finishes difficult and time consuming quest

> finishes difficult and time consuming quest
> "the entire kingdom owes you! take this as your reward!"
> *gets low tier gear*
why do games do this?

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Hard work is its own reward.

>Perform difficult task to keep company afloat
>"good job user, i don't know were we could be wihout you!"
>*gets low tier 10% of what i produced salary"
Why does capitalism do this?

>Beat the hardest challege in the game
>Get something that makes the game easier

Give me a silly costume you fucks

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Get the FUCK off of this board, boomer.

>kill ultimate secret mega boss
>rewards is ultimate weapon of god destruction
>game has no ng+
>weapons is now useless

Fable is that you.

Unless your hard work is benefiting someone (that you hardly know) more than you

If she's so impressed by something like that, maybe my dick would stand a chance

>Beat the game
>Receive weapon/item that would have been useful during the fucking game

Wow thanks a whole fucking lot

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>Finish difficult bonus quest
>Get super niche and situational gear that's hardly worth the effort

Zelda seems to suffer from this. OoT warns you outright that getting through the gerudo training grounds dungeon isn't worth it, and getting access to faries after being that big bonus dungeon in TP wasn't worth it too. If you're at the point where you can beat the hardest content in the game without dying, saying "wow good job here's some easy to grab healing" doesn't help. Literally the only thing that place is good for is giving yourself assloads of rupees for that magic armor, which is even more retarded.


Why are they serving ice cream when they haven't even started on their entrees

>main dishes and salad not even touched yet
>here have this time sensitive desert
what a waste

They're Soymericans, they need their pre-meal dessert

we also applaud when it gets served. stay jealous.

>random enemies drop better gear than area boss

Is... Is that Weinstein on the left?..

>Not starting with desert
It's like you're not even american.

Who is this ice cream staring qt?

I don't know what you're talking about. Skyrim's Thane reward weapons are powerful relics that you'll surely use to help defeat Alduin.