You best be ready for the direct it's an early one so set your clocks but in the meantime which character do you think they'll reveal tomorrow?
You best be ready for the direct it's an early one so set your clocks but in the meantime which character do you think they'll reveal tomorrow?
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to be honest, i thought it was an indie game thing, why would they have a smash reveal during an indie game event?
Smash for sans
>Nindies showcase
>Realistic Guess
You're mom
>Crazy Guess
There is no direct you titanic moron
if an indie character makes it in then smash has no integrity left
Indie rep perhaps? But yeah I agree we wont hear about smash till E3 probably
Nah still nothing
>middle of a lecture
Kill me
There won't be anything tomorrow Smash-related.
Well I mean then understale rep would be shown
There wont be a smash character revealed. Just indie shit
>smash reveal
>listed as indie games for switch
Op gay
>Realistic guess
It's a port
>CRAZY guess
It's a port with working online
I wanna see still
Just so i can watch threads pop up created by mad smashfags
So is this whole Sans for Smash thing because Sans is technically an Indie character?
LITERALLY SANS IS BEING SHOWN TOMORROW GET HYPE or Travis Touchdown since it's an Indie title now
If hollow knight isn't announced I'm going to fucking shit
That will be glorious.
>realistic guess
Quote lol no it's nothing
>crazy guess
The main character of Kero Blaster.
I’m probably going to poop anyways
It’s a new day we’ll see how it goes
Nothing is coming, as it's indies focused
All the "leakers" come on screen and announce they're charlatans seeking online fame.
it's already been announced
we need a release date, which is hopefully within the next 7 days
If its coming in 2018 i fully expect Nintendo to have a reveal for every direct i doubt they wil announce 50 + during a 50 minute E3 direct.
They don't need to announce that
>using literally as figuratively
Toby Fox just made a random tweet, he doesn't know shit
Its the big title for e3
Last year it was Odyssey
Now its smash
>Its the big title for e3
I'd say that belongs to Smash, Pokemon Switch and Metroid 4
Absoultely nothing regarding Smash, hope we get some indies like hotline miami 1 and 2
Travis for Smash, as for the indies, really hope papers please gets on switch so more people can play it.
Glory to Arstotzka
My guess is that there will be no smash reveal.
It is a indie showcase. expect indie games.
You will get nothing smash related until E3 at the earliest.
>Trophy in Smash 4
>New game coming in May, will be featured tomorrow
>Indie rep who isn't full blown cancer
It's his time.
>E3 at the earliest.
Game comes out in 8 months so I doubt E3 will be the first.
Motion controls to stamp papers
>Skelevirgin getting in before Shovel Chad
Always bet on Duke.
>Realistic guess
>Crazy guess
I tried it on the vita briefly but I don't really like what they did with the interface. I wouldn't really want it on switch if they kept it the same.
Mainline Pokemon games have never been revealed in a Direct.
I was thinking of the vita port and thought if it's on vita, they should just transfer that layout to the switch, but I haven't seen gameplay of the vita port yet.
Yep, it doesn't look that good, especially how you can see the person when you're reviewing their documents, to see if they match with height, look, etc. If there was a switch version, they probably would change the interface again since it isn't always in handheld mode...
I just want a Hollow Knight release date. Also wishful thinking that will never happen but I'd take an Ori port on switch
They literally just unveiled that shit, there's a 0% of anything smash related happening tomorrow. Will just be a bunch of indie shit no one really cares about.
>what is E3 2017
>indie character in smash
Get your fedora shit outta here
I fully expect to get nothing Smash related until E3.
Since it is so obviously a port.
They don't have to showcase much of shit. They have no time to show anything for a new game.
This is Nintendo we are talking about. it takes them a year or 2 to release a iconic IP.
there is no smash reveal, this is just retards getting their hopes up so they can all shit post about how bad the direct is tomorrow
USUM were revealed in the Pokemon Direct before that.
the dudes from contra
Anyone thinks we'll see anything about Smash again before E3 is a moron
Normally I'd agree with you, but then again I thought anyone hoping for anything Smash-related in the last direct was a moron. So with my newfound humility, I'll have to say that it's unlikely, but possible.
Honestly I'm expecting one of the games big gimmicks to be playable "bosses", akin to Tatsunoko vs Capcom's Giants. They already took one step closer to this putting them in regular versus matches in Smash as hazards
Would be available only in a special Versus setting so no bringing Ridley/A.Exeggutor/Egg Walker into a ranked queue or something
Tomorrows direct is literally confirmed indie only shit. There is no way they would unveil anything in some random broadcast no one cares about. The only indie character who could even possibly have a chance is Quote I would say and even then he's NEVER EVER tier.
