What are some games that made you fall in love with vidya all over again Sup Forums?

What are some games that made you fall in love with vidya all over again Sup Forums?
For me it's SCP: Secret Laboratory. In an age of shitty server hosted multiplayer and nu-male faggots shouting "TOXIC WAHHH", SCP really renewed my faith in online multiplayer games.
This is NOT an SCP thread

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hello nu-Sup Forums

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yeah i love scp too




Titanfall 2

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Can we make it an SCP thread?
What servers are up?

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I kinda want to make it a Titanfall thread though

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>makes thread talking about SCP
>pic very very related
>This is NOT an SCP thread
I mean sure yeah but do I really need to tell you why that's retarded?

Why not both?

Well it's either discuss videogames or jannies delete the thread
Besides I meant what I said I haven't had this much fun in a multiplayer game in a long time

Good idea

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That looks cool. But then when i play shooters i plainly suck, no aim, no reflexes and no awareness of what's happening around me. How does one get good at shooters besides the obvious keep playing?

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Titanfall's got a co-op gamemode Tower Defense style as well as a Singleplayer campaign that can help you get the basics.
Also try and fine-tune your dpi and mouse sensitivity

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These threads SHOULD be deleted. Fuck off to /x/ with your stupid bullshit.

Fistful of Frags. It's a simple arena shooter that's all about fun and free to boot. Have about 200 hours on it.
Shame it's only Russians and BRs playing now

all shooters should go to /k/ too
this is i funposting board

Were you not satisfied enough with the /vg/ move aBiBo?

i agree, all anime games belong on Sup Forums too

/x/ doesn't into scp anymore
The owner (who started on /x/) got ass blasted and cut all contact off

sorry but this game looks like shit,
unirionically go play overwatch

>unironically supporting soy watch
Opinion discarded

I don't fucking care. GET OFF MY BOARD.

What happened?
Also to stay on topic, Hotline Miami(long ago I know) made me get that "I fucking love videogames" feel after years.

mods are coming

I still don't get why the jannies and mods got a hateboner for Secret Lab. Was it just ABIB monitoring Sup Forums every minute or did he rally up the jannies to monitor for him?

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But it's a video game

It's likely only ABIB. He does it on Sup Forums too with animes he doesn't like.
If you ever see other video game threads mysteriously disappearing, it's safe to assume it was him

>soy watch
lul, kys kid

>he plays video games for beginners

sure thing bud, that's why ow has an esports community in only two years, and titanfall has, well, it has webms to be posted on Sup Forums...

>competitive overwatch

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I don't understand what mods are even doing, stuff like twitter screencaps, e-celebs and porn stay up until it reaches bump limit but video game threads or threads about shit that happens in vidya get randomly deleted for no reason.

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>an esports community that is terrible and rushed and is running at a loss


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I was bored with vidya and Bloodborne did it for me

fuck off retard

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Fuck SCP especially these two

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this picture says otherwise

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To be fair, you would probably get much better discussion on robot games there.


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guess all fantasy games should go to /tg/

All racing games should go to /o/

Is the game really that fun? Personally I was extremely turned off by my first experience of it, where I died in the first 5 minutes and then spent 40+ waiting for a new match. I even left and tried to find other games to join, but I'm always stuck spectating. Its fine if I die over and over, and it was my literal first time playing it without even trying the original so I was expecting it but.... god, these turnover rates are terrible aren't they?! I think I have 90 minutes of total play time, except I've only played for 15-20 of them? I've literally gone to take a shit, see if I'm still spectating, gone to get some food, come back and still see I'm spectating, alt tab and watch a video...

This is why you should only play with Sup Forums

this game is probably an exception to never play with Sup Forums, first time I played the game I joined a server from one of these threads and had a whole lot of fun for 3 hours straight

Don't switch servers, if you die you'll respawn as a mall cop, which can be pretty fun.
Also read a guide to know what the fuck you are supposed to do, it will help with the whole survival thing. The game can be really confusing for newcomers.
And play on the Sup Forums servers.

guess all YGO game threads should go to Sup Forums

I assume this means, play when someone on Sup Forums makes a lobby like in several other games? I'm not American, the time Sup Forums plays games is like 2pm on weekdays for me. I'm at work.

>shoot everyone except nerds
>team up with NTF and escape
Chaos Insurgency
>shoot everyone except d-bois
>team up with CI and escape

I don't know why babbywatch fans hate fast games? Can they not handle the speed?

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the map layout being randomized each time really fucks my head

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you already know the answer faggot