If you use bowguns you should be banned from playing this game. They do no damage and turn you into a carting wonder.
monster hunter thread
If you use bowguns you should be banned from playing this game. They do no damage and turn you into a carting wonder.
monster hunter thread
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What bout just a bow
I don't like playing ranged in this game either, but saying they do no damage is just wrong. HBG typically outdoes most melee weapons when it comes to speedruns. That said, I'm terrible at using it.
Bows a shit
>do no damage
Let me guess OP, you use the hammer or the cuck blade
Am I a cool kid if I use the bug stick?
Bows are okay if you're aggressive with them otherwise you're a shitter.
As long as you stay on the ground
If you play anything other than the greatsword you should just go back to dark souls
You do no damage and are the carting machine
If you play anything other than specific weapons that I approve of then your kicked.
YOU a shit
What specific weapon is that? I bet it's the weapon I always kick from my parties.
>can choose from 14 weapons
you are literally outclassed by charge blade
Bows are great, soloed the sapphires star guidance on my first attempt using bows, easily my favorite weapon.
What weapon are you going to fug jho up with first?
they do the most sustained damage. If you have any type of bladed wep and the tail is not severed at the end of a hunt then you should be banned
I play lbg using normal 1s
Non of my tempered hunts exceed 8 mins. Rapid fire normal 1s = single fire normal 2s but with much shorter recoil/reload and much larger clips and let me proc all 5 wyvern explosions pretty consistently. I can't seem to find any dinner gunner builds since.
What are my bowguns bros up to?
I'm only severing it if it's a weakpoint I can tenderize. The affinity effects in this game are too sexual not to optimize your build around seeing a blinding amount of them the entire hunt.
using spread shot skills, with close up mod with LBG. Rapid fire spread shots build.
Thinking of making a piercing HBG.
Honestly with the exception of cluster shots hbg are pretty needed in this iteration. Pierce shots are kinda poopy. and normal 3s always have to have low clips/high reloads. Lbg pretty much does the same damage output as hbg while gaining mobility.
I want siege fire, recoil/reload armor skills and the crimson tigrex ing to come back
>have to rely on a gimmick
>better than anything
HBG is shit now because my gunfu isn't in for absolutely no reason. Lazy cunts. And yeah siege fire needs to come back. Elemental LBG seems really meh this iteration, though that could be thanks to the shitty variety.
I hear good stuff aboiut using spread shots with the impact mantle. Using spread shot 1s? Which lbg? I'm using and loving the arena lbg. Sleep and para 1s and 2s. A native 6 clip for normal 1s with rapid fire.
what the fuck is top left and why does Legiana have a bulbous nose
Honestly elements in general need some tweaking. It doesn't feel satisfying enough to exploit any monsters elemental weakness. When you can just stack crit and elementless and have it work better on everything. He'll I'd have mh3u blast again at this point just to see some variety.
>join a squad session
>see hunters/huntresses sets
>WE, attack 7, agitator, crit boost, expert etc etc
>Go fight tempered nerg with them
>they cart in one hit
I'm sorry but I'm so sick of these fucking shitters and their MUH DPS YOUTUBE GUIDE SET. I have to rant here:
Zorah magdaros
No way fag, ground is for homos.
All terrible
I'll wait for more
Hey fuck you man I don't go shitting on your weapon don't shit on the charge blade
Element bow is still the best bow option by far. Hunts become 1 minute animal abuse runs with a good elemental bow set.
calamity trigger can do rapid fire spread shot1. The dps is quite insane when bombs are set.
What are these and when I can get me a pukei-pukei?!?
Your own fault for not instakicking unoriginal memepatch/dober shitters.
I mained bow through most of the game I gotta agree it was pretty fun and definitely the speed king this time around. Though I admittedly crafted elemental bows. At some point I gave in and started using the cera coilbender too.
This is what I needed to hear to validate my choices. Thanks user.
guy waiting for pc version here
NORMAL 1 is useable now? and spread isn't just meme builds and terror of blademasters?
also how true is this that raw lbg now outclasses hbg?
