What Western and Eastern RPGs are you all looking forward to this year?
What Western and Eastern RPGs are you all looking forward to this year?
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Anything with cute anime girls.
>Human Revolution
>Western RPGs
>looking forward to
There's Code Vein I guess?
But reading from playtesters it looks like the combat will be floaty as shit.
Fuck it, I'll just wait and see what Shadows Die Twice is.
Western RPG graphics, Japanese RPG fighting, moe shit characters.
Pillars II and Banner Saga 3, not sure if anything else is coming this year
>western rpg
>it's all garbage
I like some from each list and there's nothing you guys can do about it.
>a WRPG releases
>this time it's actually good
>subhuman still weebs blindly hate it, never state a good reason
>it does well
>they promptly cry into their bodypillows, never being able to accept the fact that they simply have shit taste and have been hoodwinked into thinking JRPGs are superior
Every year
>Lost Odyssey will never get a sequel because it's doomed to be owned by Microsoft forever
It's not fucking fair.
>When the guitar kicks in for the first time
Good riddance. It was the very definition of a mediocre, forgettable game (and exposed Sakaguchi for the talentless, one-trick pony he is).
This Lost Odyssey was terrible. Nothing but a watered down and dumbed down eastern version of Planescape: Torment that offers nothing new or interesting.
Whatever JRPG has the best girls.
>muh ludonarrative dissonance
The problem is that JRPGs are as stale as dick cheese. Even games that promise to bring the combat a breath of fresh air such as Bravely Default feel like been there done that with gimmicks on top of it, and outside of combat have really bad writing. There are also other issues with turn based JRPGs, they often feel very lazy with their setting, it's always the same medieval-esque fantasy mixed with technology elements, so many of them take hours to get to the good part because the pacing absolutely sucks, and then you end with that classic "it gets better after 20 hours", you shouldn't have to endure hours of boredom in a game before you start enjoying it.
To add insult to the injury, with the combination of dull turn based combat and random encounters, a portion of the combat in those games essentially feels like padding, because instead of the game having carefully built encounters, you just get a dice roll every now and then that decides it's time to fight, except you can skip, this shit just feels fucking lazy at this point. The combat/random encounters is enough of an issue that some developers are going as far as putting encounter sliders in their games, and sometimes making it so you can automate the combat and just get that shit over with. Some other games, an updated port has a faster combat option because they finally realized the slow animations for turn based combat just makes the thing drag on, it's a fucking dull slog. There is also no style to them, so many of them utilizing the same old user interface of lists of menus for items and equipment, so many of them fall into story tropes, and so on.
Now of course this does not apply to all turn based JRPGs but they're just trends that repeat over and over to the point I've just became jaded to them.
Anyone still looking forward to western games, especially their RPGs, has to be a cucked white male.
What's even coming out?
I'm waiting on Cyberpunk, but I feel like that hype will fester for a few more years yet.
Deadfire, Disco Elysium, Underrail's expansion, Copper Dreams, Stygian, that Cain & Boyarski game and Ultima ascension
DrakenNier 4?
My main issue with jrpgs is that in 99% of them the protagonist is always some variation of a sword-wielding shonen anime boy, usually in their teens or in extremely rare cases, young adult (18-20 years old). And the remaining 1% is a female character who is of course also in her teens. And its almost always some ridiculously exaggerated epic struggle to save the world.
I can't think of a single genre that's as homogenous in its storytelling. Its completely offputting.
>Implying that the Last Remnant and Lost Odyssey aren't also guilty of the same things as the supposed 'moe' rpgs.
Terrible list. And Vampyr and Human Revolution are barely even rpgs (the original Deus Ex however is).
I am not a Soulsfag but I think this is why the Souls series are so popular. It managed to break through the stale old battle and game design system that Japan popularized in the '90s and still continues on in some games to this day. Instead of random no thought brainless repetitive encounters, you get new enemy type depending on location each unique with different skills and move-set, not to mention the bosses and the level design is genius even though Thief and older Western games had godlike level design. If it doesn't prove that the real time combat is king, then nothing will change their minds, they are either in denial or in nostalgia. Honestly, even though Western games have better writing, in general video game writing is garbage.
If they cuck Bannerlord, I swear to fucking god.
