Gaming chairs

>"I'm thinking of buying a ricer gaming chair"
>*blocks your path*

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It's a good chair.

I need one that wont kill my back.

>tfw when you sit on an aeron

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Or my thighs, my couch died on me

>Feel when got a used Aeron for $300 in good condition

I'm sitting on a chair exactly like that. The office buildings my dad worked at were getting closed and renovated so he brought 3 of them home for free
>that adjustable lumbar support
>the lean tension modifier
my levels of comfy have ascended

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My company just buys those shitty red/blue padded "executive chairs". The kind that are specifically designed to be sat in for an hour at a time (i.e. for the duration of a meeting).

You can sit in an Aeron all night and still feel good the next morning.

How fat are you?

If you ever sit in an Aeron with anything but perfect posture it will let you know it through pain.

Sitting in that exact chair rn
the seat smells like ass if you were wondering

>go to junkyard
>find wrecked luxury car
>yank seat
>put it on wheels
Literally $40

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Steelcase Leap master race

Depends how you adjust it really. It's such an adjustable chair.

But can you do this? _/ _ _

Don't really understand why those chairs are that expensive, the materials are the same shit. I guess it's mostly the brand name, but what stops companies from making the exact same chair and selling it for 100 bucks?

I have a chair like that, not exactly that but a lot cheaper
pretty comfy desu
>dad got gaming chair because he thought it looked cool
>complains how his back hurts sitting in it

They did have a 10 year patent or license of sorts. That expired in my country quite recently and a bunch of other companies attempted to make similar chairs, most of which are poor quality.

>but what stops companies from making the exact same chair and selling it for 100 bucks?

See above. They do do that. That said, there are a couple of brands that do it well, one Taiwanese I think? But that brand is still fairly expensive, just not -as- expensive.

> those chairs are that expensive

You can get used aerons for comparatively cheap. That's why nobody really cares. Few people actually buy them new, and they last for fucking ever.

Golden rule: If you're going to buy a mesh chair, buy something with good build quality/that is quite expensive. Faux-leather chairs can actually be pretty comfy even if they're quite cheap, but cheap mesh chairs will make you pay for making that mistake every day.

t. Former IKEA customer.

Good furniture in general is ridiculously expensive. Furniture market is one of those markets where it's either ikea or other plastic cheap crap, or super expensive Italian stuff.

Fucking this. Why is there not really any "mid-range" furniture? It's either thousands of dollars or a hundred or two max.

for you

Is there really demand for that? Most middle class people have some from both categories.

A lot of people buy furniture on the used market.

this is the worst fucking equipment i have ever used. it's like they want to make me hate my job even more.

Buy furniture secondhand dummies, literally the best thing to buy used. You can find pretty good shit that's actually made of wood instead of particleboard that probably came out of dead old people's houses after their family sells off all their shit.

fuggin great idea friend, thanks

Can someone please tell me where I can get a pink office/gaming chair with a headrest and adjustable armrests?

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Your company gives aerons to employees?

Cool. Donate them to anons if you don't like them.

If you get an aeron, DO NOT waste your money on the headrest

It wont stay in a position unless you put no pressure on it and the mesh it has is nowhere near the comfort level of the chair

Aerons are amazing, I could not be more disappointed by this headrest.

THIS IS AN EMERGENCY Sup Forums! I NEED A NEW COMFY CHAIR, ASAP! Recommend me some chairs you FUCKS!

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I don't know why you'd fuck around with office chairs, I bought a comfy ass recliner and mounted my monitor to the wall on an articulating arm. Comfy as hell.

There was one of these in my old office and no one seemed to want to use it. Every chance I could I'd take it.

The Hyken is the same thing and it can be had for literally $90 once a year, usually $110-$120 on 'sale'.

Fuck you I have to sit on this all day

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I have it, better than any chair I've had so far, but it's missing the headrest and feel like I'm not getting the full effects

who /royalty/ here?

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I already have something like that. It's alright for work, but for home use I rather be more comfy.

>not using a comfy armchair
Enjoy your exploded rectums from chink-shit.

>falling for tabloid news

At the porn shop next to the anal beads.

Almost 30 pounds over weight for my height but you can't see it. Don't think thats the problem tho

Headrest is a meme, honestly.