Will you ever forgive this game for making Yakuza mainstream in the West?
Will you ever forgive this game for making Yakuza mainstream in the West?
Why would I care? More Yakuza games are getting localized because of it.
>muh secret vidya series is now enjoyed by more people waaaah
Fuck you, 0's success has garanteed so many more and faster localisations.
Why exactly is that a problem?
The PS4's lack of games made Yakuza mainstream in the west.
There's nothing to forgive.
Who cares?
It's not cool to like Yakuza anymore.
I feel like you guys complain more about Zero than you do talk about it nowadays. In fact hardly anyone even talks about Zero specifically in Yakuza threads anymore until someone posts this sort of shit.
If the PS3 Yakuza games were released back when the console had no games they would have done better
Fuck off weeb hipster
>all these Zerofags ITT
>download the 6 demo
>having a load of fun
>play mahjong
Why do we have be an xfag for a specific game in a series again?
>mad that we get english versions faster
you scum. the wait for western releases during the ps3 era was agony. now we get kiwami 2 less than a year after Japan release
fuck yourself
>having fun with Yakuza 6
God, I hate Zero for bringing in people with such shit taste like this
>Kiwami 2 localized within 6 months
>Fist of the Kiryu will most likely be the Yakuza game for the first half of next year
>This is somehow bad
What the fuck guys?! This is terrible because more people are enjoying games. NOOO
Why do they love each other so much?
Ya bastard I heard a bell ring in the back of my head when I read that.
With all those remakes and preqels, where would I start if I want to get into the Yakuza series?
I only played like half of 3, but my PS3 has some disk reading issues, so playing games on it is really annoying
Because I'm a faggot and hate stuff when it becomes popular.
They were literally born to beat the shit out of each other
Fate is a strange mistress
The PS4 literally has more games than every single console on the market at the moment.
Yakuza 0 then Kiwami 1 and 2. And then play 3 through 6.
Youd start at 0
>tfw your ps4 is a glorified Yakuza box
>6 is around the corner with Kiwami 2 in the summer
The future is bright.
Ok, so chronological it is.
God, Kiryu is beautiful
This is PS3 vs PS4.
PS3 has no games
That would mean PS4 has a negative amount games.
If anyone is unironically mad about 0 and how it brought more love and attention to the series, they should reconsider if they're even fans of the series.
kys weeb faggot
Still true
literally fucking this, holy shit
Sup Forums are honestly all cucks with this shit, who cares if it's "popular", just like it yourself you miserable fucking faggots
>b-b-but they'll change it for the Westerners :((((
the one time they did that everyone shat on them for it and they haven't done it since. It wasn't even a dev team decision, it was SEGA of America
If RyuGa being popular is an issue to you then honestly you're a bitch faggot cuck loser. I bet you got pushed in the locker at highschool
any game on PS3 and PS4 is a PS4 game by virtue of the same mental gymnastics Sup Forums does whenever they claim PC has all kinds of games because "it's the best available platform"
>its an untranslated game is the best game episode
Never heard the first song in the intro but I did hear this
I hate to sound contrarian but the threads around Y5's release were admittedly really nice. Before then it was too much of a circlejerk though, you could tell that it was the same half a dozen people saying the same shit every thread.
That being said, I'm glad the series is sort-of popular now regardless. Also these threads only turn to shit because people fall for and reply to the same obvious bait every time.
Ishin is literally the best game in the series next to Zero yeah
>Best Old Game: 2
>Best Modern Game: 0
>Best Spinoff: Ishin
>Best New Game: Kiwami 2
So what's this about singapore and yakuza 6 digital early?
I dream of the day when the entire series is available for the ps4
Is the joke that you have a gambling addiction and you know you wouldn't be able to stop? Otherwise, I don't get it.
> same half a dozen people saying the same shit every thread
That's how it always is unless it's a meme game/thread that's just posted to get a rise
What's the difference between Best Modern Game and Best New Game?
Modern is 3-4-5-0
New is Kiwami-6-Kiwami-2-Shin Yakuza
It's unnecessarily wordy purposefully bloated garbage that appeals to retards who think they're smart for matching colors and counting to 9.
Pre-Dragon Engine and Dragon Engine
Yeah that's the western version. It's a shame the original wasn't released over here but I do have to admit Y0 western intro song is superior to the eastern one.
Threads will be nice for a month or so after 6 properly comes out, just like with 5 and 0. After that, people just run out of stuff to talk about despite there still being near-daily threads.
>unnecessarily wordy
What did he mean by this? The tiles have one word on them at most, and you only say five words during a game.
kys 6fag retard
B-bros you aren't going to buy Kiwami 2 right? RIGHT?
I still need to beat 5. Got to Saejima's story and burned out after getting to Sapporo because I jumped into 5 right after beating 4. Still haven't bought 0 or Kiwami, now 6 is coming out soon. Fuck
Of course
Sup Forums butthurts more about hbh than hbh butthurts about this cheap cash grab of a game.
