Best Party Composition?

Best Party Composition?

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fighter mage thief cleric paladin druid



>virgin sorc instead of chad wizard



>figher/druid / figher/thief
>mage/thief / bard

forgot to mention that this is for the original version, if you play EE take sorcerers because they are op as fuck

Human paladin
Dwarf Fighter/Cleric
Elf Mage/thief
Half-elf Fighter/Druid

>Dwarf Fighter
>Dwarf Fighter
>Dwarf Fighter/Cleric
>Dwarf Fighter/Thief

Attached: The Dwarves.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

unironically this

Do not take a mage
mages in D&D are shit
Druids are also shit
Paladins sucks dick

t. retard
someone's gotta use them fucking paladin only swords

tank with three(3) or more(>3) healsluts(female(male))

>no paladin
> not having someone who can use the best sword in the game.

only take 4 fighters, cleric, thief

you don't need anything else


>mages in D&D are shit
>Druids are also shit
>Paladins sucks dick

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Icewind Dale > Baldur’s Gay

6 x wild mage

Healsluts are tanks already in d&d.

Such a bad game. Literally no character interactions in the party. Might as well go solo

It's a pretty good dungeon crawler.

I heard there were decent banter mods.

Yeah but D&D without party interaction is like D&D without leveling

6 rangers

That would certainly fix my biggest gripe. Shouldn't have come as a surprise seeing the good bants mod for BG.

Virgin's Gate & Chadwind Dale

>interactions in party
>that you created

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I'd implement some personality types for characters and write dialogues based on them.

I didn't expect it. Not even stock lines between classes/races/alignments. But that don't make it any better. It IS a pen&paper game after all. It's like playing by yourself while also being the DM.

3 fighters, one human, one elf or half elf, one dwarf, make one good, one nuetral, one evil(lots of really great useful items are race/alignment restricted, these 3 fighters are an extremely vital front line) A fighter/theif, a cleric, and a mage. Illusionist if you want a specialist, go conjurer if you really want necro spells and make your theif a mage/theif instead for item ID.

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>Puss in Boots
>Fiona (ogre)
>Lord Farquardt

>minmaxing instead of playing fun classes