In the 1990's, these guys made some of the greatest games of all time. Nintendo was their meal ticket. So what the fuck happened? Was Miyamoto just jealous that everything he did, they did better?
In the 1990's, these guys made some of the greatest games of all time. Nintendo was their meal ticket...
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Microsoft bought them but then never let them do anything good after a couple of okay games.
The talent collected their cash and left. It's a ship of Theseus like so many other western developers.
They slowly fell apart over the course of the 2000’s.
From a technical standpoint their magnum opus was Conker Live and Reloaded, which suffered retail blacklisting, dooming them. Nuts and Bolts was a very strong E for Everyone sandbox game that should have been a new IP.
The A-team at rare left and formed Free Radical Design. They were rebranded as Crytek UK, which was closed down, and the staff moved to Dambuster Studios.
God save the queen.
now some of the old rare guys formed: Playtonic
their first new game was Yooka-Laylee
They already mentioned they'd be willing to work together with nintendo again and are interested in a new diddy kong racing amongst other games.
They don't want to focus soley on platformers and already have a few new ideas for projects.
Nintendo used to own them. Microsoft bought them from Nintendo. How the fuck do you not know this?
Just who do you think was supervising the limeys?
Oh, woops. I fucked the format up;
You mean this one?
DKC > SMW and Yoshi's Island.
DKR > Mario Kart 64
Banjo Kazooie > Mario 64
Key staff members were leaving for some reason. Then Microsoft bought the remnants thinking they would be getting Donkey Kong.
Nothing I've seen of Yuka-Laylee gives me that Banjo Kazooie feel.
Rare saved the N64. Why would Nintendo sell them?
I'm convinced that Rare could have done a better job with, say, the Metroid series than Retro.
My guess would be that's somewhat because they had a LOT of other stuff to do while developing it.
-form company
-hire new people
-get used to different game engine
-probably more
You're not completely wrong.
But I'm still really curious and excited to see what they come up with next.
I once heard it was nintendo of america's decision and NOJ didn't even get to have a word in it.
Not sure if really true. But could imagine..
american people making decisions.
Stamper Brothers ruined everything.
I can't understand how anyone can compare DKC to Mario World and think DKC is anything but a gimmicky pile of garbage with horrible gameplay.
Its ENTIRE selling point was a marketing campaign bragging that it was 3D, referring to how they made SPRITES with 3d modeling software. It was really the game that kicked off Nintendo and Sony's viral marketing style-over-substance bullshit and ushered in the modern era of shit gaming.
Don’t even joke about that
Lines 2 and 3 are 100% correct
1 is debatable
They never owned more than 49%, so when the Stampers (who owned 51%) decided to sell there was nothing they could do about it. Having said that, Nintendo had plenty of opportunities to buy the 51%, and the only reason they sold was because Nintendo wasn't giving them enough funding, so it's still they're fault in the end.
Rare has been in a relationship with Nintendo since NOA only distributed arcades. They wouldn't have any say.
They and many others seduced them out from Nintendo caring but firm embrace and killed them all on the inside. 1 by 1.
The biggest problem with the west, they view money as more important than art, they think a life long vacation in the Caribean is worth more than a good video game.
The goldeneye team did at least. Rare had several A-Teams. The banjo team and the goldeneye team are two of them.
>BK is better than Mario 64
Come again?
I doubt it, they could have negotiated with Nintendo and Nintendo would have helped to keep them, but instead they probably said nothing to them when the deal was up.
Company veterans giving validity to other companies is something that needs to die. All of Rare's video games were a team effort and unless that entire team is there its just bullshit nostalga pandering.
Some guys who worked in a company that once made games I liked do not have the capability to strike gold twice.
Not all the talent left. Playtonic got everybody but the actual game designer which is why Yooka Laylee ultimately failed. Greg Mayles is still at Rare.
Whatever other companies offered, Nintendo had the opportunity to buy it for that rate before the other companies could. Microsoft put in $375 Million, Nintendo said they didn't want to pay that much and let Microsoft have at it.
Rare made around 100 games and only about 6 or 7 were good, and 2-3 were actually great.
That is a fucking TERRIBLE record.
The thing is Nintendo was never going to be the aggresive one, they didn't have anything to lose really by letting them go, that's why it was on Rare's shoulders to make a good case buy them, make an exclusive deal for Nintendo, you have to realize Rare was a foreign company for Nintendo and their relationship was always going to be harder to keep up then it would be for a company like Microsoft, who would be a lot more aggresive in acquiring companies just because that's how western companies ussually operate, Rare completley disregarded this fact and that's how they got stuck with Microsoft with Nintendo not really doing much about it, because Nintendo assumed that was just what Rare wanted.
