At what point is one considered a professional gamer?

Does the money have to come from a specific source? Do donations in sufficient supply count?
Pic Actually kinda related

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professional gamer is an oxymoron

Usually, it's just having a fanbase and people willing to carry you/hand you strategies, as is the case with Swifty.

>mfw I thought this was gonna be a porn thread

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People winning big money titles in "e-sports" are definitely professionals, though. They make their livelihoods via gaming. Surely it exists, but I'm curious where the hobby/pro line is drawn.

Hey shoop-poster is back.

daily reminder he drank Soylent in 2015 and in 2016 became a trans

He drank so much he choked on it.

literal soyboy

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This fucker is in the middle of resorting to making porn and all you idiots can talk about is a beverage meal thing that's trendy in California.

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Whats soylent?

We're discussing the cause

Something needs to be done about the tranny problem. I'm tired of seeing this sickness being promoted in society.

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You're totally failing at comedy, that's what you're fucking doing.

>guy sayin tfw will never be this happy

How can anyone believe that those 2 faggots are happy?

Reminder this thread is about professional gaming and not Cosmo's current live chaturbate with disgusting softcore tranny porn.

Holy shit this is actually really fucking sad to watch
This is what happens when you become a failed man

are these two trannies because if cosmo got laid with a real girl before me i will kill myself literally right now

>promoted in society
sure is nice having this HEAVILY promoted in Sup Forums

As a former e-celeb I can tell you that losing all that attention hurts

Ofc i did nit become a tranny or shit like that so yeah

What is happening in the pic?

3D is PD user stop giving intrinsic value to women
Man the fuck up

Uuuh user cosmo had sex with a real girl before he ever became a tranny. But no that's a tranny.

Yeah, the Soylent marketers in every thread are fucking ridiculous

Along with all the cum he guzzled.
Jesus, how do you go from a normal dude to this shit in the span of a few years. I refuse to believe it was just the soylent he chugged instead of eating proper meals though I think it probably played a big part in it. I think you have to have something very wrong with you to come into this state of being but what? Did he ever express wanting to be a tranny back in his Zelda speed running day? Or was it really just the fact that he lost that Mario speed run match that he's now a sad, sorry, disgusting sack of shit?

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hey sig

You are considered a """"professional gamer"""" when you have your own following of idiots giving you attention AND money, and enough to live a comfortable life.

1. cosmo has had multiple gfs (female)
2. it's a tranny

he used to paint his nails way back when he speedran zelda so i think this is a long time coming kinda thing

Cosmo said people weren't responding to his speedrunning streams and he wanted a place with fewer rules so he went to chaturbate about 30 minutes ago to officially get money being felt up by his tranny gf.

>tfw tittystreamers are pro gamers

Here I come, boys!

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i've had feelings of wanting to be the little girl my entire life and i still believe john fucking numbers destroyed this dudes psyche

>wanting this trash looking for a shoop edit opportunity
God help me

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Gamers who treat gaming like a job and earn money from consistent content are also professional in my opinion.
Some stream on various platforms or upload videos to YouTube, but as long as they're doing it for the money, they're professional.

Some profess are more of camsluts than gamers though, creating a gray area between the two fields.

is that real?

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how long til he shoots up the next nintendo world championships


lots of faggots turning into trannies because it became socially acceptable

also there are the ultimate edgy counterculture fags


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they look so happy and comfy ;_;

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How much longer until Cosmo blows his brains out with a shotgun?

And will he stream it?

Yes, user. He's live in chaturbate as we type.

somewhere in another QPU,cosmo won that tourney,isnt a tranny and i'm still virgin,life sucks whatever

It's not just socially acceptable, it's fucking trendy.
So many kids are gonna end up killing themselves.

Aside from the e-league dweebs, most "professional" gamers are really just entertainment personalities that happen to be performing over game footage. Not much different than the people that riff on bad movies and the like.

two trannies fucking is literally gayer than gay

prove me wrong

What is wrong with the top one's hair?

The man who singlehandedly ruined transsexual pornography.

I am forever mad for being forced to masturbate to his videos.

>there's another "person" there
oh, I thought he was fucking a bear doll

>get big-spooned by the crypt keeper


A man putting his mouth on a vagina is the gayest thing possible.

Just look at the OP image, there is already a fag going crazy for them

Yeah its a trend too

what about 2 trannies and one guy?

the genders cross each other out so it's neutral, barely even porn

How does it feel knowing Narcissa has actually gotten laid while you are still a worthless beta virgin?

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nah, that sounds about right.

I feel ill

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>someday this bait will get old

Nah it cancels out to be super straight.

That's Weather Report from JoJo part 6, can't you see he is having a bro moment with Narciso Anasui?

Uhm no sweetie im not a virgin

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>facebook image

reminder that this is all this bitches fault for fucking cosmo up mentally and cheating on him with literally everyone at agdq
fucking whore

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>ywn do this with a girl
it's over

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guys how do we save her

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People who get most/all of their money from esports certainly count as professional gamers, since their money primarily comes from the act of playing in and of itself and how much they get is mostly proportional to how well they play.

People who get most of their money from streaming/Youtube are more of a grey area, since you could argue that what they're earning money from is less them playing the game and more the entertainment provided by their reactions/commentary/tits.


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that doesn't look like John FUCKING Numbers to me boy

Not gonna lie im pretty hard watching this

what if it's a ftm and a mtf? That's pretty straight isnt it?



Post screenshots.

>blaming the gun instead of the shooter
his own fault he dated such fucking ugly looking sjw

When you stop enjoying something and feel like you have to something that's where the line drawn imho

>wewladwewlad6969:Is this part of panty skip? how much longer until we wrong warp into her ass

fucking god

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Rude, I work


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kekk, this actually happening
the day has come boys

It finally happened...

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I want to kill myself on screen just so I can get qt anime girl art of me

gamegrumps sure has taken a turn

so this is what trans sex is like

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sup wewladwewlad6969

is he getting his dick sucked by a gremlin?




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Is this gay?

>interlocked fingers


>I will shoulder throw you across the room
sure fucking thing lmao