Is anyone else here just excited for this guy? Thoughts on what his play style will be like?
Is anyone else here just excited for this guy? Thoughts on what his play style will be like?
SMW cape
Who the fuck asked for Ray? Where is SHADOW?
The only people excited are the autistic Sonic fandom. What I care about is a physical disc release. I had the Collector's Edition pre-ordered on Amazon...until I found out a digital code game with the statue.
Sega is trying to stay relevant by keeping the last high reviewed Sonic game in circulation, but this should have happened a year ago. It's so hard for a Japanese company to admit that western developers are more in-touch with the community.
Who gives a shot about Shadow
Amy and Metal would've been better
I didn't expect him but I'm glad he was included. It's nice to see forgotten characters get a second chance.
I really think people like him are trolls. The Amy/Metal people I was convinced were trolls until I saw a YouTube animation of some lady complaining why it’s infair for her daughter that Amy is not playable.
Can’t people just be happy for Ray and Mighty and look forward to the unique gameplay they have to offer?
>some lady complaining about Amy not being playable
Video Game StoryTime
It’s a YouTube Channel
>The Amy/Metal people I was convinced were trolls
They've both been playable in 2D Sonic games before and are the next most prominent classic era characters. What is so hard about believing people wanted them?
>wanting Sup Forums in Sanic form
Mighty is cool to have back, but who was asking for Ray?
Ray is the new face of Sonic shitposting.
Ray is the Tails to Mighty's Sonic so he just kinda has to come as a packaged deal. He unironically had like 3 fans prior to the Plus announcement.
Tails 2.0
I was thinking for a big horizontal burst all at once as opposed to tails tap to fly/hover.
Basically an electric shield double jump but like 1.3 times as better
You can’t be mad at this!
Is this Sonichu knockoff?
How is Chris-chan doing?
I've seen people suggest cape mario mechanics and someone posit he could work like Aero the Acrobat did. All I'm hoping is that I don't feel like I'm playing knuckles or tails again.
Honeslty though how far can taxman and co push classic Sonic.
As a huge classicfag I think the Mania team could probably do 2-3 more games before it all becomes too redundant. Mania was a great shot in the arm and the drop dash feels like a natural progression but there still more to do.
Perhaps you can tweak Knuckles and Tails so they can cancel their flight into spinball form. Maybe give Knuckles a straight up divebomb like from the Adventure games.
i dont give a fuck to be honest, i'd rather have espio with wallclimbing
being "in-touch" with the community is only a hindrance to developers, all of sonic team's failings are for listening to fans since adventure. Nintendo on the other hand does whatever it wants to and prints money.
Don't get me started on blizzard sucking reddit's cock.
Listening to Fan Bases is like a monkey's paw.
Well whatever they do with Mighty and Ray I just hope that one of them gets to go on Knuckle's route
It's going to get stale by Mania 3 if they refuse to evolve past the one-button rule.
You can only blame the fans so much.
An OC creator is a mint idea but Sonic Team spent most of the dev time making dynamic fucking lighting instead of making a well thought out game.
I’m wondering if they get their own route. Or if they’re teamed up or solo a la Sonic/Tails.
I dont think we would see a unique route outside of encore mode. Maybe switch up the stage order but that really amounts to nothing
I would love if they refined CD's time travel stuff or Chaotix's tag team missions. And I know bringing up the modern characters is grating right now but it would be neat to see them classic-ized.
I wonder if he’ll touch other spinoffs. I’d like to see a redone Sonic Fighters or for them to revive Xtreme.
The heck are you talking about? Sega hasn't listened to a thing fans have said for over a decade.
I understand wanting to see Modern character's show up in Classic Sonic but at that point it's missing the point. People like to complain that Modern Sonic made too many new characters but the roster was pretty big before then.
Nobody, which is why I'm kinda cool with him showing up. I wanna see what they'll do with him.
Besides off the top of my head the only other playable characters they could add that wouldn't clash with the classic-era pandering we've gotten so far is the hooligans and the chaotix and I think they'd be better off saving both of those as whole teams for their own DLC or spinoffs in future titles (which I assume are coming, if they're gonna bother doing DLC and a physical release for what was supposed to just be a tie-in anniversary thing to Forces they clearly have some faith in its future.)
I don't know if Taxman is really that cut-out for those sorts of things. He knows one particular style of Sonic gameplay and he has demonstrated that he knows it well.
Gonna be optimistic and expect Ray will turn out fine.
In the Modernverse. Dead like Maria
Just go play Virtua Fighter if you want a good Sonic Fighter style game
He blew Amyfags, Shadowfags, Blazefags, and Metalfags the fuck out, so he's alright by me.
