Why is Etna so unattractive in every appearance, despite being a main heroine? She could be sexy, like other NIS girls

Why is Etna so unattractive in every appearance, despite being a main heroine? She could be sexy, like other NIS girls

Attached: Etna.jpg (853x1000, 328K)

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You're attempt at bait has failed OP. But as a consolation price I will call you a faggot.

Just admit you want an Etna thread op

I actually like how Disgaea and NIS in general are happy to have so many small chested/flat girls in their games. There are just so many goddamn cow tits these days, its getting really stale.

I want to fuck a board.

my penis seems to disagree with these words you are saying

Alright, time for actual video game discussion. I heard Asagi finally got herself a video game, what happened about that? Is it some Nip only thing? Is it fucking, pachinko or something? Is Asagi just a prostitute for yakuza now? Or is it some bullshit like a gacha mobage or some shit?

It's a mobile girl I don't know much about it.

She is not for sex. She is comedic relief.

Gacha mobage. Makai Wars as a console game is still happening though, but it's still in TBA hell, though now that NIS is developing for Switch I'm much more optimistic about it actually coming here.

So I looked it up and indeed, she did finally get her own game. Its a mobile game, but Asagi finally fucking did it. Its still a SRPG game so maybe it'ls okay? I'm still expecting gacha shit for the most strongest characters, but I'm hoping its okay. It only took you like 14 fucking years Asagi, but you did it!

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I would pat her head and hold her hand.

Flat girls are disgusting failures at being women

So what would the console game be? Another SRPG? I can see why they held off on it if that's the case, too much overlap with Disgaea as is. Hell I see her in so many Disgaea games that I kinda think of her as one, you know?

How come they've been sexualizing a girl that looks barely 10 for ten years and nobody has ever batted an eye?

What's your favorite version of Asagi? I gotta go with Disgaea 2.

She's a demon bitch.

Disgaea has so many good girls that it's dangerous.

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Its great, isn't it? There is one for everybody.

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this, every new girl designed to be the main heroine has massive tits, fucking hell, I dont want another cow to milk, give me some variety!

If she's so unattractive, why do I want to fuck her? Explain this, OP.


Pick your female sidekick for the night.

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They're all pretty cool except Sera the useless cuck

>He doesn't like flat chests
wew OP.

Big breasts fill a man's hand
Small breasts fill a man's heart

She started bringing the pain after stacking a bit of HIT in my file.


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...Wow, I forgot the female main for Disgaea 4 so hard I completely forgot she existed. I don't even remember her name. Personally I have a bit of a softspot for Rozalin, Disgaea 2 was my first Disgaea game as a child. Rented it from the local Blockbuster and loved the shit out of it. I even bought the game off them so I could play it more.

Small breasts highlight the subtle curves of a woman's body and are the height of femininity. They're more elegant and refined, whereas big breasts usually come off as too showy and loud. Big breasts are more maternal than feminine, and they tend to distort the balance of the female form as well. Truly, small breasts are the objectively superior ones.

If you like literally flat, you're either into men or children.

Guess Artina ends up being overshadowed by Fuka and her sis.

This user is on with the news.

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Dick hardness ranking
bottom left>top middle>bottom right>top left>top right

I don't know anything about any of these girls.

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How did a normie like you end up in this thread in the first place? Not judging, just curious.

Hello, we're the best Disgaea girl and best NIS girl overall respectively.

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oh boy, an anti lolifag! how inconvenient

My dick lead me here after finding the thread in the catalog.

I like small tits, not no tits, but her design is pretty cool otherwise.

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Pretty much, honestly.

Ah yes, I see I'm not the only one.

I have no idea how the fuck does disgaea play, is it an rpg?

It's a bit like Fire Emblem, except units can cast skills and there's also a mechanic that lets you throw stuff (including your own units and enemies) around.

SRPG with loads of mechanics and units, tons of customization that let's you play however you want. And lots of grindan for post game.

>the ground is littered with great weapons she used trying to wake laharl up
>sticks with using a fucking spear
fuck this cunt

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Tile based SRPG, well know for how CUH-RAZY it gets and its unique sense of humor. Think Fire Emblem, but actually good. Its a much loved SRPG series with a ton of interlinking systems, which you can go as autistically deep into or as casually shallow into as you want. Some people will spend hours not actually playing the game, but managing everything to the mathematical optimal possible set up. Some people just UNGA BUNGA and brute force their way to victory. Do whatever you like.

