now you fucking tell me
how the fuck does the water element even deal damage
Now you fucking tell me
Are you familiar with hurricanes?
Stand infront of a water hose specialized in cutting metal and tell me how the "it's just water" woll work out. Sound as fucking retarded as faggots thinking steam wont hurt them if they run thrpugh it super fast.
You ever jumped face-first into a pool
how the fuck the wind element even deal damage
i heard only faggots die to wind
High pressure water son. That shit can cut through steel.
Go watch Avatar the Last Airbender. And I do mean the cartoon series, not the shitty ass movie.
that's air fag
you mean air pressure??
again, pressure
Fire doesn't burn without oxygen either retard is it just air too?
>NEET retard thread
Bet you're American too, OP.
Pressure is just an application of force. I don't see how that invalidates the fact that water can do damage.
Jumping face first into a pool isn't pressure you dumb nigger. It's called surface tension and its the reason you die if you fall off a 100 foot bridge.
The most deadly and damaging part of a hurricane is the storm surge you dunce.
Yea WATER pressure
Go to a car wash and stick your hand in front of the pressure washer.
Post results on here please.
Alternatively, do a livestream of yourself keeping your head underwater for 5 minutes.
>can't burn without heat, oxygen, or combustible material
What a faggy element.
>Can't do damage unless it falls on you
Water jet cutters need abrasives to cut harder materials, especially the ones meant for cutting metal. It'd have to be a combination of water and earth magic.
Have you ever been sprayed with a hose with a jet function? It stings, now imagine being blasted by a hydro pump. A hole would easily be blasted through you.
I know you're not talking shit about my boy Zuko
>hits you with 1000 lbs of water pressure in the face
Get in front of a Riot Hose and tell me
>other video games have retarded elemental interactions like water being weak to fire, even though pokemon has established the definitive interactions for 20 years
how the fuck does the light element even deal damage
>Can't exist with carbon dioxide exchange or similar chemical elements
What a faggy element let's just remove it from the table lol.
SMT is older
This is a bait thread, you fucking retards.
>Muh light vs dark
>Holy damage
The same way silver damages vampires.
Just gotta believe.
Aye, and you're posting in one
pokefags btfo
>w-w-w-well water can hurt if you apply hundreds of thousands of PSI to it, a high pressure stream can cut an apple!
Fine, let me apply that same pressure to a stream of rocks and then blast you with it, see if you still appreciate water
healed to death
Holy fuck sometimes I forget how retarded some of the people are on here.
You bitch about magical elements when the mages in these games can reanimate corpses by speaking fast.
It does damage because magic is a made up action that can do whatever the fuck its creators want it to do.
What you do is do a water magic spell, where you make a ball of water and form it over someone’s head and drown them.
Or go the avatar airbender route where you control someone’s body because the human body is a certain percentage water, and you control their body and make them kill themselves.
Light is EMR. Just change up the frequency to microwave someone or blast 'em with gamma rays to cause cancer.
>pokemon has established the definitive interactions
>dark and electricity don't interact in any way
>poison isn't super effective against everything that isn't bug
Look straight into the sun
Yeah and fire literally doesn't exists without other outside forces interacting on it. What's your point retard?
you use the power of faith
then there's dark, which uses the power of....?
Now multiply this by 100
And people are having fun with it instead of being baited, stay butthurt, op
a metre-cubed of water weighs 1 ton, water is heavy
what actually is water anyway?
lack of faith
Or you drain all the water in their body instantly and violently through the holes that their body has.
>t. extract water elemental
boneless ice
Okay Sup Forums, is water wet?
My dick is wet
>3d action game with magic
>it's just elemental rock paper scissors, can't actually interact with the world at all
Hydrogen Bonds, faggot
yes but it's a dry wet
flat club soda
the sensation known as wet applies to when liquid is on another object
therefore, the liquid itself cannot be called wet, technically
Cold off the cob
James Bonds > Hydrogen Bonds
>Still no ARPG that has spell interactions in a meaningful way
It's that thing that your mom produces when I'm around
deep dark fantasy
Boku no Goblin
Goblin Slayer I think.
Most of the damage from hurricanes is storm surge in the right front quadrant. It can be argued that winds heavily contribute to that, but the wind isn't the ultimate problem. It's water with force behind to drive it. Magic is whatever but it's sn acceptable force of varying degrees for driving water. I'd pose a similar argument to Earth damage, or anything physical. If impact is the thing doing the damage, and the force behind is what is driving the scaling damage, then swords and maces and rocks etc can all be boiled down into what the driving force is.
Magic can fling anything at you at whatever force, and different objects have different manipulative properties. Water is as good as anything else.
>play witcher 3
>only upgraded fire attack to light torches more easily
This is making me hurt just looking at it, ouch!
>what is hydrostatic pressure?
>Can't do damage unless the enemy falls in love with you
>bUT DUDE thats just the moon controlling ocean patterns! its not even the water doing it!
this guy gets it
aren't tsunamis and the like actually caused by tectonic plate movements?
>you mean air pressure??
God fucking lord you are awnsering your own fucking question you fucking retard. Just as air can be harmless if you apply presure to it it can be lethal, see
Water is weak to Fire in Pokemon though.
Dark isn't actually darkness but more like dirty fighting. Look at how many dark type moves are based around under handed tactics like knocking off items, insults, etc. I realize that dark pulse and black hole eclipse are more like "darkness" but those moves came much later.
That's like asking how any element does damage, how does earth do damage? It's just rocks, how does air do damage? It's just air.
I only really get annoyed at the nebulous and dumb sounding elements developers include in games that have no conceptual counterpart that doesn't have a thousand different equally valid interpretations. Stuff like "aether" or "blood" or "dark". What does it feel like to get hit by aether damage? It's just so abstract and meaningless, you might as well be taking damage in the type of the letter E.
>MOON type damage
fucking great Idea
>The damage type formerly known as aether
>1 gorrilion years of constant attack
>opponent still not finished off
Blood bending always freaked me out as a kid watching The Last Avatar
I'm not really talking about blood bending, but just when games have "blood" as a damage type like, say, a sword or spell that deals 50 blood damage, what exactly is that? Am I just smacking someone in the face with a big lump of blood?
haha niggas just walk in front of water jet cutter like haha it won't do you shit
Bad faith
Yeah that's kinda lazy. I do like actual blood magic though (hurting yourself to boost damage). Can go both ways I guess.
>water next to water
>both waters are wet
What games do that? I know bleeding damage is a thing, but I don't think I've ever seen "blood" as a damage type.
>have gate scroll connected to the bottom of the ocean
>plan to use it to flush out a gob nest
>have to waste it on some shitty demon general ogre
>tell him he's weaker than gobs before jamming a sword through his brain
Opens up and swallows you.
It's a difficult question, because water is impossible to describe. One might ask the same about birds. What are birds? We just don't know
The Original Sin games had it right. Water elemental magic can't deal damage outright. It can only be used to make things wet or create puddles.