I wanted both Shadow and Blaze but knew that Iizuka was being dead serious about keeping the Classic and Modern games as separate worlds now. I was fully expecting the Chaotix to be put in if Mania were to get new characters, but I'm excited for Mighty (who technically is a Chaotix member) and Ray.
Mania takes place before Adventure right? So he's still locked up in suspended animation.
You just put my exact thoughts into words.
Ray is his own man, he doesn't even hang out with Mighty any more than he does Sonic.
I hope this new release will allow me to play any combination without having to use the "&Knuckles" nosave mode, I want to do Sonic and Mighty.
Does it take place before Adventure?
Generations says yes. Forces says no.
That's a good thing. You get your not-Sonic Shadow in Sonic Forces DLC, we get our not-Sonics Mighty and Ray in our Sonic Mania DLC.
>2D sonic
>metal sonic
when? I know amy’s in advance, but metal sonic?
mighty's great, ray's alright
but i need my snoop group man
I also wanted any team parnter combos. I was pleasntly surprised with & knuckles mode though.
I'm not holding my breathe on any of this kind of stuff though. Excited to see how drastic Encore mode is though
Metal Sonic Hyperdrive
We’re all missing something vital here: how encore mode might mean you get to become hyper sonic if there are advanced special stages in it. Hell, even without it I’m pretty stoked for encore since I love me some NeoGeo double loops
So ignoring modern shit and comic shit, Mighty isn't one of the Chaotix right? Was he just sort of there like Knuckles?
I think Encore mode could be a remix/alternative to the Zones, like Green Hill could have a gimmick added to it or even a third act with something new.
I don't have a problem with keeping Classic and Modern separate. Shadow or Blaze in Mania would open too many floodgates and I feel like restricting Mania to characters pre-Adventure gives it more of a unique identity.
However I do have a problem if Iizuka considers shared characters between the two part of the Modern universe now. It'd be retarded if Amy and the Chaotix aren't allowed in the Mania games just because they're part of Modern Sonic's entourage now. Grade A bullshit.
There was text implying hyper emeralds...
I'd love to have 7 more special stages
Also something else besides blue spheres would be nice too
but that’s a rom hack, user. It’s like saying big the cat could be a playable character because someone sonewhere modded him into a classic game. Besides, in the two games metal did become playable (SADX, S4E2) he was a 1:1 sonic clone
Wait, Mighty and Ray are coming to Mania???
Cause you are an absolute dunce. Now go google it and get yourself up to speed
google Sonic Mania Plus for a breakdown of what we’re getting. It was announced at some panel last friday where they also officially announced the next sonic racing game, which is apparently not a sequel to anything but still uses the trademark R from Sonic R
Well, yeah, but I'm definitely not exclusively in the Modern camp.
No, that's not the case. The Chaotix and Amy would still be on the cards for Mania or a sequel. Honestly, I think reverse-engineering Shadow and Blaze to the Classic world would help unload a ton of baggage they both have. Maybe Classic Shadow is is just a regular Hedgehog instead of a space alien from 50 years ago. Maybe Blaze is just a regular cat instead of being a princess from another dimension.
Sup Forums once again playing the contrarian card and pretending to like Ray. This board is so pathetic. Before the reveal, everyone was asking for Amy and Metal.
eh, former member, i'd say
i think he just got brought back for the ride in KC, seeing as both sonic and tails were cut content
though exactly why that is is still up in the air
personally, i'd love it if they found a way to get everybody together in one game
the more playable characters, the better
that's why sonic world is such a good fangame
How would you feel if Sonic R 2 ditched the modern look and instead drew from the Genesis/Game Gear/Saturn era?
Amy/Metalfag detected.
Nobody but an obnoxious minority of wafufag furries actually like Amy.
>I think reverse-engineering Shadow and Blaze to the Classic world would help unload a ton of baggage they both have
You and I both know game journalists will never let that fly by. These are the people that took points off Generations just because it had a level from Sonic 06 even though that level was perfectly good.
Even Amy and the Chaotix would probably get shit on too despite having perfectly valid reasons to be there.
He's basically going to be Lilac from Freedom Planet. Big horizontal dashes on the ground and in the air and an air action that lets him float and glide gently.
Metal a shit and got a handjob he didn't deserve in Mania. Mecha deserves his due, damn it.
Sonic Mania sucks and I can explain why if anyone is interested?
What the fuck is that thing?? Someone's OC?
Or maybe you just don't need them. Look I like the adventures game but the autism they spawned wasn't as refined.
Classicfag autsim is so focused that people growing up with those games did everything could to understand and recreate them to the point of Sega bring them on.
