What are your hopes and expectations for the update?

What are your hopes and expectations for the update?

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I only expect that 343i will find new ways to fuck up. I bet some part of matchmaking will be broken by the new patch.

Adding Halo Reach

Halo 3 in 60fps/4k

>trusting 343 to not fuck up

Make it stop being the most overrated series

Giving halo 1 it's own 4v4 playlist of objective style matches.

Windows 10 compatible

I just want the game to work. I still have issues getting into online coop with friends, matchmaking, and I have lots of glitches in campaign still, especially with the sound

Apparently there are gonna make more playlist because of everyone votes for H3

Thank god. Fuck hal3 , the hit detection is either okay, or just spotty in that game.

Halo 1 is the sole reason I even play it still.

How about fixing the fucking NAT type shit, some of my friends can’t even join me without having to fiddle with their router settings constantly.

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h3's hit detection will always be fucked.

oh wow didn't know they were, they need to just make it free with GWG when this huge update hits and it'll literally be the #1 game. I'll go buy an X if they do that

a decent menu and 1-4/odst/reach in 4k 60. That is all I want

A Windows 10 release

Dunno. Sold my Xbox One for peanuts a year ago.

The only reason why people own an Xbone is because they were too scared to jump ship to Playstation.

Actually I bought it for KI and the MCC. KI was amazing but as for MCC....

The ability to customize our armor. I don't check their forums, so I have no idea if they mentioned it or not.

A fix for all the major bugs, a UI overhaul, the return of join in progress, the confirmed customs browser and no more.

343 haven’t even released a CGI trailer (which is usually outsourced to Blur) or any details on when the Halo 6 beta will be held. That & the rumours of Microsoft looking to buy a major publisher is just further proof that they’re only fixing this game to damage control for when 6 completely fucks up. Development has clearly gone horribly wrong.

What I would like is at least 3 or 4 more Halo 2 Anniversary maps & for Halo 4 to be confined to its own exclusive playlist. I don’t ever want to play that CoD trash again & quit every game of BTB where it gets voted. Would also be nice to get ODST Firefight.

halo 2a and halo CE need their own BTB playlists
voting system needs to be replaced with veto system
map rotation needs to stop being in h3's favour

as i type this im sitting afk in a game of halo 3 on longshore, halo 3 is the only fucking game i get lag in. h1, h2, h2a and h4 are completely fine but not h3. As a result everytime it gets spam picked by autistic kids such as XxXHalO3Mem0ri3sxX I will just afk and do nothing.

People should not kid themselves the reason they bought halo mcc. The reason they bought it was the opportunity to play halo 2a and halo 1 primarily with 3 and 4 being a bonus and thus we NEED HALO 2A AND HALO 1 BTB PALSYLISTS

BC has redeemed the console for me though.

3 or 4 more halo 2a maps and halo2 placed in its own btb playlist alongside halo 1 being it its own btb playlist. It makes zero sense why it wasn't like this form the getgo

halo mcc was bought to play h2/h1 not fucking h3

If anyone wants to play mcc add me

im trans btw so owo dont hit on me silly boiz

If you vote for Halo 3, then you can go fuck yourself.

Squash some single player bugs better matchmaking 4K support maybe add reach.

I don't think they'll add Reach, but it would be great if they did.

Fix the god awful net code
New UI
A PC release.

>pc release



get real

-add reach
-get rid of voting
-automatic matchmaking after the game you've played is over. I can't believe this game has been out for over 3 years and this hasnt been implemented until this update.

Fucking the fucking achievements

Updates? Gimme sauce OP

true. or at least include it in the game pass

I think op's referring to xbone x getting 4k updates for games, mcc is one of them

- automatic matchmaking is a must
- flat out remove the ability to betray wtf
- give halo 1 and halo 2a their own BTB (this will single handedly fix the people quitting problem)

for the first time in 300 matches the other day I played btb ctf on death island, at the end of the game only 6 people were left and it saddened me so fucking much

>343i hired infamouse Halo 2 modder Kornman00 to fix the game

i wasnt at all hyped till i heard that

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>not dicking around betraying people

it's like you hate fun

I know this feel. I have no idea why people would bail when playing BTB.

>being a retard


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>being a spastic


tfw sitting in game of longshore h3 that won 8 to 4 versus h2a bloodline

tfw sittin in corner of map afking and shitposting on Sup Forums coz fuck h3

Free so that they go from having 100 players to 10000

- Automatic matchmaking
- BTB playlists for halo CE, halo 2, halo 2a, halo 4
- Remove betray option
- Distinguish between people quitting the game consciously and people that disconnect so they dont randomly get banned
- veto system instead of voting
- more halo 2a maps, after all that was the reason people bought this fucking game
- net code fix
- fix campaign co-op

If I could play danger canyon, coagulation, bloodline, blood gulch, gephyrophobia, sidewinder, hang em high, lockout/lockdown in a never ending playlist on loop with 16/16 players remaining i would be so fucking happy.

>campaign matchmaking
>playlist consisting of the map Valhalla and nothing else

Developer remakes of Terminal, Headlong & Ivory Tower. I don’t care if two were remade in Reach, they had an entirely different aesthetic and played differently. Maybe Waterworks or Uplift instead of Headlong.

I know they recently acknowledged the demand for a PC Version.
But realisticaly speaking, what are the chances of it happening?
I don't think anyone is buying an Xbox One X just for Halo nowadays and I guess they are commited to "fix it" because Halo and the Master Chief Image are heavily associated with Microsoft and Xbox

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are they actually going to fix this fucking mess?
I'm amazed MS didn't sit them the fuck down and force t hem to do this much, much sooner.
This could have been a system mover

Windows 7 release

An update that brings back the online population so I can play custom games with Sup Forums again

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>BTB Sidewinder CTF all day long

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