Confess Sup Forums. Did you play 18+ games when you were under 18?

Confess Sup Forums. Did you play 18+ games when you were under 18?

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Of course I did

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Yup, all the time. Even watches R rated movies too.
I hardly had adult supervision when growing up.

They didn't exist in Australia when I was under 18
But I did play games that were refused classification

Oh and I played ma15+ games when under 18 without a parent or guardian

When under 15 I mean.

Fuck yeah.

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If you count VNs as videogames.

Imagine the smell

Is that Ane Doki??

My first ejaculation was to some flash game like 3-Way or Sexy College Quiz on an adult game site. I was 11 at the time, and immediately ran to the bathroom to clean up because I didn't know what had happened.

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I don't think so

I still do

I used to massage my dick, but stop before ejaculating since I didn't know what I was feeling. One day I did it too long and came and thought to myself "oh no, I did it too much" and got scared.

who didn't?
I think my first eroge was probably nocturnal illusion (pic is best girl)

Brave Soul and that kasumi flash game are up there too

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Give me a (You) if you’re browsing a R-18+ site like Sup Forums while being under 18

>those pubes creeping out

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what a fag

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>watched porn since I was 10
>didn't fap until I was 19

Honestly don't know what the fuck was wrong with me. Now I have a libido so high it's like I'm trying to make up for those 9 years.

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>he doesn't like bush

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Yeah. I almost lost that right when they dropped the Nigga bomb in SanAn
Violence was always passable but my mom had 0T for racy words

Virgins detected. Shit's gross.

Please stop posting these. You're gonna get my thread deleted.

I somehow managed to buy pic related when I was 14 from shitstop. Other than that I borrowed some from friends and played other ones at their houses

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NINETEEN? What did you do during your adolescence?

Yeah all the time. One of my earliest memories is playing Mortal Kombat on Genesis with my dad.

Only virgins don't like bush because all they watch is porn with women with pussies as bare as 5 year olds. Real men want to fuck a woman, and women have hairy pussies.

Did no one ever make jokes about jerking off or something? That was the way I found out about it after like two years of looking at H.

You think women don't want dudes to shave their junk?
It's fucking gross dude, literally no one likes pubes

Vidya, anime, manga, LNs mostly. I still watched a shit ton of hentai/porn with a rock hard boner but I never stroked it.

Oh I knew about jerking off. I even had this weird fap session with some friends during a sleep over where we covered ourselves in bedsheets and watched porn/fapped but I just had my raging erection and pretended to stroke it. One of my friends told me I was weird for not using lotion and going at it dry.

at least trim it, I don't like bald either but when you got a fucking jungle down there it just shows you dont take care of yourself

Newgrounds porn games is what I had in "secret", my family knew but they never did anything about it outside calling me a pervert once.

Being underage in Sup Forums back then 06-09 age 13+

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There was this one hentai game on Newgrounds that I used to play but I never got far enough, all I know is that I enjoyed the gameplay but I always had to stop at the part where you get to see some girl's panties because it was on the family computer and I didn't want my dad to walk into the room and see me playing that shit. It wasn't until later that I realized it got much more racy than just panties

I've never used lotion myself.

Same. I was on newgrounds and it was some animation of a zombie fucking a blond.

I played shit like Lightning Warrior Raidy and Bible Black in middle school.

Blessed pubes

Then I'm conquering the jungle like I'm fucking Leopold II of Belgium you candyass messiah.

I still remember the first time i ejaculated i was freaked the fuck out and had no idea what the fuck happened or what where these feelings i also cummed on the sheets of my bed and i was super worried my parents were going to find out so i sleep over it every day for the whole week however i can't remember what caused me to try touching my dick that night.

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Is this that new anal idol?

>using virgin as an insult

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I honestly though this would be the guy that draws pissed off chicks flashing their panties.

>fap session with friends
Holy shit user, my sides

>going at it dry
It's really the only way to do it. Lotion is a mess and doesn't really improve anything unless you're using a Tenga™ or onahole and they have special lotions for that. I found that just having the head rub against your other arm while doing it is a lot better.


