why are japs so much better than the west at faithfully adapting western armor into their games? in western rpgs, the armor is always so bulky and ugly looking with oversized pauldrons and retarded looking helmets full of spikes
Why are japs so much better than the west at faithfully adapting western armor into their games? in western rpgs...
based slavs have been catching up with kingdom come and witcher
I'd guess for the same reasons that nips like fast, light mechs whereas the west tends towards heavier, more realistic mechs.
Nobody in full plate was rolling around to dodge attacks back in the day. That's why you wore full plate in the first place.
>heavier, more realistic mechs
Because is so bored with western armor that they always Warcraft the fuck out of it to make it ""interesting"" rather than making something that looks practical and aesthetically pleasing.
>realistic mechs
>talking about realism in video games
They think its cool and want to portray it in an idealized but respectful manner. Meanwhile in the west everyone thinks it is boring is only interested in subversion or exaggeration
Japs have the highest visual IQ
>leather paldron
>grieves attached with literal strings
>plain pants under grieves not even padded chausses
>mail starts at the waist for whatever reason
it looks nice but its definitely not good armor.
So what other nip games have good western armors besides Dark Souls?
>the armor is always so bulky and ugly looking with oversized pauldrons and retarded looking helmets full of spikes
Because Warhammer designed that for one faction of bulky 7ft humans on demon roids to represent that. Somehow that caught on to everything
>implying that pic related isn't the pic related of armor designs
soulsbabbies shoo shoo
here you go m8
something you'd like
obviously there's not enough pizazz in the dark souls armor
it always confuses me that these huge epic armor sets always have glaring gaps in defence
Good western armor is actually absurdly rare in japanese games.
>nobody in full plate was rolling around dodging
Look up any armor mobility demonstration on youtube. You can cartwheel in that shit all day.
Vagrant Story
Dragon's Dogma
im criticizing the practicality of the armor set when compared to the real thing.
wow armor is cartoony in nature so there is no point criticizing when its clearly meant to look ridiculous
It's even more rare in western games.
>no point criticizing when its clearly meant to look ridiculous
hehe, i was only pretending to be retarded
Demon's Souls
but that's horrible though
Not floppy enough
>proving op right
what is with westerners and fucking with traditional armor and designs and making the pauldrons do fucking huge?
bamboozled again!
Is Lords of the Fallen worth playing?
Boy that Daedra armor thread really set you off, huh?
>nobody posting any other examples of good western armor.
it's trash
Are you actually retarded? No don't answer because you'll cherrypick stuoid la creatura creations like the faggot, autistic weeaboo you are.
There just aren't that many 3D games with good armor design to begin with. You get either shitty warhammer inspired garbage or anime shit.
pic related though is a good one
At least the west (excluding muttland) can make faithful rpg's and not shitty high fantasy garbage.
>why is From so much better than the west at...
But generally, I think it's because Western fantasy devs are not trying to faithfully adapt western armor into their games. Pointing to WoW or Lords of the Fallen is dumb because that's definitely not what they were trying to do.
I agree Dark souls is the pinnacle of western design! Why Miyazaki LITERALLY invented Medieval Europe!
realistic armor is to be expected in a realistic medieval rpg. am I not allowed to have realistic armor in my high fantasy video games?
Play a Saga game or Uncharted Waters: Coasta del Sol
Bloodborne also has exceptional clothing design
Nips are just very good when it comes to appreciation for subtlety, but they can also be ridiculous
yeah...that is jousting armor.
post the guy sprinting in full armor
>Bloodborne has exceptional clothing design
Bloodborne is so aesthetically tight.
THIS is jousting armor.
Bloodborne is a waaaay more anime take of their timeline than souls is. Dont get me wrong, it still looks really cool, but you can tell they wanted to be more over the top with it.
