This is your E3 2018 winner. Say something nice.
This is your E3 2018 winner. Say something nice
I've enjoyed the time I've spent playing games on it and I'm looking forward to Smash Bros.
wish it had games or cfw, one or the other
>switch is already 5 months old
>2016 Zelda
>2017 Mario
>2018 Smash
What’s next year’s game
Nintendo wins E3 everyyear according to you fags. Even when they showed only 3 fucking games that one year.
A current gen system's going to finally get original games that aren't multiplats or remakes?
>5 months
are you baiting? this is effective if yes.
Fire Emblem
theres pretty much zero chance the new smash will be substantially different from Wii U and you niggers know it.
Why the fuck are you pretending so badly.
>hurr switch only has multiplats and remakes
>when mario's odyssey is the best game of the gen
>Compliment anything
>Instant shill response
Sasuga Sup Forums
OP told me to say something nice.
the soyboy can't meme
What's the next game you're getting bros?
I really wanna double dip and get Xenoverse 2 but not at that current price, will get it once it hits $20, in the mean time, next game will be either DKTF or Mario Tennis.
Same. Though I'm mostly hyped for Octopath Traveler.
>mario odyssey
>original game
I'm not just complaining about the switch either, other consoles and PC have jack shit for cool new IPs.
Looks good too. Still haven't played the demo yet.
Fire Emblem is coming in 2018.
Two ports, a 1.5 rehash, and a mediocre Mario game.
Pokemon literally when?
I'll buy a switch when they announce it
Do you even know what seething means?
Are you saying that I'm seething or that you're seething?
Dumbest meme response i've seen in a long time.
I'm thinking about getting the Naruto trilogy, but besides that I only want the dark souls remake.
i think not
It's been announced that they are working on one, if you mean a trailer for the game, then probably E3.
GF's main platform is the Switch now.
Defnitely Mario Tennis. It looks like Nintendo made Mario Tennis great again and I'd like to get back into the series. The last one I bought was Power Tennis. Though I have to say, waiting until June seems a little unbearable, so I might just double dip on DKCTF.
2018 confirmed for the Switch:
>Kirby Star Allies
>Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
>Fire Emblem
>Smash Bros. 5
>Octopath Traveler
>Bayonetta 2+1
>Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition
>DKC Tropical Freeze
>Captain Toad
It's not THAT bad but 2017 was way better, hope they show us some more at E3. If someone reminds another game feel free to correct me.
You should try it. Gets you used to the battle system, and it's a pretty meaty demo at that. You can actually fight the townsfolk with one of the characters.
Years they lost
Has Fire Emblem been confirmed for 2018? I thought it just had a TBA and nothing more.
I wanna get Mario+Rabbids as I had a very incorrect idea of it and it looks like the game is really fucking good.
I already have Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart and Xenoblade 2, might get Splatoon 2 next.
literally just bought a switch last week because of pokemon
hopefully it comes soon because right now I'm feeling the worse buyer's remorse I've ever felt in my life
user. You forgot Pokemon.
That's definetely not confirmed for 2018.
Yeah it does, look at the FE wiki.
He probably thinks because there isn't a big power difference between the switch and the Wii U that its gonna look the same therefore its just gonna be a port.
I just want to have my Farfetch'd on Switch :'(
I actually think that because there isn't a big power difference between Switch and Wii U that they will have to change the artstyle to make the game look as different as possible. Just like Brawl and Melee.
Buying a console when literally no game out right now interests you is a dumb thing to do.
>the year they BTFO everyone and everything with Zelda
Is the switch a he or a she?
I think she's a she.
I love my Switch, but calling an E3 winner before E3 even happens is fucking stupid.
That having been said, Nintendo should have a solid lineup and I doubt anyone with a PC will call them a "loser.", even if Microsoft actually somehow brings it this year.
The last Smash came out 4 years ago. It'd be fast for a newer title to come out, but Brawl to Wii U only took 6, and that was with the added complication of codeveloping it for the 3DS.
I wouldn't call it a guarantee that it'll be drastically different, but your dismissal is a bit short-sighted.
In my country all consoles are a she.
>this is your winner of a long commercial
>ONE game.
>winning E3.
I loved it but come on now.
Next big game probably is South Park. Next eshop game is Manticore Galaxy on Fire
In mine too
You can't win e3 if you don't go to e3.
Pre prepared directs do not count
Wait until E3 - if it's not announced then, it's not coming out for another year or 2.
Are you having buyers remorse because of the lack of Pokemon, or some other reason?
>Nintendo has been launching a big game every month
>start trusting them to launch something good always
>realize there's nothing until DKC port
>"Hmm, I wonder what's coming in april"
>Nintendo Labo
Fuck why is this happening
Labo is actually a genius move, it's just not for your age
I made this mistake with the Xbone. Bought one for Scalebound. We saw how that turned out.
>can't win if you don't go
>despite Nintendo having one of the biggest booths
Trying to use not having a live press conference against them despite them having the best showing and one of the most popular booths, nice try Sonybro/Xboxbro
I would totally buy it if I had kids.
You're such a whiny bitch. I'll admit, April is a bit of a dry month but May is fucking pouring out with amazing releases.
>Dark Souls
>One Piece
>Hyrule Warriors
>Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
sort yourself out
2018 Ports
>Fornite goes Mobile. Potential Switch Release
>PUBG goes mobile. Ditto
>Paladins does the same
>Ever Oasis :(
>Release dates for ports
New shit / Update on upcoming shit
>Smash 5
>Metroid P4
>Fire Emblem (again)
>Splatoon 2 updates
>Captain Toad
>Okami HD
>Release dates for upcoming shit
>New IP reveal (never ever)
Zelda was 2017 bro
Oh I definitely will, I've had it downloaded for months.
