has ever climbed a fucking ladder in their life can assure you that when you do so, you may as well "press X" to climb.
Anyway, moral of the story is that using a context sensitive button to climb a fucking ladder is not an example of bad game design. I highly doubt you've ever played a game where doing that actually made the game less fun.
So fuck off.
Don't you see whats happening here? Your literally just saying this so you can be less butthurt when and if it does get 10/10.
>S-See mommy these arent real 10/10! They don't count!!
This game looks like shit, but please grow the fuck up. Jesus.
>s-sony makes real mature video games for grown-ups like me
It kinda sounds like your scared of the game getting bad reviews OP.
That's pretty fucking pathetic. Sony has you stressed as fuck for no reason.
It this was a Nintendo game everyone on Sup Forums would be praising it.
This goes to OP and anyone else who feels ass blasted that game will do well,
Will it hinder your life in any way?
Just don't play/watch it. Let the people who like this kinda shit enjoy something, while you and I play games we do find enjoyable.
Reviews don't mean shit to me.
Nintendo doesn't make movie games
Kill me, Pete.
What's the next game to get the TLoU reboot treatment? Gritty Sly Cooper?
>Throw a murderous revenge filled psychopath into an adventure with his "son"
>"It's an emotional thrill ride, amazing, 10/10"
games like this set a precedent faggot
>will this hugely popular game that will partly define the future of gaming as a whole affect you in any way?
how are you people all so fucking short sighted
10/10 - my wife's son loved it!
post yfw your wife's son dies
Because having some emotions in game is bad?
Walking Dead s1 did it great,every episode was enjoyable, you got attached to characters and they died rising emotions in you
>kill bunch of enemies
>kid seems distraught
>Kratos just tells him - "close your heart to that"
Movies are hard to make, cardboard is much simpler.
More like GAYstation 4
it really easy to make games like this and fail.
this is the problem with Sup Forumstards. always taking shit to the extreme.
Kratos should fight the Aztec gods next.
Name one Last of Us clone that failed.
Name 3 Last of Us clones.
>shallow combat
there is an entire system based around throwing your weapon for crowd control which weakens your direct offensive output until you call it back, and having a secondary character you call in as a combo extender
that's more depth than any other game has ever had, prove me wrong
retard spotted
Hello shill
lost legacy
god of war
last of us 2
I didnt think it was possible, but this has literally soy gameplay
It will get 10/10s for the souls gameplay
new gow isn't a stealth game, its nothing like tlou
you dont know that
You don't seem to know what The Last of Us is like because none of those comparison are accurate.
>god of soy
>my wife's son
It will get 9999/10
Kill me, Pete.
Please Pete
>wife's son's mom dies in the first 10 minutes
well yeah, that's the whole plot of the game
they are traveling to the top of the highest mountain or some shit for the funeral
I'm ready
He is one of us!
And paper with 1×1 boxes is simpler than cardboard, but in the end they are both shit
>new God of War
>not Last of Us
Emotional scenes are fine if they've been earned. For example: a character you've spend 20+ hours with has a heartbreaking revelation.
It sounds like they frontloaded a bunch of "muh feel" scenes to make it seem more cinematic. It's almost exploitative.
You seem to be weirdly obsessed with a game that you hate
I was never interested in the God of War series because the character looks like a stereotype of edge lord and the game play looks like some repetitive hack and slash
But I kind of like the look of his one, mostly because of the story and the atmosphere
Any Slime pls
I am definitely gonna buy it, i want to support singleplayer games that doesn't have lootbox/mtx crap.
So unless something is at least 20 hours it can't affect anyone
Welcome to Sup Forums.
>enemy levels
You can already see the MMO style variations
Sounds like its gonna be overhyped like TLOU for its muh deep and emotional story.
why does a game that's going to be around 10~12 hours long at best needs RPG and MMO styled shit in it, along with those character stats and customizable armors?
>shallow combat & press x to climb
Sounds like a GoW game to me
It's confirmed to be over 25 hours.
how though, the level design and everything else just really doesn't make it look like it's going to be lengthy at all
Or when Kratos dies. Or when Kratos kills his son. Or when you play the son and kill Kratos. Something edgy must happen. There has to be a bait n switch involved.
It was confirmed by the producer.
Your a fucking paid Sony shill, right? This didn't sound natural AT ALL.
You've seen nothing but the tutorial, you have no idea what the level design is like.
so 10 hours then
Kratos and the kid die and you play as his wife.
>implying it's not when Kratos's wife dies and he has to go on an adventure to get her back and is killed by her son who trades Kratos's life for hers and then Kratos fights his way out of Hel to try and fight the now grown up son but his wife fights you at the same time and you have to kill them both
>It finally happened. Sup Forums will defend cinematic games
Sup Forums defends cinematic games every time Sony makes one user, its only bad when someone else does it
Keep up the work guys!
>doing it for free
It's padding. It'd a growing trend in AAA games.
>god of soy
>my wife's son
What does soy and wife's son have to do with God of War?
>It this was a Nintendo game everyone on Sup Forums would be praising it.
Have you ever actually talked to a Nintendo fan and not just shitposters?
They fucking hate it when Nintendo games are too "cinematic", literally every Nintendo game that tries to have a heavy handed narrative ends up being generally disliked with only a few fans.
>criticism gets deleted
>Metroid: Other M
>complaining about soyboys
Based mods
What does the game do better in its gameplay that it would deserve higher scores than any of the previous games?
Even pokemon fans are starting to get pissed off because the games are getting too many 'cut scenes' and interrupt the game too often.
Hell, a lot of people even shit on Mario Galaxy because its a lot of style over substance,
>What does the game do better in its gameplay that it would deserve higher scores than any of the previous games?
This game is nothing like any of the previous GoW games, it might as well be a new franchise with Kratos slapped in to make people pay attention to it
Has a tacked on companion so that games journalists can feel like they have a biological son instead of an adopted one.
I agree with the criticisms, I still find them fun but only an absolute retard would deny obvious faults.
>funny memes get banned
What is the point of Sup Forums then, you fag? Trust me, you have no insight in anything that deserves a meme getting erased.
Hmmm soup
I’ve played it and I’m not memeing but there’s a difficulty setting to the game that’s decided by whether or not you let the son die in the begin
>funny meme
Were you dropped as a child?
The point of Sup Forums is to talk about video games. I know you redditors got the idea in your heads that it's okay to use this board as your personal dumping ground, but it isn't. If you want to talk about soyboys, then go back to where you came from and do that.
You're probably right
>Kratos gets hurt
>have to collect 20 drauger dongs to make a potion for Kratos as his wifes son
they will literally just copy paste TLOU at the least.
Anyone can post here.
That doesn't mean natives will ever eat this mediocre B-tier movie garbage.
Kratos died like 30 times. What makes you think that he'll stay dead in this game?