Does anyone even know what a gimmick is? Because Labo isn't gimmicky, nothing about it is...

Does anyone even know what a gimmick is? Because Labo isn't gimmicky, nothing about it is. It isn't a trick used to make money, Nintendo doesn't need tricks to make money. I think it is fair to say that it will be published and bought as advertised considering Nintendo hasn't released anything like that in years. So really, how is the Nintendo Labo a gimmick? If you don't like the concept of it, then don't get it, that is fine by me. However, you can't say it's a gimmick, you can call it anything that you find justifiable. At the end of the day, Nintendo is still gonna be Nintendo, you're gonna be you, and Labo is gonna be released. I don't see any good reason to get mad over it, Nintendo isn't gonna become a Labo-only company, there are gonna be some things released that you like, and there are gonna be some things that others like.

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While the cardboard isn't non-essential, you must admit that the main feature of labo is to be very appealing with its cardboard nature. Also, there are a couple of genuine gimmicks in labo, for instance the promoting of decorating the cardboard, or any part that isn't critical to the functionality of the device (admittingly the only part that obviously matches this description upon quick glance is the motorbike path maker, which just makes the joycon look like a motorbike and doesn't control the path making)

Labo meets half the criteria for a gimmick, if a gimmick must also not have much intrinsic value. But for a lot of people, a product meeting the appeal part is enough for them to consider it a gimmick, even more so if it's made out of a mundane material. But yes, it's not a true gimmick. It looks like one though.

Again, the only thing you mentioned that could be classed as a genuine gimmick is the decorative aspect: 'oh look kids, you get to put stickers on it too!'. The motorbike toy-con example you give isn't a gimmick, though it is part of a different conceptual layer of the product (the 'actual' or 'tangible' layer).

Anyway, a unique appeal qualifies something as being 'novel', which is not the same as being a 'gimmick'.

interestingly new or unusual.

a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or trade.

Labo is not a trick or a device, it is a product in and of itself that happens to work in conjunction with another product. The core product offered by Labo is a creative engineering experience utilising cardboard and video game software: this is clearly communicated in all Labo's marketing. Its appeal comes from the uniqueness of its premise, the combination of seemingly disparate modes of entertainment, and its demographic focus. These things make it novel, not gimmicky.

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uh...member the Wii sports extra Things that were 100% useless and made of plastic ? Like the 30 cm racket you would put on your wii controller? That was a gimmick.

>Nintendo doesn't need tricks to make money

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>Labo is not a trick or a device
but it is a device, and its primary intent is to attract business. it fits your definition of gimmick fairly well tbqhwyfamdesu

this is one of the most contrived shitposts in a while. WAGGLIN

You literally just proved the sentiment of his first sentence true. If you think an entire medium can be comprised of just tricks, then you have no idea what the word means. A gimmick falls within the remit of 'augmented product', which is by definition completely separate to the 'core product'.

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Yeah it's not really a gimmick

But to be fair most shitposters aren't calling it a gimmick, they're just spamming

>attempting to speak reason and logic to Sup Forums
Wasted effort.

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It is a gimmick, but everything is a gimmick in gaming. Nintendos are just actually gameplay focused rather than being a fake 4k visual tech demo. They actually include alot of gameplay instead to keep gaming fresh for the majority of game fans which are casual.

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To be honest the catch lies in the joycons, I'm not sure how small the profit margins are on those intricate little things (sources seem to indicate that they seem to cost more than what they sell em' for). From my observations kits like the robot use (at least) 4 joycons 1 in the visor, legs, arms and backpack

>13 posts
>6 IPs
Give it a rest OP.

the robot kit only uses the 2 stock standard joy cons you get with the console. the IR sensor is placed inside the backpack to track hand and feet movement, and the second joycon is used in the visor so the motion controls know whether its been flipped down or not. i really doubt theyd ever make you buy a whole other pair of joy cons to use one of the labo kits :\

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>literally replying to yourself
Take your weeb ass back to Sup Forums and get the fuck off my board. Take your shitty Soytendo bait with you.


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Yeah, wojaks are cringe.

I came into the thread to post the definition of gimmick bit seeing as you already did and you apparently suck at reading comprehension...

plural noun: devices
a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
"a measuring device"
synonyms: implement, gadget, utensil, tool, appliance, apparatus, instrument, machine, mechanism, contrivance, contraption; More
a plan, scheme, or trick with a particular aim.
"writing a public letter is a traditional device for signaling dissent"
synonyms: ploy, tactic, move, stratagem, scheme, plot, plan, trick, ruse, maneuver, machination, contrivance, expedient, dodge, wile
"an ingenious legal device"

Explain in 10 words how labo is not a device that attracts attention.

damn OP can't recover from this one

The switch still doesn't have basic features.... so Labo is giving it many more. Therefore it is not a gimmick.

It's a gimmick and that's not necessarily a bad thing. The word has a negative connotation because so many retards stick the label on everything.

Imagine being this detached from reality that you think that Labo is not a gimmick. Like wtf. The only company that can literally sell you overpriced cardboard. The magic of Nintendo!


Features to do what? Not attract attention? I think you're still failing to understand the definition of gimmick. Don't worry about it, meme culture and biased towards words in use is to blame.