Who needs to be nerfed?
Vote for as many as you like.
Shameless self bump
Anyone that says Adult Gohan didn't read the manga or watch the show.
Bardock trailer tomorrow or Wed. along their release dates
votes for any character besides A.Gohan, 16 or Cell is pure dishonestly
Shameful self bump
>people still think Goku Black needs a nerf after the absolute non-issue he was at Final Round
Sonic Fox might have won if he had A.Gohan or Cell instead. Black was absolutely worthless compared to Hit and 16.
t. cocksucking goku black player
>1 vote for Krillin
>0 votes for Trunks
Guys be serious for one second in your fucking lives.
actually I'm a Cell/Vegeta player ;)
You mean the character that was SonicFox's weakest member on his team? The character that's just a slightly better SS Goku?
Stop being shit spic.
His pressure is stupid and he can only be punished once every solar equinox.
Huge hurtboxes, safe pressure, higher than average damage... He's overdue for a nerf.
Cell doesnt bother me in this game
At least not yet.
16 is more bullshit, his medium attacks outspeed jabs.
>the furfaggot is bad at playing the game even with a crutch character like Black
This should not surprise you
A. Gohan is pretty honest. He sucks out of the gates and needs to drink 2 bars to become a viable character.
I always snap him into the right, let him drink his 2 bars, then kill him before he gets to use them. Thus putting my opponent at a severe resource deficit.
>16 needs to be nerfed
>Cell needs to be nerfed
>Black needs to be nerfed
>A Gohan needs to be nerfed
I'm glad nobody listens to Sup Forums considering how shit everyone on this board is when it comes to fighting games
>tfw broken two controllers playing this game.
Calm down then spaz
>Who needs to be nerfed?
literally untrue, frame data is out and 16 has the slowest normal attacks in the game
you either pressed when negative, with bad timing or your jab whiffed
>two bars
> seen as far and away the chillest/most relaxed person in every circle i'm in
>ESPECIALLY when it comes to vidya
>usually enjoy losing and facing better players, it feels awesome realize my flaws/patterns mid battle and innovate
but you weren't there user, you didn't see the bullshit