Nergigante and the like still cart you in 2 hits even if you go in with 460 defence and 200 health. There's no point taking defensive skills when the only times you die there's not much you could've done about it. Nerg isn't one of those monsters but there are plenty that do.
but monsters die so fast, when are you going to get hit
Normal 1 guy here
This is just my opinion but normal 1s are viable in the current state of the game. This is just because running normal 2s doesn't seem to allow any options for lbg to have rapid fire + lowest recoil and reload. My normal 1s on average do 25 10 10 in which case a single fire normal 2 usually does the total 45 in one hit. Rapid normal 2s would do more but typically have a much lower clip size. Granted I haven't explored every hbg, but the affinity lbg (30 base affinity but lower atk) only has a clip size of 3. With normal reloads.
Honestly the rate of fire of normal 1s brings them to about the same output at slower normal 2s. I just like shooting alot per clip.
Hbg and lbg have roughly the same attack values. But rapid fire outclasses hbg damage per shot. The main perk to hbg is it's harder hitting special ammo/explosive ammo. And native smaller recoil.
But that's just my opinion.
No sense bringing defensive skills. It's not required. People just need to learn to superman dive and use rocksteady/evasion/vitality mantles or the elemental ones when appropriate. Otherwise evade extender/vitality is really just training wheels/a crutch
Exactly so why would anyone take defence skills? Outside of maybe earplugs if you're using a slow weapon just so you can keep attacking.
People who complain that people are joining without them are just wrong.
You can't fucking DPS if you're dead and those fucking shitters are wasting my investigations.
Stop fighting Nergigante in the hallway you shitters.
And I literally said it doesn't matter if you go in with 460 defence and 200 health if you're going to die you're going to die. It's not just the case that you die to random chip damage it'll be two hits and you'll probably be unable to block the second.
If you're not going to live with defence or no defence and full attack you may as well go full attack.
The point being driven here is that taking attack skills doesn't denote a shitter. Shitter can run 7 points in defense 3 vitality evade window 5 and evade extender and still be a shitter. Maybe avoid randos. I solo anything that has a faint 1/2 condition and use my 5 faint 3-5times quests for multiplayer.
What LBG do you use for normal 1? Calamity can do rapid Normal 2 and spread 1
Honestly, how can people use bowguns and not feel like total shitters?
Such a boring weapon:
*Le reload :P*
Posted it a little above. But I use great bowgun. (The arena one) with just free elem/ammo up 1 you get a rapid normal 1 clip size of 8.
My set is
Nerg helm a
Dober bod b
Teostra gloves a
Nerg belt b
Kirin boots b
Normal shots charm
Gems is
3 atk
1 elementless
1 tenderizer
1 mighty
2 special ammo boost (if they'd ever drop)
That's fucking great. My friend and i ran dual lost muskets in mhg, and this brings me back. I miss rapid crag 1...
Lance/Gunlance bros where?
I never see other people use them online but they're both so fun.
>he hasn't experienced the sheer satisfaction of moving, sleeping, paralyzing, trapping and capturing every monster every hunt with the exception of elder dragons.
>or being the godsend for breaking hard to reach parts with the exception of tails
>or having a Diablo kill itself by running into your lbg land mines, or getting 10 explosions off with wyvernsnipe for almost 2k damage. Or telling monsters to say hello to your little friend with wyvernheart.
Bowguns are pretty great.
fuck, my gunner brain was acting up, i meant pellet of course, not spread, spread bows were always good
You'll get a kick out of spread shots with the impact mantle then.
They are called spread shots now though so you weren't wrong!
what do you use faggot
CB like a real man.
Fuck me a perfect wyvernsnipe almost never happens but when it does it is PURE S E X
I just started dabbling in lances. I used to main them in tri because of underwater battles. And they do feel pretty great in this one. I feel pretty immortal with guard up/ guard 5 though I'm wondering if all 5 points in guard is necessary. I'd love to ditch the uragaan set since it looks so bulky.
100% bowguns, all the way.
