Why is Sup Forums trying to discredit this game? It looks amazing.
Why is Sup Forums trying to discredit this game? It looks amazing
needs more nignogs and more genders thats why v hates it cause neogaf cucks have migrated here
I watched a few of the gameplay vids and it looks interesting but I haven't played one of these before.
oh wait i read just now they removed gameplay to make it easier
i hope it flops
We're too deep in the Goy of Soy and movie game narrative to go back.
Bitter DMCfags crying about the superior franchise getting a new game instead of their dead shit series.
Amazingly shitty lmao
Because /polv/ only gets its jollies on le ebin politics memes
It looks amazing. Plays like shit
Have fun, I don't want to live in the same country as you.
If you're referring to that screencap of an article, it's fake.
Imagine having an existence this miserable.
Because it's typical AAA trash
The videogame equivalent of capeshit
Shitposting aside, be honest for just one moment please. Do you truly believe in you heart that the .webm you just posted is actually making any kind of definitive point about any of those games?
yes, for gow and last of us in particular
I dunno. Personally it was the January story trailer that sold me. It looks weird in a good way.
I've only played half of the first game years back but I'm looking forward to this. Won't be a day one for me but I'll definitely get round to it before the end of the year.
So what's the issue exactly?
Game have thing in common.
In Doom and Halo you shoot the gun and first person, same game.
Mario and Sonic? Same game.
All games are one.
You're dodging the argument my making outrageous analogies
I actually think GoW combat looks unique. I don;t really see any other game that has that style of combat, third person/hask n slack
I'm seeing the same comments DmC got
>It can't be old god of war anymore, it was time to grow up
>I much prefer the simpler combat I could never get into the combos
>I wasn't a fan of the originals but this looks great
>You haven't seen the full game you can't say it looks boring
>Please stop comparing this to other shitty games, just because it looks like a batman combat game doesn't mean it will be
This game looks like shit and Sony knows it
I really hope this is fucking satire
>change the entire plot to be completely unlike the first few games
>don't change the gameplay to go with it
the story's gonna be hot shit on a shingle but it looks like the gameplay is fine
people shit on it because its a copy and paste of popular game mechanics. Open world, over the shoulder camera, crafting, xp etc
You dont have any "argument" here retard
How many times are you brainlets going to buy Third Person Interactive Adventure with Crafting: The Game?
what up with these fucking soulless, "clean", "simple" design style for UI nowadays plaguing western AA games?
Not open world twat
>open unreal engine
>select ui design
Readability and easy navigation
Something japs don't understand
>Against the Wall
Heh. About time vidya starting sticking it to the Orange Idiot.
>soyboy damage control
This shit might've worked if we didn't already see numerous leaks from this shitpile. No jump button, cinematic cutscenes galore, enemies literally stand there and wait for Kratos to attack, Kratos snaps to the enemies to ensure the player doesn't have to struggle with simple things like aiming, a literal tutorial for where the boss bar is located, MMO enemy shit, crafting, nonsensical luck state, your wife's son as a partner, Soylent product placement, ect. No amount of mental gymnastics or damage control can redeem how fucking atrocious this game looks.
He's right though. At least nothing in this current generation.
wait, why the fuck there is a luck stat? are they turning this into RPG with different weapons and build paths?
>No jump button
Why devs even do that shit?
if you're gonna go down that route all videogames are the same because you just press buttons on the gamepad/keyboard to do various actions in a game.
>no jump button
so this pretty much confirm no airborne combo like the old games?
There are also VR games, mobile games, party games at least.
the more freedom the player is given the harder it is to deliver a believable cinematic experience
Are you surprised?
Why are there 3 to 4 shill threads for this game at any given time?
Because this is a Sony exclusive and Shitendoboys are always SEETHING about them.
See the Bloodborne, Horizon or even MHW shitposting that so popular on here as examples.
But I can still walk. And can entertain myself with stupid animations that occur when I tap the "walk forward" controls instead of holding it.
Therr is no workaround so no difference if I can jump or not.
Because not every game needs/was designed to have a jump button.
Because soy, OP
sonyfags will literally eat shit if it's on only their console
Oh fuck you.
I am starting to things there are some actual shills and not just shitposters out there.
3 games, all play the exact same way with the same moves. It's very clear to see. The open world cinematic experiance has been a trope for a while.
The whole parent/child bonding game has been done countless times before as well.
hey here's a thought, if you think sacrificing good gameplay for cinematic experience is a good idea, get the fuck out of the games industry and just go make movies
GoW air game was always pitiful and platforming was always the worst parts of these games.
I mean, it's true. There's a reason why the older 3D Zelda games did not have jump buttons. I don't know how true that is for this game. I do know the X button is used in conjunction with the analog stick to do 180 degree turns to face whatever is behind you. If this game is like I'm thinking it is, there's no jump button to give it a more heavy "grounded" feeling and to centralize the combat to the small encounters with a couple enemies like in God Hand.
Sup Forums is always wrong. No exceptions.
Because if I wanted to look at something amazing I'd go to gallery or cinema, I wanna play video games, not have an emotional experience of killing norse zombies together with my wifes son.
Sup Forums hates anything that's playstation exclusive and Sup Forums is always wrong
the story looks absolutely atrocious
other than that it looks bretty gud, unfortunately since there are no cutscenes i won't be able to skip any of the shitty dialogue they inevitably put in the game
>qte button masher while babysitting
What credit is there to give?
>the story looks absolutely atrocious
That is just a lie. This is going to be an epic story about a father and his son on a journey to brutally destroy.
