God of Kino

>The final, and perhaps most impressive thing about God of War is the fact that the entire game unfolds in a single, unbroken shot. There are no cutscenes, no load screens, no camera cuts, no fades to black.

This is going to be the biggest step forward in gaming history since Crysis

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god of soy

The shilling is real. Do you ever feel disappointed in the fact you chose viral marketing as your career?

Can't wait to play this masterpiece. Deus Vult.


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>God of Soy

Why the fuck do PS4 games look 10x better than PC games?

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I ain't buying a PS4 for a movie-game son

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I’d be so much more interested if this just wasn’t Kratos. Fuck you can even still call it a successor to God if War but why fucking Kratos. Just make it it’s own thing. I’m a sucker for Norse aesthetics and we get this shit.

Why? Why is a narrative movie with a single long take the next step forward in gaming? What does even has to do with gaming at all? Its a gimmick at most

PC is only for mining memecoins now


If you are just disguising loading using a shitty rope segment you didn't revolutionize shit

>Dad, I want to be a boy
>No, you must be gender fluid!

This will be soykino right up there with Wolfenstein 2 and the Labo

I can't wait for The Last of Gods: Wifes Son Adventures, thanks for this masterpiece sony!

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Yeah man, not a single load screen. Now walk down this 500 foot hallway with repeateding textures.

single shot films aren't even the next big thing in film. They tried it and people hated it.

This. All those long segments of Kratos and wife's son walking 1 mph and talking bullshit for 10 mins between destinations will be the loading screens. It all going to be done on the fly and the game will have the shittiest geometry to hide the fact that anything more than 200 feet from your camera point isn't loaded.

so just like half life did?

So what happens when you save and turn it off?

This, let him die, just have a new God of war. Or better yet have kratos be the NPC while you're the new guy supporting and teaching the boy.

>Want to make a cinematic game
>Shit on cinematic techniques
I don't get it. Why?

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posts cutscene image

I fucking hate nothing more than this "lol no cutscenes" meme, it makes replaying videogames a fucking chore

You are playing Half Life 2, suddenly Black Mesa East, hope you like jumping on furniture for the next half fucking hour

No, wait, this one shot meme is much worse
It's a videogame! Not real life! It's not impressive!
You are not teaching choreography to one hundred extras like in Goodfellas, you are not synchronizing dozens of special effects with one chance to get it right!
It makes every game look like this meandering, slow, shakycam footage. If it was a movie it would be thrown in the garbage

Just compare MGS2 and its quick cuts and zooms, how it makes every scene feel tense and fast paced, then you look at MGS5 and it looks like an amateur found footage reel

Instead of using the technology of games and putting cameras anywhere, by editing any way you want, and perfectly finetuning every tiny detail, you say no, and instead just imitate reality and end up looking like some college kid's first movie, who heard "one shots are impressive" so he makes a boring piece of shit.

Fuck videogames

I am convinced that most forms of media are just used to corrupt ideals at this point.
When something designed for enjoyment starts disqualifying "fun" as a valid metric, the cart is off the rails.

Oh god, is this meme back?

what a time to be alive

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The important part is not having loading screen and fade to black, if this is true even when you game over and reload the save, then it'd be a big step forward in technology

shoop da whoop never left us, it was just gathering its energy.

It could justify why it’s so subdued and more low-scale combat too. Like you’re a Viking Raider and you’ve been chosen to become the new Champion of War/Einherjar, but when you get to Valhalla expecting to meet Tyr or Odin it’s Kratos instead and he explains that shit in the afterlife is fucked and you gotta help using the enclosed instruction book
Gives new guy the opportunity to build up over a few games, Kratos can betray you and you get revenge, all sorts of stuff. Make the boy a minor character but important side plot that gives your guy the drive just like how Kratos’ family did at the very start.

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Shoop-poster is a gift.
Treasure him.

Another Max Payne 3? Woohoo

Not that I really want to sound like I am defending this shit but continuous camera cuts are generally not seen as cinematic if you want to talk about movies as art.

>important part is not having loading screens

None of the God of War games had loading screens, but they still didn't resort to this

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>The final, and perhaps most impressive thing about God of War is the fact that the entire game unfolds in a single, unbroken shot.
Did they wrote that ironically or what ?

What happen if you die?

Half-Life did all of this except for “no loading screens” and arguably “no fade to black”.

I think this game is gonna MGS2 everyone. 10 dollars says Kratos will die 3 hours in and the boy will be the next god of war in some huge trilogy where he earns his right to be the god of war.
This whole game is going to be some long form destruction of Kratos proper. The entire game will destroy him piecemeal.

I can't understand how they can be so self defeating. They want a cinematic game, yet shit on genuine cinematic techniques. It's like they think the height of film making was the blair witch project.
I could at least understand sacrificing gameplay to make a game more like a film. I don't agree with it, but it makes some degree of sense. But when you can't even make it like any kind of film then what the fuck do you have?