Yes it is!
Realistic: Neku (TWEWY)
Crazy: Raguna (Rune Factory)
Nah, we'll be lucky to get more than a short trailer for Metroid, and Pokemon will get its own direct. Both are probably 2019 games. e3 will be smash-focused for nintendo
>slamming on Quote as indieshit despite starting as freeware
Edmund is a hack, but at least he's made some good games. Shantae and Shovel Knight aren't SHIT, but they're a part of the kickstarter cancer that's plagued the indie scene for ages now, so fuck that. I wouldn't want Quote in it, but at least he'd have a decent movelist. Shovel Knight and Shantae are more likely imo though, but Shantae would require more effort since they'd have to make models for her transformations unless they wanted to keep it really basic, so it'd probably be Shovel Knight. Making a moveset for Meat Boy would really be stretching it, even Duck Hunt Dog had more to work with.
Pls I just want release dates for Terraria and Hollow Knight. Maybe some more footage of Runner 3 too.
I have wanted Travis Touchdown in Smash back before Brawl was out. I feel like he may have a better shot this time around
What time?
retard why would they announce new characters before they even show the game
No one. You retarded Smash shitters think literally everything Nintendo does revolves around that series. They say what it entails. There's absolutely no reason to assume otherwise.
>Realistic guess
>Crazy Guess
Literally fucking anything, you moron
He's in a good spot
Real talk.
Has a character been announced, outside of E3, in a Nintendo direct that wasn't dedicated to Smash?
Little Mac and Rosalina both just got stealth dropped.
Greninja was in the Smash Direct.
Lucina/Robin were part of the "Monado Monday" trailer upload they played up.
Can't remember shulk, who was the last pre-release trailer, or duck hunt.
And then Bowser Jr. was just done in the "Here's what smash WiiU will have!" mini direct.
Source on direct?
man, If nintendo has proven somethign is that you cannot predict wha tthe fuck are they thinking on.
no-fuckign body except them has any idea of what the hell are they thinking or aiming for. I mean just look at the fucking Nintendo Labo, nobody could have ever predicted such a bizzare move, yet it¿s sold out. even before people had the opportunity to try it out.
And they make some other stupid-as-fuck decisions, like delaying the Virtual Console so fucking much and Charging $50 for the glorified tech demo 1-2-Switch or when they released MP Federation Force, or AC Amiibo Festival, the list goes on and on.
But you just cant be one step ahead of this fuckers.
>Inb4 meme spacing
Shit I guess you have a point
Realistic: Some ARMS shit.
Crazy: Shantae!
Those are just general or Smash specific directs. If they don't announce any "special surprises" for other directs there's absolutely no reason to assume there will be anything.
Realistic: Nothing
Crazy: Quote
Realistically? Nothing.
Crazy: Travis Touchdown. He's not indie but he's going to be in a game with a bunch of "indie games". That's the closest Nintendo will go and Sakurai will be laughing all the way to the bank.
You are right
Crazy how nintenbros say that the switch is the best platform for indie games, and they don't even care about the event tomorrow showing off MANY likely great indie games. All they care about is smash.
No reveal because it's a nindies showcase
That's what I was meaning, nobody in Smash 4 was announced in a non-related direct. There were individually dropped trailers (Mac, Rosa, Lucina + Robin). Part of a "Smash Direct" (Greninja, Junior), or just E3 in general (Villager, WFT, Megaman, Pacman, Palutena, and Mii Fighters). I was making sure if Shulk or Duck Hunt were or were not the same case.
No smash announcement
Next amount of information is going to be E3, where it will be the "main game" shown off for the year, like BotW and Odyssey before it.
none it's a nindie showcase
there wont be just OP trying to make another reason to start the 100th Smash thread
It's going to be rex desu
The Inkling are the exception (as someone mentioned) but that's probably a special case.
They're not indie though.
The inklings are a special case probably because it was a fucking no-brainer for them to be in Smash. In fact, there would have been widespread confusion and disappointment if they WEREN'T in Smash. So there's no problem revealing that in an unrelated direct
how many hours left?
if it's a smash reveal during an indie game showcase, there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it, it's going to be Shovel Knight.
cap this post if you want to, it's the only thing that makes sense.
This is the most retarded thread I've seen all day.
Implying Sakurai gives a shit about western indie games.
Sakurai is a man of character. He masturbates to Touhou and then keeps it out of his work life.
Wait, there's a direct tomorrow?
Don't get your hopes up. It's all about Indie trash.
I think the only good thing to ever come from these things was Master Blaster Zero.
Suda51 and Sakurai are irl friends
Travis Touchdown is getting into Smash
Yeah. It was announced a few days ago.