Fuck off you soykek
Its going to be a shitty story about a brutal mass murdering psychopath trying to teach his annoying son that violence doesn't solve anything at the same time that he curbstomps a berserker and punches a frost giant's dick off. The story is going to be absolutely awful, made worse by the fact that you can't skip any of the dialogue since no cutscenes.
Again, though, the rest of the game should be bretty gud.
>least selling game of souls series
>barely any awards vs it's competition that year
>DS3 is full multiplat and sells far better despite slightly lower metacritic score
Let's be realistic. Exclusive doesn't work anywhere outside of Nintendo and only then if it's one of their blockbuster main titles like Mario or Zelda.
PS and Xbox have spend the last couple decades trying to emulate the PC and become as good only to become under powered versions of it. If a game isn't multiplat in this day it's never going to sell that well. You can buy as much reviews as you want but unless it has those decades of namebrand like Mario you're never going to get anywhere as an exclusive.
Oh boy another sequel to a fully milked third person action franchise with brain dead gameplay to wring more cash out of retards like you, can't fucking wait.
It's like Rune meets TLOU.
I think this story has the potential to be better than The Last of Us by virtue of being about a father and son and the director actually being a father with a son and having been a son himself aswell.
Neil Druckman doesn't know how it feels to be a young girl wtf.
Yeah. And the reason is bad decision.
>been a son himself
No shit.
Such deep emotion. Truly, only a few could relate to such a feat.
honestly this game would be goat if it was just toned down angry kratos and son killing niggas together, and they weren't trying to go for some dumb moral that really doesn't mesh with the gameplay at all
They've removed the ability to jump to make the game more cinematic with that close up over the shoulder camera. That right there is removing gameplay.
Looks like a game made by folks with small dicks for folks with small dicks. Jaffe or bust, my niggas
Yeah because your mom or sister propably knows what it is like to be a male child amirite?
What the fuck do you know about that?
>Sup Forums shitting on a game
What else is new
Know about what? The story? There was an article published about it recently, they're going for a "kratos has changed and thinks being angry is bad" angle
>"kratos has changed and thinks being angry is bad"
Right but you don't know what the actual message is.
So far all we know is that Kratos sees unrelentless rage in his own son just as he saw it in himself and he doesn't like that. It is a grim reality so he wants to teach his son that putting a lid on it can be beneficial and is needed if you want to be smart etc.
He isn't saying that violence is bad or that anger is 100% bad. He just has a more nuanced perspective. Isn't that acceptable?
I have no opinion on the game, but the wife's son shitposting is my sole reason for visiting these threads
Also, use next to no RPG elements.
Also, make combat decent with Kratos bouncing wildly around the arena reaping and tearing.
Also, use old camera type.
Also, jump button and wild aerial combos that are actually hard to pull off.
Also, blood and gore.
Also, agressive enemies that can easily overrun the player if he stays still for five seconds.
Also, no invulnerability on dodges.
Also, no QTE.
>your mom or sister
Totally relevant. Feel free to stop posting and end yourself any time.
>what the actual message is
I bet it's "kill all nazi frogs" at best.
Why are you so fucking assmad?
Are you a F2M tranny or some shit? Hows it feel to have a broken plastic dick you soulless ginger retard?
What combos man? Gow was never a game like dmc or ninja gaiden, it was a mashfest filled with cinematic quick time events. A mediocre hack n slash game with stupid slow puzzles where you move pillars and other kinds of shit around, then a wave of enemies where you spam square or simple combos like square square triangle to destroy everything in your way, nothing like bayonetta for example.
u mad
Half of this shit never existed in this series. Sounds like you need to go play DMC. Also no invulnerability on dodges just sounds like retarded gameplay design.
Looks boring. Walk -> Watch cinematics -> pound buttons to kill -> Walk again -> Watch cinematics -> smash buttons randomly to kill people -> rinse and repeat.
Id pay money to experience a serious delivery of that message.
I need that laugh.
>playing Daddy Age: "X"squisition
>never existed in this series
Yes, those are improvements.
>retarded gameplay design
You may actually be right. It's not good to pull it out right from the start.
>Higher difficulty removes dodge invulnerability
Now it's good.
No i just think that there is certain nuance you don't know about without experience.
Look at the top of your picture. That is why.
Woah, it's exactly like the other five games of the franchise.
Try tumblr.
People there try too hard, though.
battlefield 1 took this UI style and ran home with it. so soulless and boring.
No, not having dodge invulnerability will have your game teetering on the edge of feeling straight up unfair and less like a good old challenge. Low i-frames is fine though.
I don't know why you want them to turn GoW into DMC though. Kind of misses the point of the original series.
Yeah but it isn't serious enough. I want to see a $40-$50 million dollar shot at it.
I can't believe people are actually defending this cinematic dad simulator. This has to be the most blatant "made by committee" games I've ever seen. They looked at all the shit that sells well with normals and jammed it into one game and then painted a different IP on top to make it look new.
This unfortunely. The only reason Bloodborne gets recognized as the only game for the PS4 is because it's made by the same people as Dark Souls and shitting too much on BB would indirectly be shitting on DS They'll still say DS is alot better though. It also helps that theyre Japanese and not western ofcourse.
>Greek God Murder Machine Kratos finishes his journey after the nth game
>let's bring him back as Responsible Norse Father Kratos!
great idea sony. absolutely no one will see through your shit.
This isn't new user. Horizon, Zelda, Mario, Labo, Monhun, Asscreed and FC5 already went through it this past few months. That game is not exempted no matter how much 'bbbut nintendo' gets inserted into sony threads.
nah your wrong. I can take any FPS game and do the same thing. I can take skyrim and compare it to kingdom come. Literally everything can be compared like that you moron