You will see them die in your lifetime

>you will see them die in your lifetime
Never thought I'd say it, but it feels good. Maybe the rest of the industry will learn from it.

Attached: BioWareonblack.jpg (1920x717, 800K)

Learn how?
To never take money from EA else you be bought out and killed?
I thought everyone knew that.

No. To hire based on talent rather than gender or skin color. Andromeda's failure was based solely on hiring unqualified people.

All of their RPGs are garbage. I'm glad they're gonna get the bullet even if it's EA pulling the trigger.

Shame they won't release another joke of a game, I liked threads before releases

>Maybe the rest of the industry will learn from it.
Not until Gearbox goes too. Horny Pitchfork needs to learn his lesson.

Why? Dragonage sold well and iirc they didn’t make andromeda. ea still likes em.

These guys too hopefully.

Attached: Bungie-logo.jpg (685x300, 49K)

>EA still likes them

Oh user how naieve you are. EA is not a friend to any dev they had. They will cull them in a moments notice. What happened to the Andromeda division was the warning to main BioWare. Even now they are already crumbling. EA has its hand on the executioners axe ready to swing.

BioWare used to be my favorite game dev, now I guess there's only CD Projekt Red

>the sheer laziness and ineptitude of ME3
>Operation: Hide Behind the Gays
>the comedy trainwreck of Andromeda
Fuck Bioware, fuck EA and fuck you if you even entertain the idea of playing any of their games for even one second
And yes I'm still mad, I will always be mad

EA love the limit games. This killing it from the inside. They royally fucked DA and ME into literal shit shows now. Anything that EA touches is prema death of that franchise.

Attached: EA marketing..gif (400x300, 2.14M)

I honestly don't give a fuck anymore, but I'm really pissed that Respawn is doomed to the same fate since they were purposefully sabotaged.

No, they really don't. Bioware is getting reduced to only the team working on Anthem. Everyone else is getting downsized.

It makes me sad. You all can't get past what they've become, but I can't get past who they were. And I'll never explore new worlds in the galaxy with Commander Shepard again.

EA's managers have been shit for at least a decade now. They are infamous for promoting ass kissers and yes men. They are the ones making the decisions on hiring.

Did the rest of the western world learn from Sweden?

>You all can't get past what they've become, but I can't get past who they were.
At least you aren't a new fag praising them. Like you user we have watched the slowly betrayal from day 1.

>implying the industry will ever learn from the mistakes of other companies

I'm sorry user, but Bioware will be gone soon.
Bioware will never live up to the hype EA has made for Anthem. Bioware had already fucked up with ME 3 and and ME: Andromeda, which was the death blow to the gaming side of the ME franchise (sure, Bioware proper didn't make Andromeda, but the studio carried the Bioware name).

Probably because ea named every studio who was trash bioware. the main one is still pretty ok hand by them, especially since it has normie name recognition
They will continue in the fashion they have until they consistently do not make money, when they’ll get cut. EA is a company, and treats bioware like one, with the added bonus of the above mentioned normie name recognition. They’ll be keeping them around until they have another name to replace them with or bioware actually shits the bed commercially with 2 or so games

EA slapped a BioWare brand on another studio in an attempt to legitimize a shitty Mass Effect game to an audience that doesn't know anything. It's not a warning to BioWare, because they weren't responsible for it.