Buy her game. Its getting amazing reviews
Buy her game. Its getting amazing reviews
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i called this boy a girl get it epic tranny memes heh please respond
Heres your (you), its a guy.
>he doesnt know
i'll wait or the novo crack
It's like Bridget he got tricked by a trap lloool
I did
Its fucking disusting
no reasont to play a faggots and a traps game
if he was were a cute loli in a dress i would have played
wow I made this character design not fucking gay with a simple change
Is that the girl from Inspector Gadget?
I hate it that they drew a girl and then just say that its a boy
Eyelashes in cartoons mean female goddamnit
You people are crazy.
How is the DS version of the first game?
Also if you're going hime-cut why not make your mc actually cute?
Ni nobody knows who is - Irrelevant Kingdom
Hey, Evan's cute as fuck
>Main character has my name
>Gf teases me about is since I'm kinda small and thick and she thinks he's cute
Fuck that looks awful. There's a concrete lack of shading on that jacket. Have these people never looked at real life? Am not looking forward to play that shit if the entire game looks that terrible.
Small and thicc? Pictures now
What does Season Pass add into this game?
First game also got amazing reviews and it turned out to be shit.
>ywn sit on a shota
still looks like a girl. You fail. Please submit yourself for torture and execution.
If it comes to Switch sure otherwise Fuck off.
I just preordered the premium edition on amazon. I watched a few gameplay videos and they convinced me. Plus Amazon is still honoring their discount for the premium and it has a steelbook.
>Evan actually fucked someone
>he actually have more balls than vast majority of jrpg protagonists
wew lad
We already know who.
Level5 already makes Nintendo games, they're called those shitty Yokai Watch games so go enjoy those.
I did the same, I got the premium only for the steelbook and the fact that PS4pro apparently runs at dynamic res/60 FPS and has HDR.
What did they mean by this
The term he meant was fat.
I'd rather a shota sit on me.
What first? On your face or on your crotch?
>amazing reviews
the only PC footage on YouTube has really bad stuttering
when will these nips get it right?
2 things I need to know.
Is the combat shit?
Do I need to play the first game?
Face please
I played the DS one
it's much better in story and gameplay wise but you had to write out the runes on your touch screen which was a massive pain.
I think the only thing the DS game had originally was the wizard king's daughter (the white witch) was kill in the post game and he goes on a butthurt rampage to destroy the world.
Didn't play 1, but kindom building interest me? How does it work?
I'm gonna assume it's the classic "buy building/upgrade from a menu with resources you gather and poof, it's there, then the happy merchant inhabiting it will con you out of money for equipment" instead of "attract settlers, equip guards, build farms and mines defend town etc.
These fucking beastpeople stealing our wimminz
So what happens with New York getting nuked at the beginning? Does that get undone in the ending with magic time fuckery?
Reviews aren't as big as you think they are in the decision-making process.
I could care less what some """"journalist"""" thinks. I would rather watch gameplay and learn about the basis of the story.
Well that was much better than expected. Guess i'll give this game a go.
question -- what is it about ni no kuni that makes it "okay" for normalfags to play? i see a lot of them talking about it. is it because gamestop advertises it or something? i went into a gamestop awhile ago and they had a persona segment playing on the screen with some woman talking about it, and persona kind of got popular with them. are nip games only okay when they look western and/or are advertised by our media? what the fuck happened to gamestop now with all their "nerd" gear and shit?
normals love ghibili
and they assume it's being made by ghibili man so they're going along with it
huh makes sense. do they actually like them or just like two of their films?