What is The Cube of video games?
What is The Cube of video games?
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Is it a good movie
theres that 1 fallout 3 mod that adds a cube like single player questline. its pretty good
This is really accurate.
back in the day it was, the concept is decent.
good shit, plot is pretty generic but the atmosphere is god tier, it inspired Saw movies iirc
I like it.
How is plot generic, though? The premise is, but I love the un-reveal. Sequels ruin it, though.
What is the Primer of video games
It's a cult classic for a reason, it's pretty good shit, even if you don't like the plot or themes or whatever the traps are pretty rad.
I think hypercube was better tbqh
>The premise
yeah i meant to say that, the premise that people are trapped inside somewhere and they die one by another has been done to death in current day, this movie though feels more genuine than others
That one Fallout 3 mod
literally this
dunno if it's good
I enjoyed that mod more than the actual game.
The GameCube.
Isn't there a game based on this?
Yep. Beat me to it.
have you played it?
I know it's only $2 but I still worry it's just shovelware.
it’s the grandfather of Saw films.
puts suspense and decent dialogue first, gore second.
too bad the final climax was an asspull because the writers either were short on budget or wrote themselves into a corner
Why is the end shitty
The end is the best part, though. You just don't get it.
there's a fallout 3 CUBE mod iirc
because “surprise everybody dies” is always a cheap cop out for any film, ever
I legit rooted for the retard, but not like this
Not really. They're approaching similar concepts but one is omega-normie tier and one is semi-obscure Canadian sci fi.