>4 ports
not saying other consoles are better but c'mon user
That one good game you have is REALLY good.
Top 10 Switch games (ports included):
Project Octopath Traveler Demo
Bayonetta 2
Fast RMX
Sonic Mania
BotW is kinda trash. That weapon system is crippling to the gameplay.
no, it's because I spent an entire month's savings on it with 3 games and haven't touched it since. I don't really play videogames except FIFA (which I've tried for the Switch and it's shit) but the Switch just looked so comfy and marketed to people like me that I decided to take the plunge. Also bought Odissey and Zelda because of the awards these games had and MK8 because I thought I would be able to gather friends and play together (I wasn't)
user - you can play these anywhere. I know you think this is a meme because you don't leave your house but I recently just had a flight that last 7 hours that fucking drifted by thanks to my Switch, BoTW and a portable power bank. I could give a fuck if they are ports, if I can play them at 37,000 feet, I'm in fucking in.
is one piece any good for someone who doesn't know anything about one piece?
What we know they have: Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Octopath, Smash, Metroid, Bayonetta
What's new that they'll show: Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3, Mario Party, Retros game, some big third party online games to promote the online service (FighterZ, GTA V, Fortnite) and virtual console
Donkey Kong comes in May though.
>Literally what I said in my post
Read you idiot.
Have you played a musou game before? It's like that.
I think it is great because it encourages you to try all different kinds of weapons instead of just using a sword the whole game.
something nice
>Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3
Oh god please make it happen.
>literal ammo system
I'm getting some buyer's remorse.
I mean sure, remaining hopeful that more good stuff comes out, but right now, the only thing worthwhile is Odyssey.
The Rabbids/XCom game was playable, but I returned it, and then BotW is ruined by its retarded weapon system (I don't care how much it gets its dick sucked).
Arms looks like it might be okay, but I'm not into the genre.
I've probably used my WiiU more than my switch in the time since I bought it.
>ONE game.
>winning E3.
I live in the suburbs so I have to drive everywhere and I probably fly less than 24 hours a year. Wouldn't make sense for me to buy a new console for flights so I could play games that came out years ago when I already have a 2DS or could just download some books to read.
The whole thing would be fine if there was an ability to repair.
Then, the endless work of checking enemy drops to see if they're better than your current weakest becomes an occational rather than constant chore.
To the above point, image a shooting game where you can't reload after you run out of ammo.
By your analogy, the "Gunplay" in Mirror's Edge was good.
You have a really bad reason to not play BotW.
Also, what about Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2?
Everything seems to lean toward all three
>Pokemon switch job listings seem to show it's on track for this year
>AC Pocket Camp is supposed to work with a full fledged AC on switch
>releasing the original Mansion on 3ds this year, with next level releasing the next installment in 2019
I thought the same at first. then 20 hours in it all just clicked. even with the weapon system it's still satisfying. I have so much fun trying to optimize my loadouts but not too much so that I have a good variety for various situations and space to pick up more. It becomes less about trying to hoard the best weapons and more about trying to keep your loadout at a certain rhythm, if you will. When you plan on doing risky stuff like go Hyrule Castle diving or Guardian hunting, you can beef up your arsenal and get the durable high-powered weapons, but if you're doing light exploring or spirit orb gathering you just take only a couple heavy hitters so that you leave space to pick up weapons and random loot from enemies and chests. It becomes optimizing for every situation which is like it's own little puzzle.
I always had like 2 or 3 of the best weapon I had, and the durability gets bigger and bigger with more powerful weapons so it never felt like an issue to me.
Prime 4 you think? Is it big enough of a name?
No, people who will play anything have a bad reason to like the game.
Its perfectly good Zelda gameplay, but constantly fiddling with your weapon inventory is like a millstone around the game's neck.
Both of the games you mention seem good.
I'm not a multiplayer person, but I might pick up xenoblade.
But you can reload the gun, just pick one up from the nearest enemy you killed and use it.
You're just having an autistic fit because it's swords instead of guns and that's change and change is bad. It's functionally the same thing.
Better show some Metroid Prime, Nintendies
Between Mario + Rabbids and Xenoblade 2 are solid choices.
If you're a turn based guy Disega 5 is amazing
If you ignore the Todd Howard memes Skyrim runs extremely well
A lot of the indies are pretty worth it too
Hollow knight when?!
Trying different weapons and being rewarded with more powerful ones was one of the best things about the game for me. There would be no point in exploring if you didn't get new weapons/shields/bows while doing it.
And to add, it makes loot drops actually valuable, where even 'whites' and 'greens' have value, compared to games like Borderlands or Destiny where most drops are trash. You can still 'repair' or recharge certain weapons in BotW though, they're just limited to the valuable story weapons like the Master Sword or the special Tridents and other stuff.
Man, I'm not sure what to tell you. BoTW took a little getting into at first but for me once I got my teeth into exploring I just couldn't put it down. You find weapons on basically everything, so they're hardly in short supply.
Odyssey is brilliant. As mentioned previously portability is one of the big appeals for me personally, so even just having Rocket League, Sonic Mania and L.A. Noire are all big appeal points to me. That's kind of the major appeal about the Switch that I think a lot of people don't understand. Everything that comes out on it is a plus for me, because I means it's more I can take with me while travelling for work. And I can never have enough shit to entertain me while I'm travelling for fucking work.
Retarded cocksucker
Who'd have thought they would really announce Goku for Smash!
That is literally what happened though. I mean Sony had the best conference but people were talking about Zelda the most.
It's a good console and I'm hyped to see what else we'll get on it after BotW, Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and Bayo 3