I'm sorry I meant SOYBOY detected.

Of course considering Robocop and Die Hard were my favorite movies as a child.

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My first time fapping was when I was 24. It doesn't feel very good desu

>with some friends

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Soyboy is so passe. I think people are saying incests or something.

That stuff's top-tier.
>the nun with strawberry panties

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>only porn game I ever played was Sengoku Rance at exactly 18 years old because of how much Sup Forums raved about it

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Did you fucked all women and killed all men like Rance would do?

I always considered myself to have had a fairly strict upbringing but my parents never really gave a shit what I played or watched. I guess everyones gona see this shit sooner or later.

Probably depends on the person. I don't get enough precum to make it feel slippery so I use water-based lube.

This is even worse if you started jacking off before puberty really set in. I started in 4th grade and got used to nothing but a bit of gray prostate fluid coming out, then like two years later I had a full ejaculation and freaked out, thinking I had some kind of penis infection or something.

Epic. iirc, Napoleon was also a man who like to go exploring in the jungle

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That says 17+,


Are you grabbing the skin or are you rubbing the skin?

Napoleon was a manlet kike with a Napoleon complex fuck that faggot

All the time.

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isn't that artist making an actual manga series about girls looking pissed of showing their panties?

>watching price is right earlier
>pregnancy/baby shower episode
>90% of husbands looked like numales
>wives jumping up and down not giving a fuck about their babies
>drew's face when

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Frank's adventure?

trimmed > bush > bald >>>>> wild nasty pubes



>Fap without lotion all my life
>Have german for number 6
>Girl is dripping wet, no need for lube
>the lack of friction let's me keep going and going like a Duracell bunny

Well, I had a better performance than expected.

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public hair isn't nudity so it's fine

My first ejaculation was to the Ellowas World of Warcraft animation where a human is blown by and proceeds to bang a Draenei in the Northshire Inn. I had literally looked up a guide to masturbating because I was doing it wrong. When I was getting close I stopped rubbing and the resulting pain isn't something I'll ever forget.

For some reason, stopping right there was one of the most painful things I experienced, needless to say I did it right the next time, to some Abella Anderson video.

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Rubbing, I guess?

I only got a PC when I was 19 so no. The first PC game I played was Bible Black.


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You underage sh-

I still remember the days of beating off with no ejaculate. I only knew how to do it because a guy in his teens who we knew started explaining to me and my friends when we were around 8 or 9 so I gave it a go and was like wtf this is great. No cum but still felt as good

My parents didn't give a shit as long as I didn't try to copy anything from the game. My mom literally bought me San Andreas at gamestop when I was like 8 after the hot coffee scandal already happened.

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Most of Sup Forums is still under 18

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I was 14 at the time, currently 22.

Now all Ellowas does is shitty Overwatch pictures. Wish he'd go back to WoW.

I'm actually a leaf.

Shit yeah that's the one, come to think of it I think it might've just been an ecchi game and not a hentai game. I heard from a friend that it's a hentai game though I've been unable to find any examples of girls getting dicked it in

first time i coomed it fucking hurt and felt so great at the same time
then i've done it everyday for the last 10 years

Is going at it dry really all that weird?
Wait are you like stroking the shaft or massaging it, because that would make more sense to me as to why going at it dry would be odd

she looks like she only fucks black guys

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I already masturbated like a madman when I was 8

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Yes I did

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What was your first online fap Sup Forums?

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those pubes remind me so much of my ex girlfriend

fuck i miss her

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Oh man this is a classic

What do you mean with "when"

>Sup Forums - massage techniques
never change guys

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Can't remember. Probably something FF VII related.

I can still hear the music of this flash

>decide to sit down and stroke the salami for once
>got bottle of lotion and and tissues ready
>browsing sankaku for some ideas
>find this one sexy clip and decide to look up the hentai and fap to it
>find a nice scene and start fapping
>all of a sudden the girl grows a fucking dick

Shit was traumatizing. I hate futa with passion for this reason.

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who didn't?

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