Game Informer readers have chosen the 300 best games of all time, this is the top 10:

Game Informer readers have chosen the 300 best games of all time, this is the top 10:

10. Bloodborne
9. Bioshock
8. Red Dead Redemption
7. Final Fantasy VII
6. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
4. Mass Effect 2
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. The Last of Us
1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Normie picks aside, seems like a pretty good list. Interesting facts, no Xbox exclusive games, 2 Nintendo exclusive titles and 2 Sony exclusive titles. Of the Top 10 titles, 8 can be played on Sony systems, 5 on Microsoft systems and 3 on Nintendo consoles.

Do you agree? What would you change?

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>Game Informer readers
Unless the next words are, "tragically slain in bombing," then I'm not reading.

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Stopped reading there. What an overrated game.

>2. The Last of Us
>1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
>a movie and an average "RPG" are the greatest games ever

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It's widely considered one of the best games of the generation. Certainly the best action game released in the past 10 years.

What a shit list. Clearly it should be something more like this:
>my favourite game
Followed by:
>your favourite game(s)

Multiple people thought it was the case

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>Witcher 3
>best game

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>Mass Effect 2

Horrible fucking list.

Bayonetta 2 says hi

Everyone loved it, even the ones that thought Mass Effect 1 was better also liked 2

I dropped witcher 3 so fast, it was just as boring as the previous games.

Enjoy your yearly cod.

Game sold like shit, if it was actually good more people would have bought it, like they did with Bayonetta 1.

Look, guys, we have a badass intellectual here.

jesus fuck, normalfags really have shit taste

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>Skyrim instead of Oblivion
>Mass Effect 2 instead of Mass Effect
>Bloodborne instead of Dark Souls
> The Last of Us appearing in a list of 300 at all

Maximus Keksimus. I would expect nothing less from the trash that read Game Informer.

I can't fucking stand 2 so those people are fucking idiots.

That's good. I'm glad there's so many games out there that people can play across multiple genres and enjoy on a variety of platforms.

Oblivion was the worst TES game, Dark Souls is unifnished

It had great story. Especially the DLCs

Look, if you aren't going to be angry, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

You have to admit it started pretty slow, and the first two or three Ciri scenes were ass.

*Golden face*


Lol nice lie

what games would Sup Forums pick? make it western vidya first

But I enjoy video games and it makes me happy when others get to as well.

>Someone is mashing buttons and sucks at the combat
>Gets hit from behind


Kill yourself

>6. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>4. Mass Effect 2
ME1 deserved the spot

Besides those, I can at least see some reasoning behind each placement

Should be nowhere near a Top10 of all-time list. It's a great game but holy shit, it's not even close to the reputation of the games it takes from.
Overrated trash. Gameplay is hot garbage. Some of the Randian stuff is a lot of fun to deal with but the game does not deliver on its promises.
>Final Fantasy VII
I can understand this at least.
Fuck no.
FUCK no.
I will never understand why people like this game. It's the same level of Marvel shit for videogames. Fucking bland and corporate as fuck.
Again, can at least understand this.

>10. Bloodborne
pretty sure it's not 4xx dollars worth of good
>9. Bioshock
didn't play it
>8. Red Dead Redemption
Cowboy GTA
>7. Final Fantasy VII
muh childhood
>6. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
can I emulate this yet? I ain't buying a switch either.
>5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Oblivion was a better game.
>4. Mass Effect 2
Would have been ok if my asari wife didn't leave me and weapon mods were still a thing.
>3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>2. The Last of Us
>1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
How much does it cost if you have a popular game to get some shitty site/magazine to proclaim your game the best of all time?

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I don't know about Witcher 3 being the best game ever, but that list could definitely be worse.

Reverse the order that OP posted, and there ya go.

>some reasoning behind each placement
bioshock, skyrim and tlou shouldnt be there

>Oblivion was the worst TES game

Shit bait. Skyrim was fucking watery dogshit compared to Oblivion. Was Morrowind better than Oblivion? Probably, but I've never played it.

Oblivion is superior to Skyrim in every way.

10s of MIllions of people bought so it has to be.

>the witcher 3 is the best game of all time

Oh FUCK off. I hate these terrible lists so much.

I thought it started okay, I wasn't going in expecting nonstop action, I expected story and slower pacing.

The Ciri scenes were the worst though. Blink is the only saving grace

>Any FF
>Good game

Pick one and only one.

Its the best Mass Effect and a great game, but no way is it Top 10 bests games of all time.

FF4, FF6, FF7, FF9 are all understandable picks even though I have different preferences


many of these are good games, but clearly not the best games ever made.
I love Witcher, I love ocarina of time, I love blood borne. But none of those titles represent the best games ever.

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>Oblivion was a better game
lol no

>my face when I have been following The Witcher series since the first game, fucking loved Wild Hunt, and am just glad to see a company I love finally get the recognition they deserve from the world

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what are the best games ever then? Some game that aged like shit? Some pixelated platformer?


>Oblivion is superior to Skyrim in every way
It's literally inferior in everyway aside from the guild quest lines

>a pretty good list
>the last of us
>witcher 3

u baitin OP?

I have tried to play TW3: WH on three separate occasions now. Every time I get 3 hours in and quit. Why? It seems great, but I can't get into it.

1. NieR Automata
2. Metal Gear Solid 2
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Final Fantasy IV
7. Dark Souls
8. Journey
9. NieR
10. Bloodborne

It is a better game, in literally all gameplay aspects. If you cant handle potato faces or actual RPG mechanics I'm sorry you're a goddamn child.

>Deus Ex not in the top ten

Nani the FUCK

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>Mass Effect 2
>number 4
It's a good game but come the fuck on. It's got way too many flaws.

