

Attached: snes-sega1-1.jpg (500x215, 33K)

They're both good.

genesis was better most snes games slowdown to a fucking crawl

Genesis was for kids with divorced parents.

Both are different platforms with different hardware strengths and different libraries. And you could own both for $350.

What the fuck happened to consoles?

4th gen was the golden age

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It's no longer an issue now that emulation is a thing and you can play the games for free. The old rivalry was due to advertising wars and having to stick with one console unless you wanted to pay more.



Castlevania: Bloodlines
Shinobi 3
Sonic (the good ones)
Royal Rumble
Comix Zone
Street Fighter 2
Streets of Rage


Star Fox
Kirby Super Star
Super Castlevania
Super Metroid
Megaman X
Killer Instinct
Breath of Fire 2
Final Fantasy (pick one)

pic related

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That hit home, user.

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Earthworm Jim was better on the Genesis

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It was better on PC.

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It was buggy and unreliable on PC.
Source: my cousin’s computer jamming up whenever a lawyer showed up in What The Heck?

EWJ2 was better on SNES, however.

i never understood this meme, wouldnt a kid with divorced parents have both? like his mom would by him a genesis and his dad would buy him a super nintendo because both of them are trying to win their kids affection

I feel like this is a dead argument only kept alive by people nostalgic for the genesis. I was born in 1999 so I can tell you from an unbiased perspective that the Super Nintendo was far better.I can barely think of any genesis games(sonic and?...), most genesis games people point to feel like shitty arcade games that are on a console for whatever reason But when it comes to the snes you can name off countless classics from different genres. the snes also seemed capable of things the genesis just couldn't do, games feel like their of a higher quality and preform better. I honestly feel bad for anyone who got a genesis as a kid

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>what's inflation

You cousin had a toaster.

"Muh Mortal Kombat" won't make your dad come home Justin.

something wages haven't kept pace with

Super Nintendo.

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Had both as a kid. My dad won a snes and we only had SMW, Jurassic Park, barts nightmare and claymates.
Got a Sega from my cousin and had a 6 pack of games.
SNES was so much comfier.

Fuck off sonybro. Sega fans prefer Nintendo than Siony.


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In Japan this beat the Megadrive.

And the Saturn beat the N64. It's a strange world.

Not as abysmal as MD vs PCE, plus N64 sold more software than Saturn.