>If it doesn't prove that the real time combat is king, then nothing will change their minds, they are either in denial or in nostalgia.
Turn-based combat can be just as satisfying as real-time combat, its just that Japanese developers, when they discovered rpgs made in the west, decided they needed to be streamlined and simplified to appeal to the Japanese audience. So no permadeath, no movement in combat, small party sizes of 3-4 rather than the 6-8 of crpgs of old, status effects are useless, you never face more than 2-3 enemies and they deal very little damage, etc.
I have no idea why Japan glorifies young adults when most of them are fucking fags and not mature enough to handle complex issues. But yes, everything you said is right and it's off-putting especially at the end when they overcome struggle with "love". What a fucking weak cop-out, the writers should be called out.
I understand your point and honestly I am not saying that all turn based or real time with pause games should be ignored or not made, just saying that after having played the Soulsborne series I don't think anything for me will come close to how smooth and good it is unless someone else comes and makes it even better. I will still play CRPGs here and there with RTwP don't get me wrong.
While Souls games do avoid many issues that plague JRPGs, I think turn based combat can be done well, Divinity Original Sin's combat is pretty good with positioning, area denial and many mechanics that make the combat so much better than the menu boredomfest that so many JRPGs indulge into. The funny thing is that I genuinely don't know if improvement to their turn based combat is necessary since that borefest seems like it's why people buy them in droves or something. I watched an Octopath Traveler trailer, and the writing is so bad, so damn terrible "3 guys killed my dad and muh revenge", the combat looks like the same shit as before but now with some shield gimmick, and people are drooling all over it, while I'm thinking hey this looks like a nice compilation of things I'm tired of seeing in JRPGs, perhaps JRPG fans love treading water and the joke is on me for wanting something more innovative when they're selling just fine as they are now.
I often hear that japanese media has teens as protagonists are done all the time because kids or something like that, but it sounds odd because in the west, you have kids cartoons with adults and kids watched them, shit like He-man, the whole comics industry is filled with adult characters that kids/teens like , and there are also teenager protagonists in some media that is popular in the west, TMNT, Power Rangers. Is it that japanese kids/teens can only relate to fellow kids/teen in fiction or what am I missing?
>i love this world because you're in it
Is this a real quote from the game?
The game that will save jrpgs.
Yes. XB2 is literally shonen shit, take that as you will.
Metal Max Xeno
Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta
Sen no Kiseki IV
Try mainline shin megami tensei maybe. Most cases they're teenagers, SJ has a pretty adult protagonist though, but they avoid a lot of the troupes that plague the genre.
Larian does come close to what a turn base RPG should be like, but then again there is Jagged Alliance 2 also which no game has able to recreate it's combat. As I said in my previous original post, I think people in general are just lazy fucks and just adhere to nostalgia or whatever it is they played when they were a kid, they still reek of infantilism and have to rely on memory for their good times instead of creating good time in the present. All these developers that make these old pixel 16-bit era games as well as indie developers (some to a point) are all nostalgia baiting. Is it any wonder that most of their fanbase are overgrown fat manchildren? I don't think so. Nostalgia impedes innovation, and don't think that I don't know that some older games are better than some AAA modern day garbage, we have decline for a long time instead of making and evolving those games from the '90s/early 2000s.
>Try mainline shin megami tensei maybe.
I'd rather not.
I've literally never looked forward to any Eastern RPG in my life.
>Even games that promise to bring the combat a breath of fresh air such as Bravely Default
What the fuck did I just read? Have you ever played a jrpg that isn't final fantasy?
Holy fuck just die.
whats the second game in JRPG on the image?
SMT4A is just one game.
Slavs shoud have seperate gategory. They relase better stuff than sjw ridden anglos.
I would be looking forward to Mount & Blade II but I'm just nonchalant about it because it's vaporware at this point, so I don't let myself get hyped.
>Western RPG's post 2001
>jrpgs ever
Any western moeshit you guys recommend?
Metal Max Xeno
Zanki Zero
SaGa Scarlet Grace expansion
Romancing SaGa 3 remaster
Mainline is much better then IV:A would make you think.
>looking forward to
Nice jpg you got there.