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you probably cant die on journalist mode

>dying in a story driven over the shoulder camera walking simulator

>he thinks cuts are anything but a necessary evil
Great directors strive to keep as few cuts as possible.

because, unironically, you the anonymous shitposter on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board for video game hating are probably more qualified to run a game studio than these people.

Ten hour game confirmed with, wait for the door/cliff/rope/cutscene so that the next part loads and you are able to proceed again, title. Only someone with brain damage would be hyped for this. I wholly expect cutscene press X to Jason boss fights.

but even the greatest directors know that you have to have them and that you should strive for convincing long shots instead of striving for a single all encompassing shot.

They're not good enough to make film, so they make videogames. But they also aren't good enough to make videogames, so try to make film.

>This is going to be the biggest step forward in gaming history since Crysis

>the game is a template of all sony exclusives
Wew, lad.

Everyone does remember kratos hasn't been the god of war since the second game, right? That'd be pretty shitty to kill him off now though.

>Camera gets stuck on a corner or in a bush
>No scripting to move the camera to a better position (NO CUTS)
>Game now unplayable
I kid, but I get a "Last of us" vibe from this.

You do realise Splinter Cell Conviction already did exactly that in 2010, right?

I guess they're from the Paul Rian school of creativity.

Umm try again sweetie

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>playing with Young Sheldon
man you people are stupid

>it'd be shitty to kill him off during his my wife's son stage of life
shitty, but fitting.


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>There are no cutscenes

But there's a cutscene right there in your picture. I don't think you know what cutscenes are. A cutscene, is anything that takes away control from the player, it could be a camera pan, or a conversation, or an enemy introduction. Anything that breaks player control is technically a cutscene.

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now build an entire game about that one segment and see if you still want to play it.
Checkmate fagotron.

Wow they brought back the literal worst part of GoW3 that everyone hated and made an entire game out of it, BASED

Sending your kid up to open a gate which takes the same amount of time as a loading screen isn't fooling anyone though.

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>They made an entire game around a loading screen
This is how dumb you sound

Have you guys noticed how every single compliment those articles choose to focus on their headlines, is related solely to the story and "cinematic" aspects of the game? I haven't seem one single preview article giving this much praise to the gameplay, you know, the thing that should be the focus of any game worth their salt? Every single good thing these critics have to say about this game, is about how it looks like some sappy Oscar bait movie.


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>ladder climbing becomes the new loading screen
>bethesda blown the fuck out

>You will never be underage enough to actually find soy funny

The most impressive thing sure as shit isn't the gameplay

Every previous GoW let you fuck some thot.
Can I still do that in this game? Preferably double teaming some thot with my wife's son.

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>I-it's a loading screen!

The usually made you do something cool like a puzzle or a fight section to mask loading

>transition for years and never finish

Shut up faggot, this game isn't meant for your kind of people. God Of Soy is reaching a new audience, the kind that likes to pay for loot roll DLC and gamers that just want to see the game play itself. Get the fuck out grandpa.

do you willingly babysit children during your free time already?
If no, why would you pay someone for the chance to do it digitally?

Yeah new fags are digging up the corpse of a meme and shitting all over it. Lets fucking celebrate.

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No that's problematic.

>Falseflagger shoop still at it

t. soyboy

False equivalence

Yeah because the original GoW games were so much better.

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That kid has a very weak jawline. Hopefully puberty will turn him into something resembling a man.

>gone home intensifies
The game is going to have garbage "gameplay" and the people know. They are referring to the difficulty as dark souls hard. Sadly even that epithet is a meme in and of itself now so it doesn't sound like praise as much as "We heard people liked thing, this is just like thing" misdirection.

really??? you don't say??

Not so fast, reddit.

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oh, it's funny because it makes nigger faggots like you butthurt

Many, many games of previous gen used various smoke and mirror's tricks to hide loading screens, from forcing player to open doors in cinematic fashion to having long hallways of slightly noticeable lag somewhere in the middle.

They don't even try any more. Infamous "John Romero's about to make you his bitch." wasn't stupid advertisement, it was way ahead of it's time. In 2020 games will literally berate people for buying them, and idiots will gladly shell their last money out to be abused for another hour or so.

Are you talking about SHOOP posting or wojack/pepe posting?

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>Still stock image dicks
Shoopposters are making better dick edits than you guys.

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>so(n)yboys literally have nothing left anymore
>they are despered as fuck so they have to draw penises
hahahaaha fucking underage

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>I dont find this funny

help me understand

explain how. Everything we've seen of the game so far is literally babysitting a child. And you have to pay for it.
If you don't already derive enjoyment from being a midwife in your waking life, why does it appeal to you in digital form?

I don't play cooking mama because I don't enjoy cooking, even digitally.
This is the same thing but you are taking it personally for some reason.

No, but a stronk womyn will berate Kratos and he'll look down and say he is sorry

Sounds like he's reviewing a movie.

There is loading screens, when Kratos climbs up a wall, that's just a disguised loading screen, Uncharted has been doing that for a decade

Also remember when Kratos jumped 1000 feet in the air? Sony doesn't

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