What games do you play on your phone Sup Forums?
What games do you play on your phone Sup Forums?
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That one Love Live rhythm game is pretty decent.
Phone games are all shit, I just play DS and GBA emulatiors
>PUBG mobile
What the fuck
Ketchapp games
>pubg mobile
I play ff4, ff5, and fft.
t. Spend his whole allowance rolling waifus in dokken
But he's right tho most mobile games are usually gacha shit
Came out today, US only, runs miles better than Xbox one
Remember me?
>pubg mobile
>fortnight mobile
Please don't breed
What do you guys think of Order & Chaos? It's a free to play WoW clone. Anyone else play(ed)?
Easy there edgelord
The only actual game on mobile
[Spoiler] tfw a mobile game is in your top 20
1010! and Canabalt
i still play desu
over 3000 hours later
I think I tried that one awhile ago if it's the one I'm thinking of, but so many of these MMOs seem watered down, like way more than you would think for even a phone MMO.
I just have a tough time finding anything interesting to play on my phone in general, I think the one game I played for longer than like a couple hours is Eagle Golf
I'm still waiting for pc/console ports of these.
Replace fortnight with tomb raider 2 and it looks just like my game folder
One Piece Treasure Cruise.
Duel Links is the only thing worth playing
I like Arena of Valor for my assfaggots fix
Terra battle
Fate GO
Deleted FF brave exvius after spending 18k lapis and getting nothing.
I like cars.
Used to play South Park phone destroyer but I hit the pay wall and was unlucky enough to never get a single legendary card.
I tried Clash Royale but I also hit the pay wall, I only noticed how strong some players are when a single boar rider took half of my tower's health with a 2 hits. Shit is kinda awful.
Now I got no games to play
Fire Emblem Heroes. It is my addiction.
Fate/Grand Order
GTA: Chinatown Wars
But mainly I alternate between games on PPSSPP. Currently playing P3 Portable, Tactics Ogre and Valkyria Chronicles 2.
emulation is the only correct way to game on mobile
I'm aware that this is a bait thread, but I still want to reply in case anyone actually wants some recommendations.
>Puzzle and Dragons
actual skill is involved, and you actually have to use your head if you want to clear high level content
>Fire Emblem Heroes
decent fire emblem lite. not terribly complex, but not braindead easy like some mobages
>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
grindy but fun. instead of pulling for characters, you pull for equipment that they can use. right now there's a 3rd anniversary event going on that you get 25 mythril for, and there are several 5 mythril banners that guarantee you a 5* relic if you pull on them which is really good
>Final Fantasy DISSIDIA Opera Omnia
title is a mouthful. game is fine, although i don't play it as much anymore. it's as close to an actual game as a gacha can get, with no energy system. like RK, most characters are viable except for a couple of them, and you pull for equips, not characters
i haven't spent a dime on any of these and i still enjoy them
stay the fuck away from gumi games though, they all have abysmal rates and are stupidly p2w. also stay away from FGO unless you want to suffer from the 0.7% rates
ahaha based
>clash royale
what arena did you hit that made you quit?
How well do touchscreen games translate to a smartphone? I'd like to play big bang mini on my phone if it works well.
>i still play desu
What do you like to do? My main account had like 3000 also, I started playing back in like 2009/2010. Got banned for hacking
>he actually fell for the "smart"phone jew
get off the computer grandpa
The ports of Sonic 1, 2 and CD on iOS were perfect until SEGA riddled them with advertisements.
sign on and talk to people really. What guilds? NkA and ANI3U here desu.
Area 6.
I didn't even get far, but I am always 30 points or so from arena 7 and most people have been playing this game for around 2 years so a lot of people have high level cards. During events you play with people with any rank or skill so I ended up against some really strong motherfuckers.
This is my current deck btw, I was also using boar rider Valk ire, mage, Giant and balloon.
Arena 6*
Stop looking through the Free category poorfag
There’s plenty of good shit.
If I was going to spend money on a game I wouldn't be buying a game that uses a capacitive touch interface
t. brainlet
these ones
bleach is the best one
>Puzzle and Dragons
What's the meta like nowadays?
>person that unironically enjoys non-resistive touch interfaces
>trying to call other people stupid
You literally have to be retarded to have fun playing videogames with the most inaccurate and cumbersome control scheme for videogames
Sudoku, ENYO and Hoplite
>brainlet doesn’t know how to sync a controller to his phone
>or too poor to afford a controller case
Pls stop embarrassing yourself
>Playing games designed for buttons with a touch screen
Why the fuck would I still use my phone if I had to use a controller?
Why not use literally anything else?
Do you think you're gonna look any less like a faggot if you bust out a dualshock to play angry birds with compared to a dude busting out his GBASP with an EZFlash IV?