So far it's only Kingdom Hearts 3
>literally has more roleplaying than most JRPGs with stat builds and shit
fucking end yourself. Only japan does anything in the "east", call them Japanese
>anything that doesn't have muh realistic brown and grey graphics is muh ""ebil moeshit""
yeah, it's not like some of the worlds most acclaimed video games don't have anime artstyle
westcucks should be gassed
Also it´s not a JRPG.
One thing WRPG fags always forget to mention is gameplay.
No western rpg in history has a gameplay on the same level as Monster Hunter and Bloodborne. Hell even Kingdom Hearts 2 blows the ultimate WRPG of the past decade (The Witcher 3) out of the water. The only reason anyone likes planetscape is writing because it is actually hot trash, but this is haram to say on Sup Forums. You cocksuckers would be fellating TLOU if it came out in the 90s like you do with Deus Ex.
Except it does
>build a DEX based character to use daggers
>you're basically building your character to be a rogue of sorts, ie you're roleplaying
>play Dragon Quest, the quintessential JRPG series
>fixed characters that you just level up, no builds at all
Thus Soulsborne games have more roleplaying than your average JRPG. Also Bloodborne is an Action RPG made in Japan, therefore it is a JRPG.
DESU, most japanese rpgs with real time combat are really good. The turn-based cookiecutter jrgps are all trash tho.
>Monster Hunter
I feel like I'm the only person that's gonna buy this. Comes out in a week or two if they didn't push it back.
This is what weebs actually believe.
Severance: Blade of Darkness predates Dark Souls by more than a decade and has superior melee combat.
And how convenient of you to leave out everything turn-based.
>You cocksuckers would be fellating TLOU if it came out in the 90s like you do with Deus Ex.
lolwut. How are those two remotely similar?
are you trying to say that it isn't an rpg or that it isn't a Japanese one?
>a rogue of sorts
>no lockpicking, stealth, subterfuge, pickpocketing from NPC's, disarming traps, setting traps or anything associated with rogues
>build a character for direct combat, i.e. the very anthitesis of a traditional rogue
Is this what weebs actually believe role-playing is?
>severance plays better than dark souls
Confirmed for only having watched an webm of the game and never actually played it.
And yes I'm leaving turn based out of it. When was the last Wizardry game you saw coming out?
Fuck off with that meme, I don't live in a place relevant enough to even make games so I don't have to pretend the games my "people" make are superior for whatever reason.
And The Last of Us is nothing like Deus Ex, but are praised for the exact same reasons. Is it a better game? Yes. Does it render the comparison false? No.
Sup Forums arbitrarily turns their movie-games filter off when it comes to stuff like Deus Ex and Planetscape and eurojank in general, do you see people calling them out as westaboos or euroboos or whatever? Such a dumb non-argument to pretend WRPGs have evolved past Morrowind.
>Except it does
It´s the worst soulsborne in terms of building variety.
>>build a DEX based character to use daggers
And you will end up using the same weapon from a pool of 3? 4? Cut the bullshit.
>>you're basically building your character to be a rogue of sorts, ie you're roleplaying
>>play Dragon Quest, the quintessential JRPG series
>>fixed characters that you just level up, no builds at all
JRPGs leveling is just about items, skills and levels, not "building variety" you clueless mongoloid.
In 90% of jrpgs you will end up with your iconic weapon, armor and set of leveling.
>Thus Soulsborne games have more roleplaying than your average JRPG. Also Bloodborne is an Action RPG made in Japan, therefore it is a JRPG.
>All RPG made in japan are JRPG
And this is how you show that you have 0 knowledge about this matter.
Also i don´t like JRPGs, play mostly WRPG. ;)
Diablo 2 is also called a RPG despite lacking those, that game and Bloodborne are action RPGs.
kill yourself you retarded samefagger
noone cares about your fucking literally who game that has jackshit to do with the combat of dark souls
>shooter camera
>no locked animations, can run around while slashing the air,
>no dodge, no parry, no anyhithing dark souls related
>enemies repeat the same one moves they have
>b-but you can block IT'S TOTALLY LIKE DARK SOULS DUDE
kill yourself disgusting westcuck
>Past morrowind
You're very generous, WRPGs haven't evolved past Ultima Underworld.
if you're bitching about jrpgs having no roleplaying why are you looking to wrpgs for roleplaying, they pale in comparison to tabletop games
So The Witcher and Mass Effect and Dragon Age are not RPGs?
action rpgs can still be either western rpgs or Japanese rpgs
What’s the bottom left?
