Wow, thanks Blizzard
Wow, thanks Blizzard
>creates memes
Really is SJWatch, holy shit.
Please look at us fighting racism. Please acknowledge us being good boys. We are very legitimate and to be taken seriously
>Prime opportunity for some laughs, a bunch of fuckers who don't understand the internet fucking freaking out over a frog
Everything Blizzard does screams jew to me
How does it feel to constantly assume everything is an attack on your sensibilities?
I don't understand your post. In a very short amount of time you managed to contradict yourself
>tfw finally pepe is out of normies hands again
You okay there pal?
>dude your game is bleeding players because you dont balance your game, genji and tracer have been destroying games solo for weeks now
>what should we do?
>fight that frog
if you use the word, you are already one
Thank god were finally removing racism from our competitive games. My nan who's Jewish saw pepe on her face book once, she cried because it reminded her the holocaust when, green men in Hugo Boss trench coats pulled down that gas chamber lever..
This. We simply call them breeders now
Fucking based
Shitty memes need to die, it's the only way tos ave gaming
That's really retarded, but I have to accept it because of the nu-Sup Forums SJW hivemind.
You are on cuckchan, what do you expect?
shouldn't you guys be happy? wasn't the whole point to make pepe unusable by normies?
How pathetic of a company you must be when you're threatened by Internet memes, and force random people to remove any trace of it in their history.
did she survive?
is where you belong aspie
>it's classic Pepe from before most fucking dipshits had ever heard of him when he was literally just the "feels good man" frog.
Fuck you.
remember when destiny removes the warcraft's lol because it resemble kek?
hello, reddit is that way friend
i was just thinking the other day how pathetically the Left completely failed at killing off Pepe as a cultural icon
there are still tons of pepe emotes on twitch which have become part of the language of the site like Poggers and FeelsBadMan, they are still weakly attempting to shut out this stuff and it doesn't work
they even dredged up Mat Furrie and thought him ""canonically"" killing pepe would somehow make people stop using it, like how fucking transparent can you get?
Good. It's about fucking time Sup Forums is forced to get some new fucking material. You guys are worse than reddit at running a meme into the ground. Maybe now you retards will actually get creative for once.
Remove Pepe
Remove Trump
>can't handle a meme because it could potentially lead to someone getting triggered at some point
>can't handle "GG EZ"
>can't handle swearing or slurs or other shit that has been in multiplayer games since the dawn of multiplayer games because it's "toxic"
Not gonna lie Sup Forums and /r9k/ remind me of what Sup Forums used to be and not this SJW infested "gaming" board that doesn't know what it wants
how long until Wojak gets kidnapped by the normies?
I am laughing at people who actually still like and trust Blizzard when they are obviously on the take or in the know with whatever social agenda has been happening these past few years. they are 'keeping in touch' with progressive leaders i'm pretty certain, same as Google and Twitch.
>Sup Forums and /r9k/ remind me of what Sup Forums used to be
spot the newfag
How dead is OWL currently? Do they even have 100k concurrent viewers?
I hope he does. Ya'll niggas need to get creative again.
They already own him.
Thanks to /biz/.
depends on Sup Forums if they make memes that normalfags don't like.
>a frog meme is somehow offensive
normies don't understand the whole wojak spectrum. they still see him as "I know that feel" guy.
normalFAG is the proper slur for socially functional non-retards
>when neogaf calls you newfag
Sure thing, welcome to Sup Forums by the way
>12 hours training for THIS game
>be on the worst team that didn't win any games
thought police but its not even the police doing it but corporations
the (((other))) chan is pretty normie itself now, except with political normies instead of regular retarded ones.
>Not gonna lie Sup Forums and /r9k/ remind me of what Sup Forums used to be
What’s it like being retarded?
Remove Pants
Present Cock
Can some of you talented photoshoppers start making racist meme versions of all Overwatch characters?
It would be a high value meme if they literally removed a playable character as a result.
you've been here all summer i get it
Who would be stupid enough to have anything related to pepe with them in this day and age? He's be retroactively ruined by retarded frogposters.
>soyboys upset about cartoon frogs now
You must be lost, friend. ResetEra is a different website.
Solider 76 and Roadhog already look like Nazis.
