Redflags in video games?

Redflags in video games?

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Looks more like a green flag to me

holy shit shes beautifiul

Sup Forums recommends it

>Redflags in video games?
OP has a trip

>Tag: Great Soundtrack
This is a major red flag that the game has garbage gameplay.

but Sup Forums recommends deuce sex

Haven't played xenoblade 2 yet but what the fuck I thought it was a kids game post moar of that slut

Is that a question?

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If you haven't played how did you know she was from Xenoblade?

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bad game

Is this game actually good? I want to get another game for the Switch and these girls are ridiculous and excite my penis but everything I've seen about the combat looks fucking stupid.

Sup Forums also recomended XBC,and that games great. XCB2 looks just as good despite the weeb/otaku bait.

>anime artstyle
>popular western game
>pixel/2d indie
these are the 3 biggest redflags and encapsulate all others that are actually trash

It was my GOTY, but it isn't for everyone. try to emulate the first game and see how you like it.

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Yeah, I played the first game on 3DS and upon the first fight, I died then turned the game off and returned it. I really fucking hated it but it might have been because it was on the 3DS. Maybe its something that takes getting used to?

>what the fuck I thought it was a kids game
It's all a part of the plan.

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Sup Forums doesn't even care enough to shitpost about it

>1 death causes you to quit
dont get 2 then, the start is slow as hell

A tripfag is posting about it and dislikes it

>> Yep if nu Sup Forums recommends or shills anything it’s a fucking disaster
>> ironic in their search for the next tortanic they became it

>died on the first fight
i wonder when casuals first invaded Sup Forums

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When the main "girl" is plagarized from the artists previous light novel series.

Or guest artists in general. Nothing good ever comes out of it besides fapbait.

she is perfection

>tfw havent touched the game in 2 months
>Still in Morythra and have no desire to finish game
I mean, it was fun at first, but this last portion has become a real fucking slog

Its a retarded fucking battle system. Takes the worst parts of MMO combat but its ok now because its not turn based except it basically is. Doesnt help that it was on the 3DS screen and everything was tiny as fuck

So every game that is not mainstream or has an anime art style should be avoided?

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>I thought it was a kids game
I'm sorry, user. It's a weebs game now. Your next favorite franchise is catering to otakus now.

I didn't know it was possible to lose that fight.
How bad at video games can you be?

Posting best girl

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>Your next favorite franchise is catering to otakus now.
You're not wrong.

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Third post the best post.

show me the back senpai

When the AI sucks. If it's as good as pic related, it's a green light.

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Always cute and fierce.

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>early access

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Truly nothing is sacred

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>Its a retarded fucking battle system
Literally too complex for you lol

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