The rules which are 80 pages long to describe "get matching tiles and straights" that you have to fucking sift through. to find that out because it doesn't explain it to you in the game itself.
Why would I not?
t. hbh
I probably won't, but not because I have anything in particular against Kiwami 2, I just never buy remakes if I already own a copy of the original game, unless it's some situation where the game is massively changed like Resident Evil 1 -> REmake.
People hating on Kiwami 2 without having played it are retarded, but even worse are the people crying about the people hating on Kiwami 2.
Also, HBH is good even if I don't agree with him on this one thing.
I would call you a brainlet, but I honestly don't believe you had trouble with it.
I want to support the series and I liked what I played of Y6 in terms of combat so yeah
tfw I like HBH but I hate his current schtick of being vocal about the Kiwami dislike
I feel like he's trying way too hard to get publicity and is overall just wasting time he could spend on making more content. I'd say the same for Brit but he released a video like last week or something
What on earth are you talking about?
>Get mad at zero becoming popular in the west
>Meanwhile ishin still isn't in fucking English
I'm not mad at all. Fucking translate ishin
define mainstream. I bought the first 2 yakuza games at my local gamestop right when they came out and I'm in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.
Is best shirt in Yakuza 6? Did they learn their lesson after it was tragically not included in Yakuza 5?
Yakuza is almost dead, "new fans" will get bored soon and everything will go back to normal again. Just wait.
>Yakuza sequel series will feature a main protagonist that's the polar opposite of Kiryu in pretty much every single way
>Not called Tora ga Gotoku
Man, what a wasted opportunity to have the Dragon vs Tiger motiff.
We already have a tiger though.
Not gonna happen, it's the perfect streaming game.
6 is a good game jackass, its just the 2nd worst in the series only slightly ahead of 3.
>The franchise is bordering on being completely caught up to japan.
>we need to even point out this isnt bad
god i hate Sup Forums
>only slightly ahead of 3
And about on par with the shitshow that is 5.
>Just beat Kiryu's section in Yakuza 5
>Just fucking drop that BOMB and expect me to play through fucking four other characters to get back to it
Multiple protagonists was a mistake.
>the state of Sup Forums
I think it will be for the mainline series at least, I think, or rather hope, that sega will just go and port 3-5 to ps4 instead of going kiwami 3, cause god knows we dont need the worst yakuza game with the same exact awful pacing but now with dragon engine.
>god i hate niggers
>that's why I live in the ghetto and associate with niggers all day long and all my friends are niggers and also I'm a nigger too
Just wait.
yeah thats the only thing i dislike about HBH recently, I think what makes it more annoying is he even outright said he likes the kiwami games just they arent all they could be and I think this contrarianism of his is starting to really cloud that.
I think a product's quality being viewed differently just cause of a fanbase is top tier retarded. Something doesnt magically change in quality cause a annoying fanbase roles in.
I would say this is probable if Ichiban weren't rolling in with a soft reboot likely bringing loads of new people to the series even more than 0.
I too wish to go back to the old days of begging for a localization for years just to get a digital-only release of the next Yakuza game.
Why do I still come to this shithole
>he likes the kiwami games just they arent all they could be
Has he said anything that indicates otherwise? People in these threads keep saying that he hates the Kiwami games and thinks they're worse than the originals, but I got the impression he only thinks that they don't replace the originals and that the originals are still worth playing.
I know Saejima is a tiger, but with the new guy being the reverse of Kiryu, him having a tiger motiff would be cool. Kiryu is call and collected like a Dragon, the new guy looks to be rowdy and and possibly short tempered, like a Tiger.
Hell, that's even why the series' called Like a Dragon, because Kiryu is like a dragon. The sequel being named Like a Tiger would combine better with the new main character. But he's probably getting a dragon tattoo as well, so whatever.
>thinks any of the mainline games are remotely bad
1 on ps2, then 2 on ps2, then 3 on ps3, then 4 on ps3, then 5 on ps3, then 0 on ps4, then kiwami on ps4, then 6 on ps4 and finally kiwami 2 on ps4.
You're welcome.
>mfw I just realized that Saejima's tattoo is a tiger and his name is "Taiga"
>but I got the impression he only thinks that they don't replace the originals and that the originals are still worth playing.
its not even that entirely either, he just thinks playing kiwami will ruin the nice progression the series has going through them in order of release. I kind of have to agree, the jump in quality between 1 and 2 is kind of one of the strong points. I shilled the series hard enough to a friend to go in that order and he was blown away with just how much better 2 was. Kiwami kind of undermines that and by extension so does starting with 0 in a way.
At the end of the day I do just want people to enjoy the franchise cause lets not pretend like newfags that jumped onto the series with 3 and 4 weren't also a thing that helped keep the series afloat in the west. But i do generally prefer people play the games from 1 and up, I especially dont like the idea that 1 was even a bad game, its a pretty charming ps2 brawler its just flawed.
No, seriously. What kind of voodoo magic is Sega using to pull this off? Kiwami 1 was absolutely awful, who would order an even more expensive remaster?
>Kiwami 1 was absolutely awful