Why do game journalists care so much about "emotions" in games? Why don't they care about gameplay?

Why do game journalists care so much about "emotions" in games? Why don't they care about gameplay?

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because fact matter less than emotions in their social circle

>why are brainlets so retarded?
wow i dont know OP

Because it makes them feel smart.

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Because none of them are actually competent at videogames, mechanics are an obstical to most of them.

Because they don't play past the cut scenes.

delete this post please lets get some combos going

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Caring about cinematics over gameplay is kind of the entire point of this shitty franchise, I have no clue why people are shocked or disappointed.

Because they have been raised on a steady diet of trite Hollywood media and think "with their heart"

no one cares about gameplay these days, even botw got a 98

Because they don't actually like games. They want cinematic experiences on the lowest difficulty (game journalist mode)

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This legitimately makes me angry.

Fucking normies are turning high quality game devs into wageslaves that make interactive movies.

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I can't believe the lazorfag actually convinced me to do this shit.

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Because an emotional response is stronger than whatever weak ass response you get from pushing some stupid buttons the right wayway.

Why are you all so buttblasted, it's just a dudes opinion about eletronic toys, it doesn't really matter.

When you have a series like god of war being gutted and turned into the last of us, there is an issue.

I played that and thought the story was dull, but I'm of the type that overlooks story anyway.

it's not a good story, not your fault

Because these people are the arbiters of what sells and what gets made. These people are the reason why Sony first party games are all the same now because they've decided that this is what we want, when it really isn't.

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I think if it was about a girl running off with a boy, people wouldn't have lapped it as much. Her being a lesbian is what made the difference and I even know a gay guy who agrees.

I can't believe i paid and played that piece of shit and seeing the reactions to this hot garbage coming out.

Shit puzzles
Shit story
Zero gameplay.

Fuck I'm getting mad just thinking about it, I hate everything about it, this bullshit is transformative alright, in the sense its one of the biggest nails in the coffin of games being games.

Imagine being so twisted the one game you manage to relate to is fucking Gone Home. Jesus Christ, how do these people function?

Witcher 3 winning GOTY was all the proof you need that gameplay is irrelevant, all that matters is story.

God of War was always shit tier trash in the first place.
You want to talk about gutted, let's talk DmC:DMC or Ninja Gaiden 3 or Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z, games that all exist specifically because God of War.

Fuck God of War.

They think if games are "important" it gives their jobs meaning.

There are so many games out there that don't fit that mold, and if they are becoming something you don't enjoy, there are still a near infinite amount of other things for you to enjoy, sports, movies, getting laid.

Maybe the work is designed to manipulate your emotions, and that's what they want to write about.

>Sup Forums
>getting laid

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>it's ok if games are getting ruined, just abandon your lifelong passion because companies don't want to cater to you!


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Sounds like a good idea, idiot.

I see no new games of those coming out, God of War could have been a good placeholder but they just had to turn it into another shitty story game.

I like how they literally say it's a shit game in every way but play it anyway because lesbians. Self awareness isn't very common on Tumblr it seems

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They don't function like humans, that's the thing.

They are functionally something else, akin to a drone or a zombie. Completely brainless entities that exist to consume, spend, and obey.

>I see no new games of those coming out
Yeah, because God of War killed all those superior series.

Sounds more like a yearly FIFA buyer.
That "review" is more of the opposite. The author assigns undue importance to the work and engages in wank in attempt to communicate why in terms of its emotional impact, and then laments that consumerism won't reward this mediocre work for its hidden beauty. The author is differentiating from the masses by seeing this hidden beauty, and understanding its transformative significance.

It's actually a kind of elitism, and also probably a Poe.