Seriously, they're great games and I'd recommend every one. My only warning would be to never go backwards, as each new game improves and adds features that makes going backwards feel like more than a chore than it should be.

Hugging flat chested girls is better because you're closer to their heart

>Think Fire Emblem, but actually good
fuck you too man

fuck off pedo s- wait what

manlets are less trustworthy than tall men because their asshole is closer to their heart

If it makes you feel any better, pretend I'm just talking about nu-emblem

b-but I'm a 13babby

Honestly, the major point of Fire Emblem was the permadeath. If you're going to take that away, you honestly might as well just play Disgaea

Nobody's forcing you to play on casual mode though?

Does she like Laharal or not? When is that little faggot going to man up and take a bride?

Laharl is a mommy milkies kind of guy.

Doesn't he have an allergy to big anime tiddies

Yeah, but lets be real here. There's a reason why the next game had a pissbaby easy Phoenix mode. You're not FORCED to use it, but so many shit players weren't even happy with the no permadeath in Awakening. Seriously, let's look at the crutch that players needed to get through this game.

>If a unit loses all their HP, they are revived with full HP next turn
>Enemies can't use attack stance and can only negate duel attacks in guard stance

You might as well have the game play itself, if you're going to auto revive with full HP forever

Don't open this image anons, I'm warning you

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we need to go flatter

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>When is that little faggot going to man up and take a bride?
Maybe in the next ten thousand years or so. And it'll probably be Flonne. Etna's too tsundere to ever admit she likes that little shit.

Attached: Ending_Pure_Flonne.jpg (1600x900, 116K)

Yeah, the reason is they want the game to sell more and making it more accessible is the easiest way to make it more desiderable for casual players and game journalists. What the fuck is even wrong with it? It's not like the harder difficulties are hampered in any way.

It's not that he's allergic, he just doesn't want to be seen with a big raging boner in his pants.

there really is

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I legit cried at this part

Another problem with Etna is that she might say your dad's name instead of yours while in the bedroom, so you've basically cucked yourself

Every time Asagi has attempted to be a main character in her own game, NIS has almost completely sunk. She's cursed.

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>not liking both flat and small

Best couple right her lads. Well to be fair I'm pretty sure they're the canon couple out of all the Disgaea protagonists.

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>being wrong

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underdeveloped assets are a constant source of comedic relief

Pleinair? More like "plain as fuck".


Would it be okay if I jumped into D5? I'm not gonna get confused lost in the story or with the characters, will I?


All games are completely standalone.

>Etna could have used a chainsaw
>Etna could have used a gatling gun
>Nah spear lmao
Fuck NIS

Attached: Dis2-axel1.jpg (800x1000, 88K)

Best girl.

You'll be fine. Past characters only appear as DLC in D5.

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All Disgaea games are standalone, the most you'll miss is maybe some in-jokes and references. Some repeating characters pop up, but the constant thread is basically
"Who the fuck are you?"
"It's me! I was a big deal in the last game!"
"Yeah sure whatever, crazy person"
"I'll show you!"

And then bonus boss battle. You reeeeeeally don't need to know the other games at all.

Laharl really crossdresses.

No dignity.

why is Sup Forums filled with disgusting weeaboo faggots?
nips are disgusting. 2 wasn't enough

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It's not crossdressing if you don't have your penis anymore.

Why is this still up but the Ashley thread get 404'd. No lewds were posted

Whole lotta video games in this post

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Its nice that they found a design for the male healer that people like. I just wish his book would come back again. It was a great weapon for magic based users.

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>be me
>work as a bouncer local bar
>be working saint pattys day
> my city takes it really srs
>parade and shit
>super busy
>line takes forever
>grills come up to me
>ask if boobs will help get them in
>i say it couldnt hurt
>one of them flashes me
>shes totally flat
>just shake my head
>they are pissed
i love my job.

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because Etna's in the banners while Ash is not

So fucking what mods are still shit.

Never noticed how similar most of the main Disgaea girls are

i hate video games, but like THICC lolis.
and i have thicc lolis on hand

Attached: unf lola.png (956x1452, 53K)

can't argue with that

Epic meme, kiddo


Post more, I don't care about the consequences.

the fuck you on about

Hopefully you get paid properly, that job definitely has a lot of undeserved shit to deal with.

You're right, most of them have very obvious themes and color similarities. Rozalin stands out as the only one without pink/red hair, while Sera is the only one without wings.

Don't play. You know exactly what.

>Sera has no wings
>named after an angel and canonically half-succubus
what's the deal with that

Fuck it i'm gonna dump.

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