When will Sup Forums admit western gaming is run by degenerate jews and brainwashed white trash?
When will Sup Forums admit western gaming is run by degenerate jews and brainwashed white trash?
When the neogaf/redditt refugees are finally banished
I thought realism was important?
Country chick has nice lips and I can clearly tell it's a woman. There must be a worse example you could use.
A lot of Western artists are so concerned with realism and politics that they just churn out garbage and act like it's valuable. They're all trying so hard to continue the Greco-Roman tradition of realistic form and we only get horse-faced apes instead of something we actually want to see.
Not for making realistic characters.
but very few women look ugly like EA/Ubisoft/Bethesda 3D models. Even in argetina there are a lot of decent white women with a very decent 7/10 face without make up
>potato face vs alpha cheekbones
Why do western devs put moles and zits on character's faces?
If I wanted to see ugly people I would just walk outside
no-one is denying it
The settings affect the designs you know
When will Sup Forums admit they just like anime and Japanese crap because they are weebs with Peter Pan syndrome?
>weebs are calling westerns degenerates
>when they literally sexualize childern
Do weebs not know what degeneracy means?
girls with pink cheek are good even if they are ugly. That is a kind of realism never implemented in western games
why does anyone think that retards from neogaf would actually want to come here? why would a bunch of fucking sjw's want to migrate to one of the most racist/sexist places on the internet?
I get hating mary sue characters, but what's wrong about women looking realistic? women were fucking ugly during that time-period due to bad hygiene
>Rough and tumble cow girl looks the part
This is a shitty example.
One is a character in a fantasy word and the other is one in a world based on the real one. You cant have a cartoonish looking character in the other setting.
actually Hollywood does, but course you have you your head in the sand.
Anime characters aren't real people either.
The one on the right is supposed to be a historical game, therefore it is only logical to use a realistic female.
The one on the left is a pedophilic, chinky cartoon. Anyone who prefers the one on the left should be put on a list because you are a danger to children.
Who makes this same theard every single day?
What in the West ISN'T ran by Jews?
>thin hair, scalp clearly visible
>ugly red blemish on cheek
>dracula collar and fucking airline seat belt collar?
>alien proportions
>country girl braid
>cute freckles
>thematically consistent outfit
>full, feminine lips
>why would a bunch of fucking sjw's want to migrate to one of the most racist/sexist places on the internet?
Not everyone from GAF was an SJW tard some people just wanted to discuss video games.
I unironically thought the right pic was from a TV show because of the low quality resolution
>its just a cartoon guiz XD
Yeah go tell people that and try to convince them you arent fucked in the head
"[Children] aren't real people either"
I'm sure that defense would stand in a court of law.
stop touching AAA garbage
the girl on the right is hot as fuck she looks like maebe from arrested development but less chubby.
would fuc the life out of her definitely hotter than chick on left.
It's not the fact that i do t like western female character designs,it's the fact that most of them look fuck ugly. Could you imagine playing Uncharted if Nathan Drake was ugly?
why not both?? ?
left is a fantasy world where you can look perfect and never break a sweat, right is a more realistic depiction of a woman who has to work in a time when noone had runnin water.
I enjoy both setting.. but hey, you enjoy limiting your options.
>world based on the real one
Yo why the fuck is the rage boomerang chick there? I thought we would forget about that really bad Id software game
10/10 would open a ranch with
b-but hollywood!
we are talking about videogames, weeaboo
>weebs crave the fictional characters
>hollywood rapes children
Moral champions of the world. WOW. Thank god I'm not a weeb.
Games aren't banned in my country like yours.
Despite a literal Jew being in charge of the games, The Last of Us and the Uncharted games have nice looking females but nobody ever brings that up in these threads because its all cherry picking.
Of course Uncharted lost legacy ruined Chloe though.
>girl on the left
>not wearing makeup
You're not very smart, are you?