Normal 1 and spread 1 are really good on rapid fire lbgs. It also feels great since a rapid fire shotgun makes you feel like you're playing modern warfare.
That's my main but I've used lbg before and it's not bad at all
Like all weapons depends on the player
Can't wait to wyvernsnipe the ever living fuck out of a big juicy gold crown pickle
LOL man, I farmed tempered Nerg like over 50 times. I rarely, very rarely, cart even once and I only use offensive decorations.
Valve here. How is sword and shield?
How do you be aggressive with bows? I always feel like im not doing enough damage when I use it.
Wew lawd this. Hell I've stopped playing cause I've made the GS's I need for every monster and no other weapon comes even close to what I want. Shit doesnt feel right not seeing those big numbers.
Great Sword. When using it I feel like I'm on equal terms of strength with the monster.
Holy shit I thought that was tzitzi
This. I was a GS main for 400 hunts then switch over to bow because fuck it. I haven't switched back. Dash dancing is too fun and if you're playing bow properly, it's every bit as dangerous as playing melee since you have to be close to them to land all of your power shots.
Amazing. If you hold the control stick in a direction other than you're facing and press triangle you turn around and continue your combo in that direction. Making for some sick infinite combos. Also the jumping charged slash now launches you in the air letting you mount. And the shield bash has a 3rd attack finisher. It's a ton of fun.
Bow, either my tobi set or my vaal set, depending on which element he's weakest to.
>Tempered Kirin
>Things almost dead
>Goes to sleep and we set up bombs
>GS user steps up
>He doesn't know how to true charge
Had me in tears. It's not like he didn't know it existed because me and the other two that weren't him watched him throwing out random O moves trying his best to tackle I imagine.
Pickle allergic to blast
Depends on the fight. If a monster doesn't have anything that chips through a lower level of guard you can move points around.
Wow it's just like when MHF2 came out. Life immolates art, pottery.
Pickle is weak to everything, he just has a lot of HP to back that up
Whens pickle?
I bet you hate me because I only use bowguns.
t. plays CB
There's also this
Do I unlock the ability to make stronger attachments that make me do more damage later on or have I been ignoring this ability all this time because I havent met THE wall yet?
You guys keep talking about how monsters die so easily, mean while im sitting here with my bug stick thinking,"is this guy dead yet? I've been wacking at this guys dick or trying to knock this fucker out the air for quite some time now"
Why is lance so good bros? I miss evade lancing but the countering in MHW is top fucking notch
Are you in post game yet? Most speedkills are by people with minmaxed armor sets, maxed out food and the highest tier weapons. Don't worry about killspeed. As long as you can donk a monster around 15 minutes you're fine
The only way to do more damage is increasing the afinity and critical boost and go for the weak points. That or pick the diablos branch weapon of choice and go full attack and elementless boost.
And you are doing your ground combos properly, right user?
You unlock decorations and augmenting later in the game but maybe you have room for improvement elsewhere. Check the field guide for elemental/body part weakness and figure your rotations for optimal dmg. You should always aim to have at least red extract. And as for mounting. If you're in multiplayer the mounting threshold increases exponentially. As it does with each successful mount.
How do I into GS?
I just did the 2nd Zorah Magdaros quest and went to clear up some low rank optionals before I take on high rank. Mostly because im aiming to get that neat looking Zorah armor set.
Know what, looking at this guy, I think im not using enough O attacks. I've just straight up been doing full triangle strings and Circle on the 3rd hit. He's a hella lot more mobile than I've been doing it.
That's a dude
Hammer is fun
Sarina Valentina
From what I gather it revolves around spamming the tackle into true charge right now. But the other charge attacks are getting buffed when jho drops. So your standard focus crit draw crit boost sets might make a comeback. My general idea of greatsword is outdated but I just sheath attack re sheath and repeat with crit draw until a good opportunity for a charged slash arises.
>hunt tempered elders solo
>shit on them hard
>hunt online
>get stunlocked by bullshit and cart three hunts in a row
triangle circle triangle circle triangle