Kingdom Hearts

How the fuck do I unlock the full secret ending on 2FM? All I got was the one that ended with Xehanort walking towards Ven/Aqua/Terra through the dust. There's an extended version showing the full fight scene but nowhere will tell me how to unlock it. I'm on proud and I've beat sephiroth, lingering will, the data org and the mushroom org. I don't know what else to do.

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>no zelda world

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>playing on Proud
You need to complete Jiminy's Journal

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Did you 100% the Indiana Jones world?

Anyone got their tickets yet? If so, you are absolutely the most cheapest fucks I’ve ever seen

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>no Indiana Jones world

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What difficulty are you on? You probably have to 100% the journal


I'll be the guy on all fours in the lion sora costume

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I think journal stuff and get a certain rank on the gummi ship levels

Isn't there some shit about how you're not always guaranteed to get the ending?

100% Jiminy's journal

>If so, you are absolutely the most cheapest fucks I’ve ever seen
Uh, my ticket cost $120 so...

That's on normal you have to 100% the journal and S-rank all the Gummi Missions, proud is just 100% the journal.

Thanks everyone. I refuse to grind synthesis materials again. KH1 gave me enough of that. At least I know how it's unlocked now.


Synthesis is a lot less of a grind in KHII
Although since you're on Proud, you're missing some Lucky Luckys

guys I'm playing bbs and I'm at keyblade graveyard as ventus, didn't try the boss yet but what level/deck should I use? I'm level 26

You can stack 7 lucky luckys on proud, plus final form magnega just destroys everything by that point and it's fast enough to carry you between farming zones to another save point to preserve all your drivew by going to the world map and back in
For beefier shit, rumbling rose+magnet+thunder

if you're on proud you have to complete jiminy's journal haha just do critical idiot

Synthesis is easy it turns out, only things that actually need to be ground are probably Dancers, Sorcerors and FOOLISH Samurai. Cavern of Rememberance makes this a cakewalk in FM thankfully, barring that there is the mansion basement in TT.

So is soylent the only thing that'll be served here or what

6 Thunder Surge+2 Cures

I'm currently level 29 and have
Time Splicer
Thunder Surge

Drop time splicer, stop doesn't work on him, blitz probably isn't a good idea either. You want single hard hitting attacks like surges and magic, Salvation may work given the time to charge it, worked for me at least but maybe I got lucky.

You'll probably want to level up a bit more or at the very least have second chance+once more. As long as you have that and leaf bracer (and a few magic hastes) it really doesn't matter what level you are at.
If you have some Mine Squares and/or a Tornado you, that would work too, but requires timing so the final boss doesn't just slip out of it.

Uh, have you noticed that all the cheap seats are sold out?

At my venue, all the expensive seats went first

what the fuck do I do at the second phase of venitas when we are flying? I can't heal or anything and I attack the shit out of him and nothing happens

Keep going that's impossible to fuck up, just keep using commands

just spam your shotlock and mash when prompted.



>the tickets go up online at my city
>mfw AXS and cant pick my seats
>mfw I bit the bullet, got the expensive tickets and ended up at the front row and center

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Nah, I'm in America

he keeps fucking me up in that phase even when doing all of that, I can't block his shit or anything and it tells to to press triangle for quicktime and I press it and still he hits me

>going to the concert
>cheap seats sell out
>ended up getting the expensive seats for me and one of my relatives for their birthday
>tfw I’m skipping a goddamn Smashing Pumpkins reunion for this

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Grind for levels I guess

What kind of weakass setlist is this?

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>6th post
just like the saga, you are starting to get old

Hopefully the medleys don't disappoint. Tension rising is lacking but might be in the battle medley.

>0 AP quest period until the 25th
This is when KHUx goes from "waiting period" to "hey let's actually have some fun". 0 AP is the best time frame.

>Let Darkness Assemble: Final Boss Battle Medley

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What’s bullshit is not including Fantasia Alla Marcia. That shit better be the encore.

You know they arranged a specific set of songs for the Orchestra, right? It's not just performing a selection of songs from the games