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Virmire can turn out to be a real shit show huh?

More like rekt

If you didn't take Wrex/Garrus to kill Saren, you played the game wrong

idk why but this is always my favorite thread on Sup Forums

I think because it's Mass Effect 1 and not the bullshit the series became

Mass Effect is one of my favorite games of all time. I thought it was especially ballsy to make such an obvious cliffhanger ending and then just never follow up on it with a sequel and just leave it to everyone's imagination.

How the fuck could they go from original Mass Effect to 2 and 3?

I remember following Mass Effect from conception. Using it's old website to watch trailers and read information, back in the days when video games had dedicated websites built for them in the runup to release.

Mass Effect was great. Such a cool world, so interesting and so much to explore.

But muh emotion always has to take front seat with these autistic devs. They ruined the Reapers in the second game and by the third they were just a joke.

ME1 has a special place in my heart that 2 and 3 couldn't match up to. I don't know man. I marathoned like all of ME1's content in a weekend when I was sick as fuck and hopped up on a shitload of meds, and it was like the dopest weekend of my high school life

EA got a hold of them and wanted them to appeal to CoD demographic.

I miss the love for 2 on this board nowadays. 1 is fantastic but 2 is really great how it trimmed the fat around 1 and showed the dark underbelly of the ME universe. 3 is just depressing to play. I marathoned the trilogy recently and had a blast with 1 and 2. Once I got to 3 I had to quit half way. Knowing the ending that was coming, on top of that so much changed with the 3rd game alone it felt like a fanfic.

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ME2 combat is shit. That being said, I still enjoy replaying through each games every year.

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>1 is fantastic but 2 is really great how it trimmed the fat around 1
Planet scanning
Project Firewalker DLC
Normandy Crash Site DLC
Combat is now chest-height wall bad gears of war clone
No more gearing team up, no more bouncing around Mako

Fucking EA with its "We Want Call Of Duty's Audience" reverse Midas touch.

>Planet scanning
Not saying the game was perfect
>Project Firewalker DLC
Literally an improved Mako
>Normandy Crash Site DLC
Whats the problem, that it was DLC? Because yeah fucking EA what are you gonna do
>Combat is now chest-height wall bad gears of war clone
Chest high walls was still prevalent in 1 its just that the cover system was garbage
>No more gearing team up, no more bouncing around Mako
Mako was boring, but I agree with the lack of gearing the team up.

Gearing up the team was tedious and boring. I barely even changed my teams equipment and when I did it didn't really do anything for me, and I still got through the game just fine.

I only got into Mass Effect last year, and holy shit it was amazing.
Pretty sad that Andromeda was meh, compared to the absolutely amazing trilogy.

Trilogy remake when?

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my man

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>Cant I have you both?
Why couldnt Bioware give us this??

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I was wondering the same whenever I realized the boxed Trilogy doesn't even include all the DLC for the games.
Unfortunately Bioware said they have no plans on porting it to the new gen. Which sucks because even with the horrible ending in 3 porting the Trilogy with all the DLC would sell like hotcakes.

youre my best friend

I'm commander shepherd and this is my favorite thread on Sup Forums


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Only good thing in Andromeda.

Also the ship.

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ME3 combat is fun, that being said I'm sad they cancelled it[\spoiler]

>ME1 combat is fine
>can use biotics on ennemies with shields
>ME2 combat took a step backward
>thermal clips are a rarity
>ME3 combat is fun
>being a biotic was never this good

Is she interesting or do people only like her cause she's a Turian?

I personally think she's a neat character, that is actually well built.

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ME2 was so much more fun to play on just a base level that it wasn't even funny. ME1 had some decent concepts going for it but it was so clunky that replaying it is a slog.

>devs spend all this time building the universe, factions, backstory etc through the 3 games

>andromeda just dumps it all and goes to another galaxy