Explain why Perfect Dark was one of their best when the Goldeneye team left Rare
He is right.
M64 feels like a tech demo. Banjo Kazooie feels more responsive, has more enviroment interactions, a superior art direction and is much more polished overall.
Because goldeneye team wasnt that great, and neither was Perfect Dark
Console FPS have ALWAYS sucked, no matter the generation.
When goldeneye was released we already had fucking Quake.
When Perfect dark we already had Unreal Tournament and HL1
M64 might as well be a tech demo, its 3D platforming done right. This happens with everything where the first successful attempt will quickly be replicated to even higher standards.
They've been pretty shrewd actually. They saw exactly where Xbox was heading and made a game tailor-made to that business model. Even if only a few people are playing it in a few months they'll survive because the accountants won't see a need to kill them off.
I don;t think it was Miyamoto but I do think it was a touch of jealousy from Yamaguchi.
Same thing happened to SEGA when the east and west branches basically cannibalised eachother.
>Playtonic got everybody but the actual game designer
Playtonic only has 4 of the 15 people that worked on B-K
The rest are randomly plucked from Rare games, the majority being from the 360 era games
Honestly Yooka Laylee was close to being truly great
>move it off of Unity into Unreal 4
>focus on 60FPS
>reduce the size of maps while adding more content to them
>have pagies not be scattered fucking everywhere as if they were high-tier collectables
>generally trim down on the tertiary bullshit
tl;dr just reoptimize the game and put more focus on Banjo Kazooie design philosophy over Tooie
>implying California Games wasn't great.
>if the game wasn't bad it would've been good!
>They saw exactly where Xbox was heading and made a game tailor-made to that business model.
Crashing and burning?
I am not really following you.
Except that, at least in my opinion, character and world design (visually), music, tone and, for the most part, writing are all pretty on point.
Yooka Laylee isn't what I'd call BAD, like it isn't a 2/10 like everyone seems to try and make it out to be. It just has core flaws that really drag down the experience. Overall it's pretty much a 5/10, maybe a 6 if we were being generous.
>In the 1990's, these guys made some of the greatest games of all time.
Nah. "Greatest" is pushing it. Their games ranged from good to mediocre, and that's being generous.
Nintendo only owned 49% of them and the Stamper Brothers who owned 51% wanted to leave video games but Nintendo was dumb and thought they were bluffing then Microsoft bought them, and Nintendo ended up selling their shares to them afterward, realizing that their games would be on Xbox.
Games as a Service/Microtransactions/doing more with less.
They just made Sea of Thieves but it's an anti white PC piece of shit.
I agree, but a 2/10 and a 5/10 are functionally equivalent to me as a player since I don't have time to play games that are less than 8/10. You basically said they would have to change everything about the core design of the game to even make it worth playing. I wouldn't call that "close to being truly great."
You have taste in your arse. All of their games have aged terribly.
>since I don't have time to play games that are less than 8/10
Stop posting on Sup Forums and maybe you'd surprise yourself
Perfect Dark is still about as good as a console fps can be
If I stopped posting on Sup Forums I definitely wouldn't be using that time to play more 7/10 video games.
Not every review you see is going to reflect on how you feel about a game. Sometimes you need to take shots at low-rated games and see how you like them. Obviously some of them aren't going to give you a different opinion but resigning yourself to following only a select group of games is restrictive.
The Stamper Bros ya fucknugget
Since microsoft is moving further away from being a console maker and is turning the xbox into a service it could technically possible for rare to make some nintendo games again. Nintendo and microsoft are becoming closer thanks to crossplay and Rare already worked with Nintendo after microsoft bought them to make the DS version of Diddy Kong Racing
Miyamoto is a bitter jealous cunt though.
I know. I'm just saying that they didn't have the most important person.
I don't read or pay attention to review scores, I'm talking about how I personally feel about a game when I play it. If it's not an 8/10 for me personally in terms of fun, I just stop playing it, like I did with Yooka-Laylee.
Oh okay, fair. I thought you meant that you don't give games a shot unless they score 8/10s average in reviews or something.
Nah, that'd be pretty stupid.
Whats with game companies moving away from nintendo and then dying? Factor 5. Silicon knights. Rare. Does nintendo have hitmen out to sabotage