>not posting the original
just because you can, doesnt mean its a good idea
>wearing that in a joust
have fun getting killed
You're wrong. Bloodbornes setting is grounded in what was normally a quite bland realistic world, but then beasts and shit happened, not because of flames and pygmies and dragons and lords, because of viruses, alchemy and religious themes, and the gods in question are physical/metaphysical entities, real things, it's actually incredibly grounded compared to the fantastical nature of the other games
Even the concept of nightmares and dreams is still a very real thing. To have dreams and see fucked up shit is actually incredibly normal
you can blame the warriors of chaos for that, which is a shame really because they can really pull off the heavy plate look
god this opening was great
To be fair you wouldn't roll around even if you weren't wearing armor.
>he needs eyes to see out of his helm
when one exists within a dream, you don't need eyes to see
then why are asians so bad at driving?
This only applies to chinese and koreans etc because their eyes are shaped differently to japs in the corners, they simply have less peripheral vision
that sucks man, why do they have eyes like that?
it helps to block snow blowing in their face
I was talking about clothes/armor, not setting user. I agree with you, BB's setting was more grounded in reality than souls creationist stuff, but that's not the topic of the thread. BB sets look really fucking cool, but most of them dont resemble 18th century clothing with the occasional exceptions like the student set or the starting one compared to souls armor sets where the ridiculous ones are the rarer stuff..
how cam arabs or negroids don't have eyes like that, since they live in the desert with sand storms and shit
makes sense considering that the inuit (eskimo) and some northern europeans have eyes like that
>obody in full plate was rolling around to dodge attacks back in the day. That's why you wore full plate in the first place.
This is where you argument comes to die.
>koreans etc because their eyes
because when snow is blowing you dont NEED to cover your eyes, when sand is blowing its a bit of a necessity.
western devs don't know how to make a knight look tough without making his shoulders fucking huge
That's simply false
Go fuck yourself white pig
because when snow is blowing you dont NEED to cover your eyes, when sand is blowing its a bit of a necessity. since arabs were never exposed to sand in their eyes for prolonged periods they never developed a defence, whereas the asians,and eskimos could afford to have snow in their eyes as it would later melt
Vagrant story
Lmao, you delusional weeb. Japs are the worst drivers on the planet.
what about white people? why don't they have asian eyes? i know, some northern europeans have eyes like that but that's only because of siberian immigration to europe
I know, we are white, hitler said so
you chinkbeetles breed so many people because a famous saying goes, if a chinese falls dead in a forest, everyone will hear it and not care like a falling leave because the trees are actually chinese people
if you're refering to people from scandanavia. it dosent blow snow there as often as people might think. also humans had only been there for a few thousand years, not nearly enough for a genetic physical change to occcur
Realismfags are the lowest of the low. Stay the fuck away from videogames.
Unless you're destitute poor $0.00 - $5.00 is a reasonable price for LOTF.
I got it for free on psplus and I can't bring myself to finish it. It's so boring.
since we're in the discussion about evolution, why did straight hair evolve and why is it recessive? what about blonde hair, what's the purpose of that?
based slavs have best armor
>it's actually S.K.
Considering DS3 is basically the end of the world, it's more like post apocalyptic knight armor slapped together with different parts. I like the aesthetic.
Blond hair is the result of having little pigmentation in the hair. probobly because the energy went instead to doing better in a cold environment. although i dont know for certain.
and i dont think we know what causes hair to be strait on asians and curly on blacks. we just dont know.
The funny part of your post, is that WoW is an anomaly in art design compared to many western games, as is Dark Souls in a sea of japanese games with retarded looking armor, swords bigger than lamp posts, and so on.
I prefer korean armor
i'll give you armor, but have you seen the zweihander in that game? it's like 12 feet long.
With regards to Vagrant Story, Ashely Riot astoundingly had the worst fucking design out of all of them. Guildenstern was absolutely 10/10, for example.
I cant believe how many tasteless assholes there are that actually dont like armor like this. Bunch of plebs. Total and utter plebeians.
Armors of that that game lack the narrow waist
>Nips are just very good when it comes to appreciation for subtlety
That's fucking stupid. A small group of people working under one person isn't representative of the whole population. Also, anime.
ik it sucks, hoping for a mod to fix it.
herro ching chongu
It looks like something out of Van Helsing, not an anime
it literally looks like Vampire hunter D