How come everything he's made since RE2 and DMC has been a massive failure?

How come everything he's made since RE2 and DMC has been a massive failure?

Attached: Hideki_Kamiya_2014_September.png (475x360, 174K)

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Viewtiful Joe was a modest hit.

People don't have taste, play W101 and you'll be convinced that it's impossible to hate Kamiya

There's no way Okami is still a failure after it's being released on practically everything.

because he was always a hack. He only said good stuff about SJWs but other than that he is a glorified Kojima

He’s the Japanese Tameem.

The Wonderful 101 made me fall in love with videogames all over again when I thought I was growing out of the hobby, so I'll never be able to hate him. If there's anybody reading this who finds them missing the good old PS2 days where AA titles reigned supreme, you owe it to yourself to play W101.

Stop making my play Space Harrier in all your games you squinty bald bastard

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He bought into his own hype

Because he decided he wanted to make worse versions of SEGA arcade games.


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Tbh W101 was so good that every subsequent video game I've played felt vastly inferior in comparison, I can't tell if my standards have been set unrealistically high or if most new games are just shit

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Anyone who actually blocks someone on twitter is a massive cunt.

I love you, guys. I love you so much.

He should make a game that sells if he's so great

He was just pretending to be talented

>amazing graphics in recent Capcom games

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I'd be the same way. I'm surprised he came here at all, knowing that this is the place that keeps track of his failures.

Does this guy really block you even if you ask the most benign question ever, simply because it's already been asked?

It could have been massively improved. Instead of slowly running, we need a mach 9 option.

ask your mom

Resident Evil 7 looks pretty good

True, basically anything that isnt a fighting game or Dead Rising they've been doing a good job with lately. Im just jaded I guess.

What's he been up to ever since Scalebound got cancelled

That's what makes me wonder what kind of retards would openly ask him questions, knowing his track record with English speakers.

Well, Okami came at the end of the PS2 era so people weren't really interested in PS2 games anymore, but the rest just lacked mass appeal.

Viewtiful Joe is fun but quirky, how many people would it actually appeal to?

Bayonetta wasn't a failure but it wasn't the roaring success Sega wanted it to be so they acted like it was.

W101 was on the WiiU so not already not a huge crowd gathering to play that one, and that potential audience diminished even more from the unique mechanics and look of the game. Maybe if it comes to the Switch it'll do better.

And I don't have to tell you what happened to Scalebound.

I didn't like TW101 at first, but had everything I liked in videogames, so I tried to get gud until it clicked on me later in chapter 3. I loved the Vorkken fights, I fucking loved the references and the ending was heartwarming. It's the most fun game I played in this generation

Attached: wonderful expected.jpg (1024x1328, 394K)

Fake. That man is not that articulate with his English and I'm pretty sure Kamiya would never refer to his games as "anime-style." That's what we call it, not them.

THIS is how he talks. Notice the grammar?

Attached: kamiya responce.jpg (1200x1123, 131K)

It isn't fake. It was a shitstorm that day

Getting a bunch of ports doesn't mean much, Darkstalkers has gotten a bunch of ports and none of them sold well. Although despite what people will tell you it actually sold well in its initial arcade run.

fucking kek

Attached: kamiya.png (606x1087, 648K)

Well the other one's not fake either and it's in response to an article ABOUT that tweet.

I still say that first one is WAY too articulate and grammatically correct to come from him but it's hard to know how and what is going on.


Kamiya is literally insane. He flip-flops like every other tweet. He is so smug when he is an inch right then blocks you but goes flip mad when he's wrong and block you.

>Creates games exclusively on consoles that main demographic doesn't own
>No Advertising
>Games have no story or likable characters with Dante being the exception
>Gameplay is a niche genre and is repetitive

Nier Automata got everything right, hack and slash but wider appeal, marketing, story, characters, released on PS4 and Windows and brilliant music.
And Granblue Fantasy Re-Link looks amazing but I don't think Hideki had a big role in those games.

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Because his studio got canned for shit sales, so he wanted to have revenge on Capcom and looked at their most popular series and wanted to make it better, but he couldn't.
And it's a shame, I'm still waiting for something like God Hand on modern consoles with even better gameplay, nowadays beat em up games as a genre is long dead sadly.

Hes not wrong though. 4 felt like a game 5 generations behind Bayonetta when they released a year or so apart. Imagine if they merged the best parts of DMC with DD for example? I have no doubt Capcom is aware of this, either, given their 8th track record of making their games more accommodating. To mostly success if you ignore SFV’s first year and MvC Infinite. World and RE7 hit it out of the park, and you can be sure they are looking to keep DMCs style but pull inspirations from other well-received franchises.

DMC4 is a better game despite being 60% done than Bayo

lol no

In other words the next DMC should become a third person over the shoulder 'action adventure' game with a crafting and XP system where Dante snaps to the enemies to ensure the player doesn't have to struggle with simple things like directional attacks, a literal tutorial for where the boss bar is located, and a companion that's required to progress through the level. Oh and No jump button.