>make offensive Pepes to discourage FUCKING NORMIES from using him
>is now better known among normies than when you started
Dumb frogposters.
Some trolls used it to meme people during the election, so now anybody who is still disappointed about Clinton losing gets offended when they see it. It's as ridiculous as it sounds.
what the fuck is going on in that letter?
>guy likes girl
>guy spends ~13 hours/day on videogames
>girl gets with someone else
>he gets with his ex
>girl is betrayed
It's run by jews. That's why they hired fucking Tigole of all people, the biggest cunt to ever play everquest.
the world is absurd, Sup Forums is just making fun of it
>Sup Forums and /r9k/ remind me of what Sup Forums used to be
>ben garrison
Nice try. If it were really a Garrison cartoon everything would have been labeled.
good, norms cat have it
leddit has been flowing into the site since 2010, especially Sup Forums and the mods have done jack shit about it but coddle the little retards. They even spamfilter r*ddit so you can't even properly call them out. Fucking pathetic.
but the creator is against Trump and the alt-right, wouldn't this be what they call guilty by association, wouldn't that make it unfair for him since he has no control on how people use his creation?
dont they realize this will make the chat spam pepes more?
>edgy teenagers and political retards will flock if you use any pepe anymore
He even used the vintage Pepe, not even the newer edgier one.
Reddit is not filtered, you knob
The kind of people who get mad about this kind of stuff don't usually realize much of anything.
It gets worse. He was cheating on his gf and had her get two abortions.
At first I thought that it took two days for her to find somebody else and be engaged. Woops.
>Blizzard now is holding people's accounts hostage if they catch you posting things they don't like outside of the fucking game
What kind of fucking bullshit is this? How can they do this
Normies will never take him because they live good lives unlike us.
because you let them
you allowed this to happen
As part of the OWL they are technically employees at Blizzard, so yeah.
You guys don't even know how prolific Pepe is among normies
There is an addon for twitch that allows for custom emotes called BetterTTV, one of the emotes is "PepePls" that adds a Pepe emote that anyone using the mod can see. Hundreds of streamers use Pepe as their own custom emotes, often edited to look like them or wear their uniform. You can probably click on any major twitch streamer right now and see something related to Pepe either in their own personal emotes or in the chat.
The fact that major media outlets always screech that pepe is alt-right propaganda or whatever is hilarious to me when pretty much every single form of social media has him plastered all over everything.
good, dumb frogposter should have been all banned years ago
wtf is wrong with these people
Why does anything bad happen? Because of Jews.
>political normies
Honestly those are less cancerous
Their league, their rules.
Plenty of dumb fuck things like this have happened before and they will happen again. Move on.
What is it about a green cartoon frog that paralyzes this billion dollar corporation?
So is ADL the new Know Your Meme?
Are you okay, reddit?
>corporation giving people orders to change private matters the corporations shouldn't even know about
>nobody complain, and act like the corpo is a legal entity
welcome to the land of the (((free)))
Literally nothing said on that page is wrong. It even acknowledges Pepe has innocent origins and isn't inherently racist by himself.
I still don't understand the first letter.
I see middle aged fat white Americans using pepe and saying "PRAISE KEK" that shit is in the hands of the general audience now. Pepe is long fucking gone.
It made Hilary lose the election, apparently. I don't know.
Actual Sup Forums would use this opportunity to cause some chaos and you're just sitting in this thread impotently whining.
Really noggins my joggins
No one is buying it newfag. Keep trying to fit in though, you’ll get there eventually.
the site was literally frozen for half a day because stupid people 'caused chaos'
what more do you want faggot
Someone get on this
>seething frog posters
The ONLY meaningful form of censorship in a free market is force of government, "SJWs" or whatever can't force anyone to change anything. Changing something to stay out of trouble isn't self-censorship. That's just changing what you want to make to stay out of trouble. Besides, whatever feminist/"SJW" critics that are still around are most championing positive examples rather than continuing to eye roll over exploitative design choices. In any case, it's a non-issue. If feminists/"SJWs" are as irrelevant as Sup Forums says they are, companies wouldn't listen to them ;).
>cause some chaos
Go on then, no ones stopping you, mr actual Sup Forums user