Maybe somewhere out there someone has refined the adventure gameplay to the point of being to revive popular interest in it but until then just let Mania keep true to itself
>sonic world
>good because of characters
come on now. the devs are so busy shoving the entirety of the archie canon into the game they never really develop the game’s base features and overall optimization
>walk off a cliff
>can jump anyway because fuck you
>nearly all levels in the starting pack are pure ass cancer with zero flow and too much emphasis on trying to be an unholy amalgamation of heroes and SA2 with no design philosophy
>not sure if it wants to be an engine or a full game, no theming whatsoever
>chao garden is a joke
even SRB2 is leagues above that trash fire
I like Amy, well classic more than modern and I wanted her to complete the four man group. But I understand why they went with the other two. Mania 2 could be her moment to shine, and I'll hold on that instead.
Ray's neat because he's a complete wild card from a mechanical standpoint and this is the first time he's playable in 20+ years.
Imagine if this guy suddenly shows up in Mania 2. That'd be hype as fuck.
I'd be happy. The classic stages have much better aesthetics and gimmicks to make interesting courses from. The classic cast is also big enough for a decently sized roster. I'd rather play as Fang than fucking Silver or the Deadly Six.
>you only want amy because you're a waifufag
Ah, the classic ad hominem from pre-release threads.
What's that webm from? It's fucking amazing. Metal > Mecha, tho
>perfectly valid reasons to be there.
As like a side character like in CD maybe but the classic version of Amy was never really a capable or highly regarded character, even in the silly spin-offs where she is playable, she's more of a joke character. I don't think Mania wants to redo what prominent romhacks or other Sonic games have done either, besides inckuding the main four (Sonic, Eggman, Tails, Knuckles), and I think that's commendable. Amy has a better shot in a modern game, since modern Amy is like a totally different character from the classic version. However if they do make some kind of classic style spin-off game, Amy should definitely be there.
>we could have had this in Mania
>instead we get Mighty and Ray
really excited to see what they pull out of their hat for them
The problem with Amy is that she's going to either end up being a clone of Sonic at best or just unfun to play due to her mechanics, a la Sonic Advance.
Fan animation floating around. Should be up on Youtube. Also, how dare you. Mecha's late 80's/ early 90's sci-fi aesthetic is top fucking notch. This guy hits the scene and you know shit's about to go down.
Looks janky and it's weird seeing classic Amy actually do stuff. I want Bean instead.
why is he in super mode? is he basically teenage gohan?
Amy in Sonic 3 is one of the funnest Sonic romhacks I've ever played. Amy's acrobatic moveset works so well with the game. This is why I want her in Mania. If she was just a clone of Sonic, there'd be no point I wouldn't give a shit.
>but the classic version of Amy was never really a capable or highly regarded character
She's one of the better characters in Fighters
>clone of Sonic
Mighty and Ray are literally just that. If they can do something with these two, they can give Amy something.
All right, I smiled. You cheeky little shit.
Now that's the thing. She didn't even have her hammer until Fighters.
She's actually the worst character in the game right under Bark.
where's my girl?!
>even SRB2 is leagues above that trash fire
that's cause SRB2 already has a complete engine to work with, and a rather primitive one at that
not saying that's bad tho, far from it
but as of now world is indeed an engine with a few missions for replayability; basically a WIP more than anything
the chao garden is not near SA1 or 2 in terms of quality but it functions very well despite that
and in terms of level design the creators are largely reliant on the community for that, and even made a few tutorials on good level construction techniques
>can jump anyway because fuck you
what's the issue with that?
>She didn't even have her hammer until Fighters
Are you implying there's some timeline we should give a shit about?
Locked in the cuckshed.
in mania 2 as a damsel in distress
In SegaSonic, sure. But Chaotix at least tried to give Mighty some new tools and then Stealth gave him a ton of unique stuff to work with and Ray's up in the air entirely. It's a little dismissive to just assume they're not going to try.
Warming the bench like she should be.
Exactly, so the concept that Amy would be a Sonic clone is also dismissive on your side.
Sonic Advance 2 and partially 3.
I think he's saying it would be lame for a main game to copy a gimmick made for a spin-off, might as well put her in the car too since she walks at a snail's pace in CD. That would be just as derivative. I think there's a reason Taxman and Stealth relegated Amy's appearance in Mania to a not-in-person doll form cameo that mocks how annoying she can be to Sonic and the player. They don't just want to copy what Advance and romhacks have done.
That's mainly on you. Some people may like her style in those games and want to see something similar, not exact - in a Mania sequel.
First of all that'd be really hypocritical since they technically just copied was Sonic 1-3K did anyway.
And second, that'd just be stupid dumb pride on their end. Amy had a unique playstyle established in a very Genesis-esque 2D game. Why would it be far-fetched to bring over that playstyle that worked into their games? You guys act like the Mania team would never even touch anything like the Advance games yet there's references to them right in Mania like the sound effect to the tubes in Studiopolis Act 2 and the bungee cords in Stardust Speedway that are directly from Sunset Hill in Advance 3.