No market for his anime-style japanesey games, tumblr types think his stuff is too sexist, and the average western gamer gets turned off games if they aren't gritty and brown and Eurocentric as possible.

yes bayo has worse combat which is the main draw to these games ontop of having garbage mini games and QTE's

Well DMC5 will release ideally in January 2019, and if it’s been in development for 4 years by that point, then it’s too late to copy something from God of War, but who knows. Crafting a couple weapons you don’t get from beating bosses and a better camera would be good starts.
>worse combat
No, Bayonetta enemies pose a real threat instead of being training dummies. The freestyle combos also set it apart from previous action games which all had dial-a-combo moves.
>garbage minigames
Angel Attack missing from 2 was a dossapointmemt, though
Only casuals who play the game once, ie modern reviewers, complained about them. It’s the same button every time and there’s only a handful of them. What you fail to understand is that Bayonetta is the perfect arcade game experience, replicated into a game that was never in arcades in a year long after arcade culture died. Everything about the game is meant to keep you on your toes, unexpected curveballs with QTE, gameplay transitions with Highway 666, Space Harrier, etc, and enemies that deny you witchtime such as Gracious and Glorious. Much like your first go at any arcade game, you might complain it feels cheap and unfair, but they are not random aspects of the game. They show up precisely in the same places all the time, they are expected, and the player is expected to master them like they would master the ins and outs of an arcade game for a 1CC. Bayonetta doesn’t require quarters from you, though, instead the game requires pride. Everyone gets silver or stone on their first run, it’s a matter of mentality wether you continue or not. To complain about the QTEs in Bayonetta is to complain that red soldiers in Time Crisis shoot lethal bullets.

tl;dr shut the fuck up

arcades were shit and QTE's even unchanging ones are shit

I mean I loved TW101 but no.

Easily the best Wii U game and most deserving one of a port to the Switch for a second chance, but there have been other games just as good like Bloodborne. I remember when titles like these were the norm, not the exception, however.

I gave my friend my copy of Bayonetta 1 and 2 when I got a qte at the end of a 5 minute long cutscene in the first. The game was boring and I hated all the characters

These Kamiya excuses for why his games don't sell are pretty weak. This guy made a successful game.

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People don't want the sort of games he makes anymore. All people want is cinematic shit, open world shit, first-person shit, and sandbox shit.

get a load of this retard

I love arcade games but Bayo is nothing like it. It's pretty easy owing to the use of a dodge button (no arcade beat em ups had dodge mechanics even a tenth as good as Bayos) and the infinite continues. Going for score isn't comparable either because you keep your scores across 1 credit, not that a game only being tough if playing for score is remotly arcade-like

Maybe he was just never that great and Microsoft was totally justified in cancelling Scalebound because it wasn't shaping up to be a very good game.

>The Wonderful 101
Me and my monster cock love The Wonderful 101 . Kamiya-san is GOAT

>didn’t beat the game on NSIC




The music wasn't really platinum's doing. Neither was the story. Square was responsible for the marketing, and likely responsible for greenlighting where the game released.

Not saying Platinum didn't do a good job with the gameplay, because they did. But a lot of the things you praise had nothing to do with Platinum.

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>Viewtiful Joe
>The Wonderful 101

Name me a game director with a more perfect track record as a director than him.

I'll wait.

How did nier get popular and sell well? I don’t doubt it’s a good game but everything Taro has done before was incredibly niche and critics hated them. What happened differently this time?

>Forgets the disaster that was scalebound.
Luckily Microsoft did him a favor and canceled it because it looked like utter complete shit.

Presuming "creative director," isn't "director," I think Yoko Taro tops him, Drakengard 1 and all.

Better gameplay. Honestly, the story was pretty bland compared to D1 and NieR, but way better than D3, which is only marginally better than D2.

scalebound isnt a game that exists. does not count.

>Ask him a simple question
Does he really expect people to wade through his endless shit posts when he tweets like 63 tweets a day?

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W101 is a heap of shit

Meanwhile, you can ask Taro Yoko whatever the fuck you want on his facebook page (he accepts all friend requests), and there's a good chance he'll answer in a non-mysterious way if he's allowed to, while apologizing for his poor English, in case he misunderstood the question.

>newfag gets told to lurk more
Oh how soft everyone has become.

Look at it from his perspective. Dude is pretty active there and tries to reply to every mention both in Japanese and English. He rarely ignore messages and people know that so instead of making a quick search with that twilog tool they would rather clog his timeline asking him the same shit again just to get a @. It's not a big deal for you because you are asking it for the first time, but he has to deal with the same shit many times every day. You all need some restraint.

He just needs to ignore messages instead of sperging out like a retard when any one of his fans asks him a question thats been asked years ago.

why does he RT the way he does? I've seen Harada do it aswell. Is it a Japanese thing?

hes an asshole, karma is fucking him in the ass 24/7

I love this man

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Kamiya spends way too much fucking time on Twitter, he doesn't even do anything development-related and just blocks weebs all day.

He slept in the offices for development of W101 because of his work. At least pretend to know what you’re talking about

He only sleeps in his office because he's too busy tweeting to keep track of time.

Maybe if he hopped off twitter, he'd be able to complete a day's work within a reasonable time, then go home and get a good night's sleep, improving his work. As someone who has had to sleep at work before, I can tell you that there's no way it won't affect your work's quality.

>How did nier get popular and sell well?
Butts. That's why. Most people I've met that decided to play did so because they saw 2bs butt.

Switch port when?

Depends on your definition. Financial success doesn't mean good by a long shot. The market is retarded.


2B's butt.

In hindsight, Nier would've been a success if Kaine was the main character rather than the ugly father/fuccboi brother.