Stop forcing it. If you don't want to play it, don't.

I think this list is complete garbage and I'm a huge TW3 apologist. Pretty much decided purely by a popularity contest or whatever game had the "best narrative".

I can tell you why I don't get into it.
The dialogue is stilted and for how many people say it's "well-written" I just don't see it.
It's a cutscene game, propped up by videos. The gameplay is boring and never innovates or changes.
World exploration is tedious, music is unremarkable, nothing it does is exceptional.

It bears the title of "Title with Least Problems" in 2015. That's its legacy.

>best games of ALL time
>All post 2005 except OoT and FF7 which have both been ported

FF IV through to IX are good games.

>Do you agree? What would you change?

>10. Bloodborne
Never played, no comment
>9. Bioshock
It was ok. Tad too much bloom
>8. Red Dead Redemption
Not played
>7. Final Fantasy VII
Not Played
>6. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Not Played
>5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Eh, Id put vampire the masquerade here
>4. Mass Effect 2
Nope, freelancer here
>3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I played some of this, not enough to give a fair assessment. At the time all I was playing was banjo kazooie
>2. The Last of Us
Not played
>1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Some console exclusivity here prevents a lot of people from caring about these games.

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This is genuinely, seriously, unironically the worst 10 top video game list I've ever seen. Just look at the fucking recency bias in this garbage. Is Game Informer that god awful magazine EB tries to shill anytime you go there?

Are there any iconic GOAT games that aren't from Japan or US?

You're too young to be commenting on this list.

None of those are top 10 material, and some don't even belong in the top 300 (Last of Us, Mass Effect 2, FFVII -- the rest are at best arguable).

Shows how fucking dumb modern gamers have no goddamn clue about game quality and the history of actual GAMES instead of their modern storybook BS.

It's pathetic. Thanks for ruining something I've seen grow from Pong through true entertainment in the early 90s down to style-over-substance and storybook BS in the late 90s to now.

Fucking modern gamers. Thanks for falling for Nintendo and Sony's viral marketing BS from the late 90s on.

This user is correct. Fuck Game Informer and their biased, pretentious reviews and attitude.

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I'm 31, I just don't buy DRM boxes.

Witcher 3 is the casual pleb's idea of a good game. If you think it deserves a spot on this list then you must either be new to video games or a bit simple

lol you haven't played basic touchstones in gaming, so clearly you aren't.

>Gameinformer has 4 SJWS on staff out of 40 people
>somehow biased, pretentious

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>The Last of Us
>Second best game of all time

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He mentioned Freelancer, so that can't be true.

Reminder Game Informer was bought out by fucking GAMESTOP of all companies

Interesting how all of the games are at most 10 years old aside from Final Fantasy and Ocarina of Time. 10 years from now those will be the only 2 in that list that are in GI's top 10 because the rest are forgettable shit aside from maybe Bloodborne and BOTW.

I just don't get the love for The Last of Us.
It's a movie. The story isn't new or groundbreaking, it's just a zombie movie with an old man and a (surrogate) daughter. The characters aren't particularly special either.

Why is it so universally praised and loved?

>No Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario 64, or Super Mario World
>Cinematic Movieshit in 2nd
>Skyrim over all other Elder Scrolls

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You're a fucking moron, OP. This is "popular games I grew up with" for the younger players, just like every one of these lists. OoT and FF7 only made the list because of the ridiculous amount of attention they still have. OoT got ported to 3DS and is available on their eShop stuff. FF7 is on Steam and the PS store, has gotten a lot of publicity for the remake, and is still advertised very heavily in general FF media (KH, Dissidia, etc.).

some french guys pulled out FURI
and a bunch of kiwis continually embarrass blizzard with path of exile

>List of games all made in the last 10 years with the exception of two, and those two games are on every single favorite list
>GI readers are all 13 year olds

Yeah makes sense.

The magazine has a different list
10. Witcher 3
9. Skyrim
8. Red Dead Redemption
7. Modern Warfare
6. Final Fantasy VI
5. World of Warcraft
4. GTA V
3. Tetris
2 & 1: Pic related

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>8 can be played on Sony systems

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Probably the worst list I have ever seen and I'm not joking, memeing or whatever, this is hands down terrible. Are all the readers of that shitty site 13?

>Not played
>Not played
>Not played
>Not played

Your opinion is fucking worthless

My personal top 5.
5. Sin
4. Halo 1 (nostalgia pick)
3. Red dead
2. Bioshock 2
1.Borderlands 2

Meh. Its a good enough normie list. Nothing wrong with it, in general.

The last of us and breath of the wild don't belong up there, all the same. But whatever.

My list would have a lot more classic Resident Evil and PS1 games. So who am i to talk?

Anyone who agrees with this list should fuck off from this website and go straight to neofag.

Link to the Past is massively overrated.
Like it's good, sure, but the original Legend of Zelda did just about everything LTTP did.

That's the editor's list, the one in the OP is the reader's list.

That's the staff list.

The GI Editors' list is much worse though, see

>Like it's good, sure, but the original Legend of Zelda did just about everything LTTP did.

Worse, and LTTP refined it. That's the point.

>"your best games list is wrong. Let me explain to which ones are good"

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>1.Borderlands 2

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Agreed, I probably shouldnt have said anything. Its a shit list based just on exclusivity.

It honestly looks better to me.

Mass Effect 1 is infinitely better than Mass Effect 2.
The gameplay in ME2 is painful.

>the only game here I thought was decent is fucking ocarina of time
Holy shit, what degenerates read Game Informer

Marginally better than the reader's list, but not by much.