Pic related
This is some CWC tier level of autism
it's been a while since i've been in arena 6, so bear with me
you could really use a tank or something to help you push. if i had to take a guess you're using the prince as both a tank and win condition right now?
it might be a good idea to replace the ice wiz with a valk. valk's got some great synergy with the prince because she takes care of swarm units like skarmy that can easily shut the prince down. plus she works as a great tank in other situations, like pulling multiple units to the center of the field so your towers can pick them off.
i also recommend swapping a card out for a spell like zap because it's a cheap option for dealing with swarm units.
if you plan on using prince more, definitely level him up when you get the coins because i doubt a level 2 epic will help you very much in arena 7
I just hop from gatcha to gatcha until they get super grindy
Have played
Now playing FEH. Rerolled once and got Hector for free. Lyn, Hector, Ike, Fjorn team has let me steamroll all content till about the lvl 30 zone where I finally needed to spend my SP
Are you okay? Take a break.
The GTA games are fucking awesome and fun to play on my iPhone.
Love Live
Kairosoft games
Goddess Kiss
Choice of Games interactive books
Metal Slug Defense
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Kim Kardashian:Hollywood
Mah nigger
My point is that the convenience of playing games on a phone is lost entirely when you have to lug around a controller just so you can play games without having to use the touch screen. Why not just bring a gameboy or a PSP to play games on at that point if you're already going to be carrying around a controller? The GBA or PSP would literally take up less space and be better in every way than the phone when it comes to playing games.
Games like these.
I was raised Catholic
>He plays more than 1 gacha on his phone
I don't even really remember. I would go to that guild tower in the top right of the map and just spam message people asking for an invite then help them defend the tower. I'd move from guild to guild.
I remember also wanting to be an admin guilds so bad lol,
>Hurr, you have to pay money to play gacha
I play 7 gacha games and only actively pay for one. Rest are F2P
see for yourself
anublos is still a top tier lead combo, and some older leads have recently come back into relevance (gronia and blonia)
combos and monocolor leads are still super strong
HP leads are doing fine but aren't as relevant
rows and the heart cross meme have suffered lately though
the last game I played more regularly was Dota Legends clone. I guess they couldn't bring it to west because of Valve's and Blizzard's IPs so some other company cloned it first (Heroes Charge).
(Now there's like 100 clones and they are all successful.)
That was the shit, but p2w as fuck. If you were ultra good and did everything correctly you could compete with payers but not whales.
I know DotArena (yes spelled like that) came later and they went through some problems with blizzard and valve teaming up on them AFAIR
Gameplay was fun and Blizzard's art style along with dota heroes identity made it a great game.
I just wish phones weren't such ULTRA P2W trash.
Here's what I've got.
Animal Crossing.
On a side note, anybody still use Miitomo? It's dead, is it not?
how can ANY of those actually be good on a phone?
fucking 10/10 there
the admin guilds were actually good fun. really just depends on who it was though too tbqh.
All acording to my keikaku
Want to play it online? Username is Beefslam.
Why do you care though? Its not like its YOUR money being spent. What are YOU actively losing?
KOTOR and crazy taxi play pretty damn good, SFIV too, the others you just gotta get used to them.
It was out in other regions for awhile. Canada and Australia were test markets.
Not surprised it runs better than the Xbox version.
my phone broke a ffew months ago and I haven't bought a new one yet. What's a decent phone these days? I had a nexus 5 and it was awesome, perfect size, not too big, great battery, all round awesome phone but fuck me if I'm paying 700 fucking brexitcoins for the new one fuck that.
third post btfo
Which guilds were you a member of? I remember Anubis was the main one (i think) by x0r
They said a few days ago there no plans to make them.
What's decent for you? For example decent for me is enough power to run my videogames + good camera for days when I'm not running my proper one and still need a reasonable shot. I also don't care about customization
I'm sure you can guess what phone I go for lol. I always heard best droids are Samsung's and the Nexus models
>Fortnite and PUBG on fucking mobile
Just when I thought these games couldn't get trashier.
alchemist code is pretty fun
import a xiaomi phone
I have spacechem, super hexagon and puzzle fighter although I rarely play this one cause it sucks.
Having spacechem in your pocket is great though, it's not optimal to do shit on touch screen but it works.
That's a very expensive paper unit you have there
I've been loving Cytus II so far it's a great game and it has a very good story i highly recommend it
I was using the giant and I got the princess today. I was basically getting countered by every card as soon as I placed one of mine even if I was placing the after the other player. Not only that but people usually have way more lê eles cards than I so going against some one with stronger cards is common to me.
most of the limit breaks were from selling off 3* shitters for soul coins and using the light/rainbow shards
she's definitely the definition of a glass cannon though, gets twice the turns the tank shitters get in arena though which is nice
post your grindr apps Sup Forums
I love my light speed Yomi too but this game's arena is dominated by tanks
I spend my time outside learning Japanese instead of playing, actually.
Anyone knows how to get rid of the google bar though? It's fucking trash.
She can 1shot any tank i fight with retribution blade before they can get a turn in (I avoid lv75+ selena/teonas) and can usually take a light bringer thanks to the doll
android is google
you're fucked kiddo