Meant to quote
They are actually ARPGs with a WRPG thematic
>lockpicking, stealth, subterfuge, pickpocketing from NPC's, disarming traps, setting traps or anything associated with rogues
What does this have to do with roleplaying?
Is there even rpg with dynamic and good combat system? I liked Dark Messiah.
Vampyr, it's vaporware.
BB/Souls have builds, and building your character is roleplaying, which is more that you can do in DQ games. Yeah it's not as deep as other games, however that's still more than many JRPGs offer.
>RPGs made in Japan aren't Japanese RPGs
is that your argument? Being different that the average JRPG doesn't exclude it from being a RPG itself.
stop spamming your shitty memegame you delusional fuck
if you really want to force the idea that "dark souls totally ripped off another game" it would be closer to Ocarina of Time than to your shitty western trash
Why would I look forward to a Western RPG? I actually like imaginative settings and fun in the games I play.
That makes me sad
How the fuck is King's Field NOT an Action RPG?
Dark Messiah is an action game first and foremost.
>that's still more than many JRPGs offer.
Maybe if all you play is FF or some shit like Tales games.
Even entry level stuff like Etrian Odyssey lets you do builds, if you actually did play JRPGs you'd know.
It's a stupid image, don't bother.
why doesn't this show ingame footage for western games? are they that embarrassing?
>Is this what weebs actually believe role-playing is?
>RPGs made in Japan aren't Japanese RPGs
RPGs with an anime-like thematic or very brilliant and very well defined characters.
This is obviously something that anyone who likes RPGs knows, as it is part of it´s own history. You, on the other hand, don´t know shit and just keep memespouting buzzwords and bullshit just to justify that you can´t even get into a shitty JRPG and need an ARPG to appease your little monkey brain.
You guys are way too retarded to talk about mechanics. The West has already perfected tactical/turn base and hasn't done shit to innovate because they want to make money. Japan however has nearly perfected Action with games like DMC and Soulsborne. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Stop sperging out and demand better games.
>are they that embarrassing?
Is Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final a JRPG? Why?
Is Atelier Lydie&Suelle a JRPG? Why?
Is SaGa: Scarlet Grace a JRPG? Why?
Is Ys VIII a JRPG? Why?
Is Tales of Berseria a JRPG? Why?
Is Valkirya Chronicles 4 a JRPG? Why?
Is Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriura a JRPG? Why?
What do all these games have in common?
>RPGs with an anime-like thematic or very brilliant and very well defined characters
That has nothing to do with being made in Japan, you're fucking retarded. You're the memespouter behaving as if JRPG means anything other than "RPG game made in Japan"
can someone list the games? I only know a few
>Can't beat a section of the game
>Kill fauna until you can
It can be even worse when they give you an alternate solution but you win no exp or resources so fighting is still the best option.
Roleplaying is not a reason to play JRPGs.
>Imagine being this brainlet and vidya illiterate
>Though sharing fundamental premises, Western RPGs tend to feature darker graphics, older characters, and a greater focus on roaming freedom, realism, and the underlying game mechanics (e.g. "rules-based" or "system-based"); whereas Eastern RPGs tend to feature brighter, anime-like or chibi graphics, younger characters, turn-based or faster-paced action gameplay, and a greater focus on tightly-orchestrated, linear storylines with intricate plots (e.g. "action-based" or "story-based"
>All RPG made in japan are JRPG
Yes, you thought it was supposed to be some kind of style thing? No, it's literally a pointless subclassification.
Probably awful Japanese tropes. I've stopped considering "JRPGs" as somethign related to the gameplay or the aesthetic, and just began considering them as something that is clearly Japanese about them. At the end of the day, that's what bothers me about JRPGs: their awful anime/manga tropes.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided shits on any JRPG that will come out for the next century.
This but unironically.
Everywhere you turn in the Western industry it's political agendas, money sucking scams, or dead.
>nuDeus Ex
>black isle's/obsidian's new ip
>Shadows Die Twice™, that's the title
>Dragon's Dogma 2
I'm only expecting news if anything
Guys, calm down, the only difference between WRPGs and JRPGs is that the latter are not shit.
And mods by loverslab.