This is your Assassin for tonight.
This is your Assassin for tonight
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Hots team too pure for this world
>tfw Fenix beats the FUCK out if death in game too
>Do not judge a Dragoon by the path they choose to walk
what did he mean by this?
What are the two purple things bottom left of health bar?
Weapon mode toggle. Purple is a single target laser that increases his attack speed, blue is the traditional Dragoon photon blast that has increased range and aoe damage.
this is fucking ugly as shit
He has it set to potato mode
Poor quality webm + he's obviously playing with low settings, as evident by Malthael exploding on death instead of ragdolling.
are there actually people who have computers that can't handle a SC2 engine game on Ultra?
HotS on Ultra is like the one game I can play at those settings and still get locked 60FPS
It's a free game, he could be from some shithole.
I take it you never played the OG Starcraft. Dragoon pathfinding was legendarily retarded.
>locked at 60fps
You know you literally can't get more than 60 fps, right? Anything above that is just a meaningless number, your eyes can't differentiate between 60 fps and 120 fps or 500000 fps.
locked still means no drops
Oh shit did he release?
This is your sniper tonight
PTR, but that just means he's only 1 or 2 weeks away tops.
Thanks. How is he?
Recomedn me a carry for dragon shire, and dont say specialist, you cant push shit with everybody going up and down the entire match
This is your sex partner for the night.
I haven't played against people yet so I couldn't say for sure.
How will this benefit me?
>1 or 2 weeks
It'd have to be next week. Maiev was the February hero and he's the March hero.
Malthael doesn't have a ragdoll animation, he has a shorter version of his death animation from D3.
You have poor eyesight then, 60fps looks good but higher looks better, I’m sure there are diminishing returns after say 100
Yes but he doesn't explode like the low quality setting death animation either, which was my point.
You just think it looks better because you're trying to validate your hardware
Ive played all this time on High/Ultra and never knew there's settings that get rid of ragdolls
Ragdolls are one of the best parts of the game, how could anyone enjoy HotS without them. Especially when you kill someone with Leoric's Q.
Are you playing real matches or AI matches? I've only played AI and I can't fucking stand Dragon Shire, the bots will never stop going between the top and bottom shrines, so I have to push all on my own the entire time or I have to sit in the middle waiting to swipe the dragon to get them to stop running around. I always assumed it was just an AI problem but I worry it might be a problem in normal games too.
>play AI matches
>AI D.Va never gets back into her mech unless she dies
>AI Junkrat always picks RIP-Tire and leads it out in a straight line from himself, then back
>developers telling you exactly how you should be playing the character
massive red flag of a shit game
I just opened a box and got D.Va. Is she as broken in this game as she is in overwatch?
Mate I only have a 60fps monitor, but our eyes can react to a 1ms rate which means theoretically we could see up to 1000fps, you need to stop with this whole “our eyes can only see limited movement” shit, if that were the case you’d only see people around you move in a stuttered step like they were animated
>AI Lucio goes into speed mode then just moves back and forth endlessly without doing anything else, even if you're in the middle of fighting in a lane
Despite originally getting into this game because of OW, I've found myself hating every one of the characters they'd added so far.
Yes, yes she is.
Basically the whole reason I love playing with settings set to high. That, and all the ass in this game.
Her Matrix isn't as good since it's only a damage reduction instead of outright eating and denying everything, but otherwise yeah she's pretty solid. For some wacky reason, out of MEKA is like in the top 5 strongest auto attackers.
Is he still voiced by Bill Roper?
Idk why they made them like they did. The expanding collision box while moving must be the dumbest thing ever made.
Isn't D.Va's pistol really strong in overwatch if you can actually land all your shots?
no, it's Marc Graue
No it's the Talandar VA.
Fun fact, Talandar's VA did the male voices in Hotel Mario and helped make this.
Not really, it's not awful but it's basically as strong as Mercy's pistol is. It's mid to low in overall damage output, it only feels strong since it's much more reliable than the normal guns would be so you get overall more damage out of it.
>tfw no peter cullen fenix
The old VA said he'd like to do it but he was a former Blizzard employee who left on bad terms. Blizzard recasts a lot since all their old voices were employees and Metzen is pretty much the only one still there.
>people so dumb they need to be told
I doubt that because Maiev's WC3 VA had her throat destroyed and still got recasted.
at least they used Michael McConnohie for his roles and had Steve Blum voice Rexxar
Who needs butcher when you can be a big dumb crab
What's the match he's talking about of a Dragoon and a shield battery beating an entire Terran army?
is this on low?
pros play on lower settings for some reason
>torn shirt
>big rack
A)Lower odds of frame drops
B)Low graphics means things like Foilage are less likely to reduce visability. Big issue in shooters, people playing on low tend not to see the grass people hide in.
I want to breed a demon
>thinking this is LoL
>Varian changes
>is a spider
How new?
What did they do to him? And don't just say "gutted him", I want specifics.
Zealot form ideas got rolled into Artanis.
you're right
it's somehow worse
>first mission bab
It's okay son, maybe you'll get to the third mission when you're all grown up
>demotion match
>huemonkey in the team
>moving the goalpost
Let me guess, you call HotS a dota-like?
Nerfs across the board (health, damage).
But his ults are now level 4 to offer earlier play making since early game is more dominant now.
Shield Wall nerfed (with Live by the Sword also gone).
But that's ok, Lion's Fang heals now for piss all instead of being another slow.
See for yourself
>gets heroic at lv4
>they shave off about 20% from health and damage
>Q heals
>W gutted
>team comp that would be amazing with communication (murky and zag can push like mad cunts)
>one of them talks in nothing but moonrune
>murky and zagara
a solid murky is probably the best split pusher in the entire game, idk what you mean.
played that cunt up to gold more than once.
you're the one who brought up LoL, chico
Splitpushing stops working past gold so I can't relate to your meme strat ranklet
>Get a Murky one game after not seeing him for ages.
>Tell him to get the stun at 10 and join us when we need him otherwise split push.
>He actually listens and makes great plays on the mage/healer.
Murky Main here
you are probably right
I'm a level 60 Lili player
Should I uninstall this game or just kill myself
>buffed on PTR
>highest winrate in all leagues
Fun and good!
This will only affect bad Varians.
telling you guys, a good murky is a godsend. if he understands just how fucking annoying and unkillable he can be, along with the sneaky damage he can put out, he'll carry you just fine.
I run hots on ultra and get 90-120 fps If I turn of vysnc
>20% flat stat cut
>only hurt bad Varians
>there are people who don't use the Alarak announcer
>no longer king of fuck mountain when using Taunt
>dual blades still useless
>Colossus still rapes
Only. The bad. Varians.
clips.twitch tv/CrispyEvilOxDeIlluminati
I'm working on it but it's expensive and I refuse to spend more then $1 per hour of playtime.
I'm waiting on a Li-Ming annoucer.
how does Sup Forums feel about them adding Carbot stuff?
>Hnnnnnggggh, acceptable
I have an Intel N Series with 2 gb of ram struggling to run the OS.
I can start SC2 on lowest possible settings, but even then it lags sometimes. I need like 4 gb of ram to play it without problem
>lol what are you, poor
Indeed, living in Venezuela and being able to afford a laptop aren't things that go hand in hand, at least the laptop only cost me 90 dollars, brand new
I fucking love carbot so bless
Why would you tell lies like that?
indifferent like 99% of all the aesthetic shit thats useless they add to pad out loot boxes
I just like the feeling after a game when someone dms me and thanks me for the heals.
I love his dehaka, stukov and ragnaros. Won't use any since my avatar is permanently deathwing