3DS has games scheduled into at least 2019

>3DS has games scheduled into at least 2019
>Switch is just a bunch of empty promises of games we haven't even seen yet
Who fell for the "Switch will get all of Nintendo's support" meme? Feeling pretty stupid, personally.

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Get a life.

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Well you should since Nintendo said over and over that they were supporting the 3DS, that the Switch is not a replacement, and that support would be continued up until 2018 or 2019 at the very least.

How the fuck is there a platformwar between the 3DS and the Switch? That's fucking bizarre.

Salty early adopters salty as usual. 3DS might be horrible underpowered but it's a mature platform while Switch is still in its infancy. Just give it another year or two and it should improve.

Always has been between Nintendo's consoles and handhelds. Switch might be portable but it's still a home console. Its games are $60, they don't feel like handheld games, and its battery life is shit

I'd imagine it was brought on by the endless "perfect for Switch" or "pls port to Switch" or "why is this not on Switch" memesters who clogged all discussion of 3DS titles on many websites and dampened the attitudes towards many cheap new 3DS titles.
They're incessant if you've seen them.

it's just Sup Forums being autistic as fuck and making wars over everything they can

>3DS has games scheduled into at least 2019
not really, 3ds is basically done

also its looking like we're not getting dq11 3ds at all

Attached: 3ds releases.png (969x540, 41K)

3DS isn't completely dead till Nintendo can release a $100 Swtich, which incidentally will probably happen in 2020.
There's no doubt the 3DS is on its way out though.

It's always been like that with Nintendo consoles and handhelds. Now that Nintendo has made a console you can take with you, the argument has gotten much worse.

>Not keeping a box of emergency rations

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Surely they won't port LM without adding 3D, right? Why bother remaking luigi's mansion, a game originally tested for 3D stereoscopic imaging, if they're not putting 3D in it?

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I have that but it's all on my SD card

Those are a bunch of games unlike the swich.

Stolen copies don't count user.

You can't steal what doesn't exist.

your words, not mine. Piracy confirmed to not matter :^)

he borrowed those from his rich friend who made digital backups for his own use, which includes letting friends borrow them.

i ruined your pirate/stolen argument.
please copy past this if you want to win all the time when idiots say stupid shit >=^D

>dont be me
>fall for the switch meme
>buy it with xenotetas 2: Electric Boogaloo
>game is fun, runs like fucking shit in handheld modo
>system dramatically overheats in dock mode unless i slap a mini fan on the side
>heats considerebly in handheld mode but not alarming like docked
Am i fuked? Faulty switch? And im not exaggerating when i say it REALLY gets hot while docked playing xenotits 2. Is actually concerning

Remember when the 3DS had fuckall for 2 years?

The switch gets hot in docked, really hot, nothing to worry about though.

Switch can pump over 107 degree on heavy use, aka BotW, Xeno, ect.

user i freaked out when i touched that thing. People said the switch is lit but i wasnt expecting it to be literal. Also with my mini fan. Should it be placed behind the dock or being on the side works fine? I mean it cools it off but i fear that the heat would be pushed to the side of the plastic where the battery is

When you can't pick a fight with MS or Sony due both having no games, you pick a fight with a console within the same company.
Dont you remember the (N)3DS vs (N)3DS XL threads?

as long as you don't have it covered in blankets orlocked in an airtight box, you don't have to worry about overheating.

The "extra cooling" fan are a scam too btw they're not going to make or break your switch overheating or being fine.

If your device starts graphically glitching or shutting down THEN you have an overheating problem, otherwise you're just being paranoid

I too wonder how the heat will affect battery longevity though.